Hainanese Brides, anyone???


New Member
Hi Petrina,

Sorry, don't have the shop name or tel. But think the shop is within the shopping mall hub on second floor. It's a corner shop. Should not be hard to find cos got a lot of kids gathering around it the last couple of times I passed by.

Hope you can find a good deal eventually! =)


Active Member
Oh yah, Pacific Coffee has free internet kiosks in their cafe in HK...cool yah? heehee...enjoy yourself Huiz!

Hi Nellie! How was the trip?

Petrina, hahaha...yah lorh. My teacher frens used to complain about their hours (gotta be in school by 7am, then even if they finish school at 12+pm, there's still CCAs to handle, and then after that, marking, setting questions etc.), also very very long hours (plus Saturdays). Then now, they dun feel so cham anymore. hahaha. coz they know got non-teaching jobs with hours almost like theirs! hahahahaha....


New Member
pris, M&W, thanks... sore throat recovered and now hit by the flu bug...

Taka square is having a branded goods sale this weekend. Think it started since yesterday... can do some christmas or CNY shopping now!

Huiz... so lucky can watch Lust Caution. I din have time to catch it when i was in taipei last week. So wasted. The weather in HK should be cooling now...


New Member
The trip was good!!! There're some places we didn't manage to cover. Should had stayed for 7 days instead of just 5 days. Weather in Sanya was very hot but it's cooling in Haikou.


New Member
Think we can arrange a group ourselves and tour there. I loved Nan Shan where huge statue of Goddess of Mercy is. It was really magnificent!


New Member
Hi hi!! Its been a while since I last logged in. wow, so happening, can't catch up liao.

Huiz is always superb, always manage to log on no matter where she goes. Enjoy your trip gal! It is cooling in HK, good for shopping and walking!

Li Ann, poor thing. Must have over-worked. Take good care. Have u tried taking supplements like multi-vitamins? Perhaps it can help to build up your immunity sys over a period of time.

Nellie, u went Hainan Island? wow, this is your ?? trip out of town? Any pic to share? I have not been there myself. Your idea is great. We can arrange a trip ourselves, I need tour guide to assist in speaking Hainanese too. hee...

CSI, have to present the "Best Employee Award" to you.
Its tiring during working hours already and you still have bring-home-to-do stuff. Pei fu Pei fu

Petrina, I presume the shop that chrysallisph mentioned is next to the roti prata stall. Not sure abt the price, but I always see kids hanging out outside the shop playing the Wii. (My hubby is one of them too) Wii is really fun, especially tennis, feels like the real game. hee...

Pris, you have made the right choice to interact with your ILs, they will appreciate it too.
U can start counting down to HM!

mos, poor you. Hope you are doing fine too. School holidays are coming, it will be a good itme to rest and relax.

janf, how's the new house? Adapting well?

Opps! I must have talked too much. Did I miss out anybody? I'm ok with Dec 15 gathering. Exchange gifts ah, great! And thanks to sherrie for hosting!

As for me, work is piling, but still manageable. Just too tired to log on lately. Guess what, the only place that I frequent is my bed and sofa. hee..


New Member
Good morning everyone. I'm back again. Chose to come to Pacific Coffee for breakfast (by myself) so that I can use the internet.... haha, cheapo me.

Hey Nellie, glad to know that u are back. I've got the Wasabi beans for u liao. But only one pack. Paiseh leh, coz its rather big and my luggage is quite small. And silly me topped up another HK100 into Octopus when I wanted only HK50 coz I thought the machine can give change. Stuffed in HK100 and it was too late liao.... haizzz. But I shall be using quite a lot tomorrow and on Sun when I am back coz the bus to the airport is already HK33.

Alamak, the Lust Caution was sooo typical of arty farty flims. So slow, long and draggy. But on the whole it's quite good la.

Oh yes, we should go Hainan one of these days! But year end could be better coz the weather is cooler?

Ok need to clear my junk mail now. Talk to everyone when I am back. TGIF and have a good weekend!


New Member
Ivied - I haven't loaded the pics yet. Will try to do so over the weekend.

Huiz - There isn't any air tics promo during Nov and Dec. If want cheap air tics, can only go in Oct. Late Oct will be good enough but need 6 to 7 days to cover most parts of Hainan Island. Think most of us will be busy in Nov and Dec cos yearend is coming.

I had a 33 seater bus for the whole journey. Guess how many us? There's only 7 pax excluding the driver and the tour guide. So Shiok!!

During this Hainan Island trip, I saw many 'aunties' travelling with groups of friends. So nice!!! We can be like them arranging short trips a few times a year. Of course, I also saw sides of ugly Singaporeans! Sigh!!!

Now I'm looking forward to our BKK trip. Yeah!!!


Active Member
aiyoh...Ivied, I'm quite cham liaoz. My colleagues are much more hardworking. It's an industry thing lah. In this industry, you start early and will always have other stuff to do past 6pm one. Some other pple I know in the industry start work at 630am. So I'm lucky liaoz.


New Member
Ivied: I went to AMK Hub yesterday... Saw a games shop next to the *mums & baby* shop. Selling WII package @ 635. So far, cheapest i've checked... I din c the roti prata stall though...

Liann: u starting the shopping spree again. I trying to tie my belt... but, i 'll head to taka for a *look*

Huiz: i tot of watching the L&C movie too, but hb saw will be boring, in the end we watched mr woodcock.

Nellie: great tat u enjoyed urself... shiok hor, only 7ppl in a 33 seater... can stretch ur legs...
yes, maybe we can organise to go next yr end. I so wanted to go, but always no chance...

CSI: dun stress urself le... u gotta slow down by now... then bb can stay in u longer...

Perhaps i can c ourselves like these aunties in 10yrs time? hehe... At the rate we going, every yr 1 trip... Will become a norm for us le.


Hi mais, how are all of you? I am on leave for these 2 days. So stay home and prepare for my exams. So stress!

Nellie and petrina: Oh no. Both of you want to be auntie? Like that i become ah pek ah? Ha ha.

Huiz: How is Hong Kong? Weather cooling?


New Member
nellie's back! yupz the Guan Yin in NanShan is really wow!! i have the pics of it.. magnificent really the word to describe..

now see if hub able to get leave in jan08 then we can book airtiks liao..

yupz ivied, adapting well.. juz tat now talk to hub muz behind closed doors n hush hush haha..

hub's on reservist these 3wks.. 1day off 1day work.. he work best.. then i can whole bed to myself wahaha!

me oso 730am usually in ofc liao tho not my official working hrs but better to go in ofc earlier to clear emails n read up news.. coz every morning 930am we got morning mtg grr..

can sensed huiz enjoying herself now.. =)


New Member
Welcome back Nellie! Share photos hor.
I have never been to Hainan Island so i don't know what it's like.

Mos: Ya, i was a marker for the previous 2 marking exercises and it was extremely tiring. Being a recorder is slightly less hectic.

Ivy: I decided to make use of these 4 days that my hubby isn't around to interact with my ILs. It was not too bad, went for dinner with them @ AMK Hub, together with the SIL.

Today i'm going back to my niang jia. Miss my little sis very much. Then, going to the airport to pick up Hubby. So happy he's finally back. He said he's sick of Canberra & according to him, it's the most boring place in the world. Poor thing.


New Member
Hello folks,

It's me again.... now at Langham Place in Mongkok. Ladies' Market isn't open yet so we are going around other places first before going back. Been to the Flower Street, Bird Street, Gold Fish Street just now.

Lance, the weather here isn't that cooling now, but at least the sun isnt as scorching as in Sg. When I first arrived, I felt kinda like sticking out like a sore thumb coz I was like the only one in sleeveless T. But now I dun care liao.. haha

Ya, agree with Nellie that year end can be rather busy for us. Think we can also go any other time except the hot Qing Ming season? Heard its really quite bad...


New Member
hi all, juz came back frm steamboat at Thien Kee.. soooo many ppl.. really in a rush to finish up my food.. but the food still as good as ever.. =)

today i went amk hub wif my pama for lunch too.. another crowded mall.....


New Member
Phew, I am back in Sg. Touched down at 3+pm, about half an hour late coz they set off late in HK.

Now sorting out the photos. Can go my Multiply and see them later

Arrggh, janf, the mention of Thien Kee makes me wanna lau nuar liao. Their soup base is really very good


New Member
huiz: how's HK? anything fun happened? bought anything nice?
Talking abt the steamboat, tat time after eating it, bb forced it all out 5min after... I think i'll only go n eat it again after confinement... haiz...


New Member
HK is really an interesting place, to me at least. It's really a modern, old and messy place all coexisting in harmony. There doesnt seem to be much town planning, but then again, life still goes on, and with much excitement too!

I found this street behind Apliu in Mongkok selling sooooo many beautiful laces. I promise myself to go back there to get more next time.

I bought quite a few items from Esprit outlet coz there is one right next to the hotel I was in. Not a bad deal too
Then bought 2 bags and some knick knacks lor

My pics are up liao. U can see them in Multiply. There's one album I had locked up so u have to log-in to see them


New Member
good morning folks! i sent an email abt hainanese conversation course... hee... sorry not very sure who can speak who cannot speak. so i sent to everyone. think it would be fun to learn together though... =P


New Member
mos: I saw your email...have you used up your LDS yet? If not you can claim for the Hainanese course. Did you sign up?

Huiz: Saw some of your pics on your LJ. Nice! So many of my LJ-friends are in HK or just came back. I sit in my room & it feels as if i was also touring HK with so many pictures from so many friends.
Seems like you enjoyed yourself a lot.

Janf: AMK Hub is always packed and it's worse on weekends! I try to avoid going there on weekends unless i have to gym.


Active Member
hey, Janf, need to ask u something...

when u moved house, what kind of boxes were you guys provided? Ang Ko Toon only gave us small boxes (small = can only put 2 of those A4 paper kind of boxes, stacked one on top of the other and a bit of space. the end)! pengz. hahahaha. Wondering if that's their standard box size...


New Member
mos...i received your sms too! Am very interested cos it will be fun to take together. Then at least can practise amongst ourselves. But do you know if we miss one lesson, are we able to make up for it?

huiz...so envious! i enjoy hk all the time i am there. Did you try the xu liu shan, this thick mango drink that is almost everywhere at mongkok? Really yummy. Always have to drink a few cups when i am there.

csi... how many cartons do you need? Are recycled ones ok for you?

ivied... long time "no see"!!
Am still coughing as i type this... i just weighed myself...48.5kg. my lightest ever!! my company is plagued with viruses...

janf, my hubby gg to tokyo, you want the chewy clam snack??

Sherrie/M&W/Stacy, want the fancl drink??

petrina, no leh. never buy la. my mum was with me, and she started nagging the moment i stepped into a new boutique. Also not feeling well so went home to rest instead.


Active Member
mosburger, saw your email. My bro and sis attended before. They say quite fun, but they also said some words are a bit different (coz the teacher may come from different a province from us etc...). My bro was even featured on TV (think it was 4 yrs back) for this Hainanese class...and he could actually say (in Mandarin lah) "I join the class coz I want to improve my Hainanese. It's impt to know our own dialect so we can communicate with the elderly in the family...." wah lau! as if! coz after class, I never hear him talk to us in Hainanese at all lorh. hahahaha. It was so funny that time.

Wah Li Ann, u and ur hubby travel quite a bit leh. Jet setters...hehs.


New Member
mos: i also ask hb to join... he's interested but he thinks he'll nv be able to finish the lesson... cause of his travelling. so he say next session bah.

i'll wait 4 him to be avail then we go together. cause at least i can speak some, he totally cannot. so he needs it more than me.. hehs...

LiAnn: i wan the strawberry & grape gummy sweet u brought at the steamboat... how much? my hb love to eat it... can help me buy 5 pack each flavour? strawberry n grape.


New Member
err csi - u can request for bigger boxes one. i hv a number of those boxes tat u mentioned then my MIL told the laoban kitchen utensils so bulky n big, muz give bigger boxes lah.. so he brot bigger boxes on another occasion. juz tell them to give u bigger boxes can liao. all else fail, give me a tinker, i get FIL to speak to them.. not a prob ya.. =)

li ann - when ur hub going?! *slurpy* at the mention of the QQ dried scallops! if he dun mind can help me get the small pack will do? its sold in Ueno Wet Mkt.. dun buy at 1st stop when step into the mkt hor coz as u walk down the mkt street, it gets cheaper thru the stalls! tats the mistake i made when i was there tat time.. 1st stop i saw juz grab coz din wana take chance in case i forgot how to walk back.. then as i walked thru the streets it juz get cheaper so i grab even more hiak hiak..

i told my hub abt the conversation course.. he told me "why dun u pay me i teach u?!" haha.. yah huh.. if i tell my ma this think she will tell me the same thg too.. regretted din wana speak since young.. now old liao the tongue oso twist when wana speak the lingo..

i like to hear huiz speak tho! got WeiDao in it!


New Member
li ann, i not sure leh... attended one lesson so far. think made up could be ok. teacher quite nice person.

CSI, i also feel that some words a bit different. he taught wen chang pronunication but me is wan ning, so slightly different. i want to take it up coz i can't speak in complete sentences. only remembered single terms from childhood.

janf, i love to listen to e older folks in my family speak too. but a pity my grandma, uncles, aunties they all in m'sia. only we all in s'pore. so seldom get to c them n hear them speak.


New Member
morburger: ur husband and u are so on. class has started so soon? my accent is wenchang one as well..was at centrepoint for the robinsons sales yest..went for tea at toastbox with hubby..the family sitting next to us spoke in wan ning accent..i must say that it's quite different! my hubby who normally can understand what my grandma is saying couldnt' understand what the ladies were talking about..

li ann: when is thomas going? pai say leh..ur hubby is travelling for work leh...ask him to carry fancl back for me..janf's hubby is bigger-sized..though i think he must be complaining when he carried back the boxes the last time..hehe..u guys are so lucky..always travel for work *envious*


Active Member
janf, yah lorh, yah lorh...cannot fit my kitchen utensils and pots! hahaha...so I thot huh? my kitchen stuff all so big meh? hahaha...ok, so there are bigger boxes. Okie, will call them again. Thanks!

mosburger, yah, me too...I can only remember bits and pieces from childhood. and I think I'm a confused hainanese. Coz my mother side speaks with wen chang pronunciation, while my father side is wan ning pronunciation. So, I remember a bit here, a bit there...and when I try to string them into a complete sentence, I'll almost always kena laughed at for speaking "weird" hainanese. hahaha.


New Member
depending on origin (Jap most ex), size of each scallop (large is more ex than small), color of scallop (dark is cheaper than pale yellow), and weight of each packet.

Scallops range from $11/100gm to $18/100gm.


New Member
Hi petrina.. come back here to kay poh kay poh a bit mah!
I guess this forum is not only for BTBs but also brides who hope to share their experience with other BTBs too?!


New Member
mos, saw your email. Think I will give this a miss this time. Been too tired lately, weekends are spent resting at home sleeping. hee..
Thanks for asking.

Huiz, saw your pic. HK is an exciting place to go, especially their night life. Can't wait to go again.

oh no Li Ann. Gotta take care. Your mama is right lor, rest is more impt. Can u work from home instead?

I'm terribly late for work today. I can't stand taxi drivers. Been waiting for >1/2 hour for the cab and none available is in sight. Giving up, I dialled for cab. Can u believe it, in less than a min, the 'on call' taxi driver drove out from the coffeeshop opp my house and to where I'm waiting. He is waiting for people to call!!!!! Sucks, ended up my trip to work costs $21!

petrina, cactus popped by our forum b4. If I did not rem wrongly, either she or her hubby is a Hainanese and she was asking abt Hainanese wedding customs.


New Member
oic... i knew cactus frm sept BTB. so i tot she come in wrong thread... hehe

ivied: u recently very busy arh... din c u long time le...


New Member
Hi Petrina,

I'm also in the Sept 07 BTB thread but iViED remembered correctly too! My hb is hainanese! I came by this thread some time back and just popped by when I saw a query on dried scallop...
cos I recently bought some dried scallops so thought I'd share the present market price of scallops.


New Member
oh... i rem u frm here mah... we chatted lots frm sept thread though...
i recently also bot scallops... but i cheapo.. buy small ones... hehe


New Member
actually small ones also good.. or else, you can buy broken pieces of the big ones. It really doesn't matter. But people say the Jap type is more flavourful and bigger also has more flavour. Not sure if it is true. Most people choose not too small ones to give during GDL... cos too small or broken pieces not nice to look at. The ones I bought were a bit bigger than 50 cent coin. Cost ms $16/100gm. But buy 500gm, foc 100gm.


New Member
petrina, janf, sherrie...i take down order first hor. If he has time, he will go get it cos i like the scallop and the wasabi ika too!!! :p

loinky.. cant remember too well. think it is quite ex 4500yen for a pack of 20s or 30s.

sherrie, the fancl maybe have to depend on whether he goes to those prime shopping area. He prolly has time for either ueno or shibuya only.


New Member
cactus, hi welcome back!

we are talking about this dried scallop as snack. It is individually wrapped and is chewy.. a bit like the dried cuttlefish type. Not the type used for cooking.

janf.. i bought the snacks at this stall right smack in between, the stall owner can even speak a little mandarin and cantonese due to the many taiwanese and hongkonger customers. A very good marketing tactic cos we immediately leeched on hom and asked him all sort of questions.. but his vocab and understanding all limited to "nice to eat, nice to cook cantonese soup, cheaper than hk, etc" quite funny hee...
