my birth story
It all started on 5 Dec 2007, Wednesday.
I was on MC that day. Spent the day at home, re-decorating the home and clearing some stuff (strong nesting instinct). Decided to meet up with the husband for dinner at Causeway Point, despite the VERY VERY heavy rain. <font color="0000ff">(I'm mad right?)</font> Took a bus there (the bus was SUPER crowded, but the driver was nice. He made other passengers give up seat to me before he drove off.)
we had dinner at Siam Kitchen, and I was planning to finish up the ice cream at home for dessert. After dinner, it was a trip to NTUC to get some stuff. Went home, had some coconut juice (supposed to be good for "cleansing" the baby - and it really works!). 3am (early hours of 6 Dec), I started vomitting really badly. Baby was moving quite a lot. The rest of the day went by, with both of us down with the runs. It was scary. I mean, baby is due the next day! and this has to happen now??
So the husband took me to the hospital on the night of 6 Dec. <font color="0000ff">(yes yes, I waited till night of 6 Dec, and not immediately - in denial I guess)</font> I felt really weak (after the runs) the whole day. Kept wondering how I'd have the energy to push shd baby come out then. I was strapped to the CTG and baby's heartbeat was monitored. Hmmmm, heartbeat still VERY strong. Good! We decided that it was best to admit into KKH for monitoring, in case baby decides to come out that night, and especially since I was still feeling weak.
7 Dec strong contractions yet. I am STILL 2 cm dilated (an increase of only 0.5cm overnight). was 1.5cm dilated for the past 2 weeks. How? My gut feeling was telling me that baby does not want to come out yet. Not until the week starting 10 Dec. But, 7 Dec is the full 40 weeks of pregnancy. Any later would pose some risks (albeit low). By then, with the drips and the good hospital food <font color="0000ff">(surprising, eh?)</font>, I was feeling much stronger.
To induce or to wait....that is the question.
We decided that since baby is exactly 40 weeks already, we might as well induce her out. Many others want to carry a foetus till 40 weeks, but don't have the chance to. So what more can we ask for? We shall not complain.
07 Dec 07
1515 hrs: Made decision to induce labour (there goes my dream for a totally NATURAL labour)
1540 hrs: Went into the labour ward (nurses found it amusing that I could still be smiling while being wheeled in)
1600 hrs: Gynae bursts waterbag ( much water. I thot I lao jio while gynae was checking me.)
In the meantime, still SMS-ing my friends.
After waterbg burst, OMG! Strong contractions!! I have never felt such strong contractions before. It was "oooohhhh......" but not those sharp pains kind (bearable, in my opinion). Basically, it felt like super bad menses cramp. SUPER bad ones. But I tend to get the cramps, so this was still bearable. Nurses say, that one is only mild...*pengz*
1615 hrs: Epidural administered (ooh...what sweet relief. Pain? What's that? You can pinch me, tickle me...and I won't feel a thing.). Oxytoxcin drip (to induce labour) and other necessary drips administered.
Now, we wait.
In the meantime, the husband arrives (he had to go to the poly that day), played soothing music for me to relax, he went for his dinner, I had LOTS of sips of water for my dinner and supper. (Not allowed to eat or drink anything but water).
About 2000 hrs: baby's heartbeat dropped suddenly. It was distressing (for me and Baby Louisa). Cried buckets. Doc stopped the oxytoxcin drip as it was probably the cause for the drop in baby's heartbeat.
2200 hrs: Still not fully dilated (in between, had a few VEs done, and dilation was around 7 to 8 cm). 2nd dosage of epidural administered.
2330 hrs: Still 9 cm dilated. Short of 1 more cm!! Baby also not engaged.
08 Dec 07
Finally, at about 0200 hrs: Fully dilated. Baby engaged. Nurses told me to start pushing. Gynae came.
0216 hrs: After a bit more pushing, baby is out!
I am so tired.....and hungry. First thing I asked for - milo (still not allowed to eat anything).
Gynae says she is one clean baby...guess the coconut juice thing really works!
In between all that 11 hours, I was SMS-ing friends, watching TV, joking with the nurses, drifting in and out of sleep and suffering from the side effects of the epidural. The nurses couldn't help but laugh..."still can SMS. Still can smile and laugh." That's me lah. hahaha...