Hainanese Brides, anyone???


New Member
I juz got home... Ya, thks sherrie & wei how for hosting us.
Stacy.. Ur cake so nice.. Raymond was saying tat ur cake taste better than mine.. Haha.. I muz hire you for my son 1st mth cupcake giveaway liao..

CSI: ur gal so cute.. feel like pinching her cheeks... haha
So sweet slping...


New Member
Oh yes janf, TH was soooo funny! He's really the livewire of the whole gang!

And yes, Stacy, the cakes were such a pretty and very pleasant surprise. Sorry I did not eat them coz cakes are a no-no for me. But really, I still appreciate it very much.

Thanks to the hosts Sherrie and Wei How as well! Their flat is so bright and cherry and windy too

Ok, let me go get my ice cream maker soon and if my experiments are successful, shall invite u all here again for an ice-cream treat.... hehe.... wish me good luck in my experimenting ;-P


New Member
Hi hi! I really enjoy the gathering yday. Nice meeting our new ah mais Michelle and Cheryl. Hope u had fun too.

Thanks to Sherrie and Wei How for hosting, thanks to Stacy for her pretty and tasty cupcakes, thanks to Nellie for her cute gifts, thanks to Sherrie, Nellie and Li Ann for the food, thanks to Huiz, kokolyn, mos, Pris, Petrina for wrapping the gifts. It was really enjoyable.
Sherrie, can send the pix to our emails?

hee.. Li Ann is still as cute when describing her story, though spooky, but TH's sound effect does lighten the mood.

Hope my pimply face did not put all of u off for pregnancy hor. It was a total disaster for me, but no choice. Gynae also said have to ren ren ren. Well, there's 2 preggie women yday, so it can add some luck to the rest of the ah mais. Jia You!

CSI, you can still rem the details despite the pain??!! U are one special mummy!

Nellie, I have transferred the amt (food and CSI's gifts) to your acc.

Huiz, we dont mind to be your tester when it comes to ice cream. yum yum...


New Member
I think the below 'balance sheet' will be clearer. Let me know if I calculated wrongly. Thanks

1. Sherrie : ($47 + $17.80) - $360 = -$295.20 (Transferred)
2. Nellie : ($47 + $17.80) - ($166 + $29.10) = -$130.30
3. Huiz : ($47 + $17.80) - $48 = $16.80
4. Christine : ($23.50 + $17.80) - $23.90 = $17.40
5. Janice : ($47 + $17.80) - $91.30 = -$26.50 (Transferred)
6. Priscilla : $23.50 + $17.80 = $41.30
7. Sharyln : $47 + $17.80 = $64.80
8. Ivy : $23.50 + $17.80 = $41.30 (Received)
9. Petrina : $47 + $17.80 = $64.80
10. Cheryl : $47 + $17.80 = $64.80
11. Li Ann : ($47 + $17.80) - $14 = $50.80
12. Stacy : $47 + $17.80) - $56.50 = $8.30 (Received)
13. Michelle : $47 + $17.80 = $64.80


New Member
Oh ya, btw, forgot to commend Li Ann on her salad. I think Li Ann makes great salads. Totally enjoyed the Viet popiah she brought to my place in Aug and this time, the vege salad was really delicious too. Should have packed some home yesterday as well


New Member
Time really flies! We had our 2nd xmas gathering just yesterday. I'm really glad to create this "Hainanese Brides, anyone" thread. It was a wonderful thing to know all of you.

Michelle & Cheryl, thanks for joining us yesterday.

Our clan is growing! Yeah!!! We'll have regular gatherings. Hopefully as time goes by, the attendance will keep increasing and not decreasing.

Now, let's talk about the next gathering - CNY (lou hei)

As I'll be away from 9th (nite) to 17th Feb. We only have 18th to 21st Feb for Lou Hei. If these dates are not favourable - most of you prefer weekend (16th or 17th), I suggest you all go without me. Let majority decide on the date.

Since the dates fall on weekdays, we can hold our lou hei in one of the restaurants. I propose Noble House or Ying Thai.

What do you think?


New Member
Hi everyone,

Yes, it was so good to see everyone yesterday and surely, there'll be more gatherings to come and our bond will strengthen as the days go by. What can be more heartwarming to have total strangers, coming together, not even face-to-face in the first place, based on one thing I call kinship!

I am fine with the dates 18 - 21st. And I like the idea of Noble House


New Member
nice gathering yest indeed! thanks to the hosts sherrie and wei how. think i must make it a point to try rem e hubbies' names too. gee... when intro all e names to Tiong Hua, i look at all e hubbies' faces i also suddenly blur liaoz...

hee... my hainanese still cannot make it lah... Tiong Hua speaks better. teacher also say so. haa...

stacy's cupcakes were so lovely n tasty! thanks dear! really sweet of u... ivy, good to hear of ur good news! =) great to catch up with everyone n meet new ppl too! n i finally know how to pronounce sharyln's name. =P

nellie, i also like Noble House. =) btw money has been transferred to ur acct. =)

have a good week ahead everyone!


New Member
Christine, Ivy & Stacy - received! Thanks.

Vote for Noble House : Huiz, Christine

Vote for Yhing Thai Place : 0


New Member
Ok Nellie, pass the baton to me. I shall take over the co-ordination of this CNY dinner.

So now, the voting (for venue) stands at:

Noble House: 3 (Huiz, Christine, Ivy)
Yhing Thai: 0


New Member
csi, crystal, i hear your labor story i also broke into cold sweat. palms all sweaty cos i also want to opt for natural (no la, i not preggy yet, but already mentally going thru the prep process since so many frens and collys around me all preggy).

Thomas and i enjoyed our first xmas gathering, just as we did for every other outing. He was already asking about the lou hei in the car..

Sherrie & WH, thanks for hosting us. Your house very windy! Good fengshui!

Ivy, Huiz... thanks, glad you liked the salad. And about the salad.. keke.. PROMISED to be on time the next time so that everyone gets to try it before getting all full. This will be the NEW YEAR RESOLUTION for me and thomas! :p

Stacy... thanks for your "ai xin dan gao"! Looks good, tastes fabulous and fills up our heart with warmth!

Nellie, i vote for Noble House too. Nice food at affordable price. 19 Feb (Tues) would be nice. Eh, i can help call Noble House once we have the headcount confirmed.

Michelle & Winston, thank you so much for the lovely gift. Just wat we needed!
Never had a chance to chat with you last Sun. Hope to see you at the lou hei dinner!

Cheryl & Pin How, nice chatting with you
Congrats on your coming wedding and keep us posted on your honeymoon! Japan will make a really nice destination.


New Member
lobang for everyone again...

1. Philips 20% staff discount on appliances
2. TDF 50% staff discount
3. Tangs 5-20% staff discount on selected merchandise (discount varies from pdt to pdt, have to check model and confirm)

huiz... sorry ah, my friend came back from BKK and went away again for another training, thats why she no time to check. But she told me at least 5-10% discount on the ice cream maker. She can only confirm this Fri when she is back to office. Hope that is ok for you.

the rest of the ah mais...

1. Philips - we should be making a purchase by end of the year, anyone interested can consolidate order and we can make a trip down to their store at TPY.

2. TDF - no time limit but cos i combine my purchase with my collys here. And the next order is end of this week. So interested parties to buy can let me know and i can email the list to you guys. Included are health supplements too. At 50% discount too.

For those who are interested can email me at [email protected]



New Member
hi mais, juz came back frm roaming in town for awhile aft removing my stitches at 1130.. doc asked me if i rested enuff at home anot, i dare not ans keke.. somemore i went to work this am but left at 11 to go for med review.. had lunch wif hub then he went back to work while i go shopping.. walked for 2hrs my back n tummy 'sng' liao so im back home now to rest.. bot a perfume for hub for xmas pressie.. later wrap up b4 he cums back..

li ann - its m&w getting married next wk lah!, not cheryl & pin how! blur blur li ann haha..

btw, im interested in the TDF 50%! i see 50% eyes immediately open big big!! can send the list to my co email a/c pls?

huiz - me oso vote for noble hse..


New Member
oops. totally all mixed up. ok, so the couple whom i chatted with is m&w. The couple who gave me the pressie is C&P. paiseh paiseh... now i jump into the yellow river also cannot get rid of my reputation le. shucks.

ok ok.. i know stacy and huiz also fans of TDF. To make it easier, i shall send to all the gals la.


New Member
Hey Li Ann, think better not trouble your friend liao coz I think she also busy with work. Anyway, Dr Lee is paying, so let him sweat a bit la.... hehehe

And yes, I am one fan of TDF. I have just discovered a super good product for myself.... the ultra light hydrator. It's not the oily kind of moisturiser so use already feel very good. And thanks Li Ann! Shall look forward to your order list

Again, the latest polling update:

Venue: Noble House - 5 (Huiz, Christine, Janf, Ivy, Li Ann)

Date: 19 Feb 08 - 3 (Ivy, Li Ann, Huiz)


New Member
Huiz - thanks for taking the baton.

Li Ann - your new year resolution must add another one : less blur blur (just joking)

Since I'm the one initiating the CNY dinner. I shall not vote for any restaurant and the date. I'l just turn up as what the majority has decided. BUT I request the dinner to start at 7.30pm. Thanks


New Member
Debt Collector On Duty :

1. Priscilla : $23.50 + $17.80 = $41.30
2. Sharyln : $47 + $17.80 = $64.80
3. Petrina : $47 + $17.80 = $64.80
4. Cheryl : $47 + $17.80 = $64.80
5. Li Ann : ($47 + $17.80) - $14 = $50.80
6. Michelle : $47 + $17.80 = $64.80


New Member
Yes, Nellie, I think the timing is ok. I hope everyone else will find it suitable too.

And just to confirm, the Noble House is located at: 5 Shenton Way #06-13 U I C Bldg Singapore 068808 right?


New Member
gals, sorry ah, the office that has the scanner closed le, cant scan the list. Shall do it tomorrow.

nellie, will do it later... still using the traditional ATM transfer method... keke


New Member
Hi all,

Thanks for the invite! Pin How and I had a great time just listening to all your stories.. We felt totally welcomed even though we are first-timers.

Li-Ann - You got Michelle and I mixed up again. Your prezzie is from me... heh... and you chatted with Michelle, not us.. Maybe next time, Pin How and I will chat with you and Thomas. Like I told ya, we were thinking the prezzie should come in handy for your new place? Glad you two liked it. We loved it when we saw it but too bad, we have no new place to use it.

Stacy - Your cupcakes were FANTASTIC. I was tellig Pin How they were much nicer than the ones he surprised me with on my birthday earlier this year. Oops..but he thinks so too..so that's alright.

Janf - Your hubby is really farnee... let me know after you've figured out how come you think i look familiar k?

Ivy - my colleague had the same prob too when she was preggy, that's why I asked if it's a princess you are carrying. my mum also tells me that usually when it's a baby boy, mummy looks pretty and vice versa. so dun worry too much, it's only temporary. my colleague has clear complexion now. so hang in there. =)

Nellie - like how i am IT idiot, I am also not good with this fund transfer thing. I will ask Pin How to do for me. Once done, i will let you know k?

Sherrie and Wei How - Thanks for being so hospitable. Your house is so convenient and easy to find. Your renov was lovely too.

And yes, Noble House sounds good. Hopefully I'd have more wedding preparations to update then... Thanks.


New Member
1. Priscilla : $23.50 + $17.80 = $41.30
2. Sharyln : $47 + $17.80 = $64.80
3. Petrina : $47 + $17.80 = $64.80 (Received)
4. Cheryl : $47 + $17.80 = $64.80
5. Li Ann : ($47 + $17.80) - $14 = $50.80
6. Michelle : $47 + $17.80 = $64.80 (Received)



New Member
Hi Li Ann, no worries, take your time with the list. It's never too late for TDF.... hehe

Sherrie, thanks for the link to Snapfish. I've seen the pics. Very nice, especially the big group photo!

Cheryl, glad that u had enjoyed yourselves! There'll be more meet-ups to come and we would certainly love to have u in our midst again

Right now, I think Noble House is close to clinching a hands down victory:

Venue: Noble House - 6 (Huiz, Christine, Janf, Ivy, Li Ann, Cheryl)

Date: 19 Feb 08 - 3 (Ivy, Li Ann, Huiz)


New Member
gals, i have sent out the list le.

ivy, maybe you can get something from TDF to sooth the skin?

cheryl, keke, ya la, after the pressie mix-up, i'm totally confused.

After lou hei gathering, me and thomas is wondering if the next gathering will be at our new place! So excited just thinking of that!


New Member
yawn.. looks like gona rain soon again..

huiz - my MIL and SIL+kids going revenue house for jap food lunch later. izit the one tat u mentioned b4 - tink its RiBenCun izit?


New Member
chrysallisph - duno leh.. we went home liao still thinking hard where we seen u b4..! and its not only me who find u familiar but hub finds u familiar too..! u are civil servant rite? mayb u can tell me over email which board u working at..? and ur hub really looks like one of our ex-coll! super imposed image woh!


New Member
When I saw the pics in Snapfish just now, I think maybe chrysallisph looks like an actress ah. A bit like this Liao Ying Ying? hehe

Oh yes, Li Ann, would love to gather at your place. Btw, do u have any design theme in mind yet?


New Member
hi guys

so sorry. really been busy at work yest. no time to reply to your new postings. glad that you guys enjoyed the gathering at my plc. sorry if i didn't have time to talk to the newcomers especially.

have all of you received the link to the pix? bugged wei how to do for it yesterday night. hehe. think the grp pix and the cup cakes pix are soooh nice!

i vote for noble house too. both dates are fine with me. won't be travelling in feb.


New Member
Yes, Sherrie, I have received. Had to create an account to login then can see. But nevermind la, its worth creating the account

Venue: Noble House - 7 (Huiz, Christine, Janf, Ivy, Li Ann, Cheryl, Sherrie)

Date: 19 Feb 08 - 4 (Ivy, Li Ann, Huiz, Sherrie)


New Member
hui.. theme ah.. dun really have a theme. but we more or less come to consensus we want a white and green look. Green will come from the plants we intend to have. i aspire to grow a little herb garden at my new home.

due to budget constraints, we are considering to design ourselves and get contractor to do the job.


New Member
1. Priscilla : $23.50 + $17.80 = $41.30 (Received_
2. Sharyln : $47 + $17.80 = $64.80
3. Cheryl : $47 + $17.80 = $64.80
4. Li Ann : ($47 + $17.80) - $14 = $50.80 (Received)



Active Member
hehs...that saying didn't work for me leh. My pimples cleared up during my pregnancy, I still look the same (according to my ILs lah)...and they all thought I was carrying a boy. haha. en up, it's a princess mah...kekeke. So...dunno lah. The saying wasn't true for me.

Li Ann, a herb garden would be nice...*envious* (coz I got not much of a balcony)

CNY gathering, can I vote? I vote for Noble House. Food not bad...central location. Service-wise, wouldn't get my hopes too high, esp since it's CNY period. heehee...As for the date, I'd go with majority (unless that day happen to have some family thing, then can't be helped...)


New Member
Hi Nellie,

I've transfered the money to you. Check and let me know if you've received k? Thanks. And sorry for long wait... I needed Pin How to help me with it.. hee hee


New Member
hui, csi, boh leh, my unit doesnt come with a balcony. But i got good sunlight at my front door area and living room. Still thinking about how to have a clean indoor planting area. My boss managed to do it for her new place so i am planning to see how she does it first then decide. Otherwise it will be outside the front door le.


New Member
Oh my.. I'm lost! but still no gathering with u pple yet.. sad to say cannot make it to CNY gathering also.. prob doing confinement..

Very entertained by CSI & Crystalz stories.. can't imagine unless experience it myself in ard 2 mths.. um.. how they measure dilation? fingers? visual? scan?


New Member
so coincidental..bumped into sharlyn just now..she was so surprised to see me at raffles place..she thought i am a teacher..hehe...didn't know i have the teacher look!


Active Member
to put it nicely, yah, use fingers. otherwise, it seems to me, that they used their entire hand to check dilation! Well, after checking dilation, the whole gloves will have some blood (at least that was after waterbag has broke), so it appears like they shoved whole hand in lorh. heehee...the blood is due to the widening of the cervix, not due to the hand or anything...dun worry.
Otherwise, it's using 2 fingers to check the width lah...

me was on epidural, so no pain, so could remember quite a bit of details. heehee...I could even ask the nurses, "so what does it feel like? I mean, what does the fingers feel for when checking dilation?" They just stare at me. hahahahaha....think they also dunno how to answer. hahaha.
