"Guo Da Li (过大礼)" ??


New Member
<font color="aa00aa">hi jhoo,
u can send out your invitation cards to frens earlier, wedding cakes+inviation are for close relatives, like my case, we only have 10boxes..hehe..for praying..close relatives like my uncles all dun even need invitation card..</font>


New Member
oh, ok...thanks for your info


New Member
Hi jhoo

wedding invites can be sent separately.. i've heard some brides have 2 batches of invites to send out. Second batch is for back up.

dd.. hmm your bs never chase you to choose gowns? U have any MTM gowns? Thought MTM normally BS needs about 3 months to do... which is your BS?


New Member
hi Rainn
I just signed up with the BS on Feb, choosing gowns on this fri...hope i can fit into them....Too bad i dun have mtm, both WG &amp; EG is OTR...


New Member
Hi dd

don't worry about fitting in. the gowns always have allowance to amend one
Which is your bs? WG and EG off the rack ah? U must have really loved their gowns when u visited them rite?
Happy Choosing!! It's an exciting thing to look forward to!!


New Member
Can i check cause i seem to be the only one doing this.I have been staying with my bf for abt 2 years,we have not rom yet so i guess u can consider it cohabitating.we feel more comfortable asking my mua to come to our place and leave for the hotel together without all the xiong di and hoo ha.Which means both sets of parents will be at our place departing together to the hotel for the tea ceremony.Is it going to be weird?


New Member
Racheal, if you parents are traditional, they would prefer to marry off their daughter from their home.

Ask you parents for opinion. Nothing is weird if your whole family doesnt mind


New Member
I asked my mum already she said its fine.My bf's frm malaysia so his mum said anything cause she not sure about the way things work around here.Just found it weird cause nobody I know seems to be doing this then like no atmosphere also
Also cause we have very little friends also cant find anyone to be our xiong di or jie mei.So u think after reaching the hotel ( i will request for early check in ) should ask the solemsizer to come for rom first or tea ceremony first?


New Member
HI Rachael

Well my scenario is similar to yours too
but just that we have ROM and got our house already. BUt when I told my mom that we intend to get my FH to pick me up from our home my mom rejected the idea. So now I'll be at my sis's rented place (the bride's place) and my FH will pick me up from there. I felt really weird coz in the first place I will feel very uncomfortable at my sis's place sigh.. but mom says that way I can't say no lor sigh..


New Member
But u see u said ask yr FH to pick u up whereas mine is we depart together to the hotel so no '' picking up '' by xiong di or anybody leh more weird than yrs


New Member
hmm meaning u will be conducting tea ceremony to both side parents together in the same house? well if both side parents don't mind it's ok no prob
but my parents still abit traditional.


New Member
Hi RainnQQ,

i will also be marry off from my sis's home..coz my mum's side will be having upgrading and its a mess..hehe, me very thick skin, not paiseh, and im aiming at their masterbedroom. they will agree but duno how to start the first word, keke..it has also nv cross my mind to marry off from my new home leh, mmmm..

Rachael, my Bother-in-law is msian, so my sis married off from the hotel. we had tea ceremony in the hotel before she went to her hubby's home for the other side tea ceremony.


New Member
Ya.. my mom was saying either marry off from hotel or from my sis's place. Of course to be cost effective will be hotel lor ;)

But I remember during my ROM, I was also picked up from the hotel by my FH before we proceeded to ROM :p


New Member
cost effective hotel? not ur sis's place? oh, u mean hotel where u are holding ur banquet? but do they allow u to check in so early?

during my rom time, i din get my hubby to fetch me, we met together and he drove me to do 'painting' on my face and 'set' my hair. Then he drove st to hotel to coordinator while my bro came and waited for me nearby and sent me back to hotel for the solemnization. abit of chaotic, haha coz of the traffic jam and being cheated by the makeup artist on the timing..so by the time i reached hotel, my friends were there and i quickly went up to the hotel room to change, funny rite?haha, but reli appreciate my bro for waiting patiently at orchard waiting for me for almost 1.5hrs


New Member
opps sorry.. typed too fast! cost effective is my sis's place hahaa...

wow your brother really nice! normally guys don't like to be kept waiting one

hee.. my rom was a simple affair other than the hotel thing. My make up was done by a close friend. It was also the first time wearing heels (not those high high one.. only about 1.5inch kind). Then guess what.. I happy happy walk towards my hubby when I see him at the hotel carpark and my heel got stuck in the drain grating!! haha.. hilarious!!


New Member
yah, my younger bro is very good, w/o him think i wont be able to reach the hotel in time for the solemnization..

wow, so good, got ur close friend to do ur makeup.haha, so ur hubby helped you pull your shoe out? that day we were also very nervous, i already told my hubby to take our time to march in but he so gan jiong walked to the table, miss the moment lor, and during the vow, we paused for a moment coz we almost cant make out what's our JP said as we need to follow him, ring or wind? haha, luckily din malu


New Member
hi all i am having the same problem house will be a mess on AD so thinking of marry off from hotel but have to incurred more cost lor sigh....


New Member
haha.. jhoo of course gan chiong la.. THE ONE MOMENT OF YOUR LIFETIME that determines that you are going to live life as couples from now on. :p

but funny le.. I was happy happy till the moment I was to say I do.. then I had a sudden thought like OH NO! WHAT AM I DOING?! IS THIS WHAT I WANT?

horrible hor.. but seriously that was like 4yrs back already lor.. and I'm now super happy with my FH :p haha


New Member
I need help here.
Do anyone can provide me information on what the groom side should bring to the bride side during Guo Da Li?
And who should be present from the groom side for Gua Da Li?



New Member
Hi ladies and gentlemen,

Any Hokkien brides or groom around? Any advise on the GDL and An Chuang items to prepare? I'm sourcing around for my hubby's sis. Due to the fact, her hubby and she is a Hokkien. N my hubby side's parents don really know what to ask for, and my hubby and i felt really upset that our sis MIL doesnt really respect our side.
Eg, her MIL told her no need to ask her parents what they want, so long they give can liao. Haizz..
Hence, appreciate any kind souls here can give some advise. Thanks inadvance.


New Member
im hokkien and hubby hokkien too..u can go to those shop selling GDL items and they can advise you what to buy and prepare.there's one shop at Jurong West and quite a few at chinatown. no lah, maybe not because they dont respect, maybe they are more chin chai?

My mother also wants it short &amp; simple, dont want GDL also can.


New Member
Hi Jhoo,

thanks for ur suggestions. We will go around chinatwn see see look look defintely.

Donnoe leh whether they more chin chai or wat.. haizz..

Anyway, thanks alot.


New Member
you are welcome..there're a few more at beauty world..dont worry, at least they are not those difficult type want this and that which is not possible
if they are not demanding, then buy those simple version GDL items for them will do


New Member
<font color="aa00aa">hi everybody! i heard the shop at Jurong is more expensive, chinatown price are more reasonable</font>


New Member
cheezz, is it? my MIL will bring us there to purchase the GDL items as she knows the lady boss.

Tianyun, i try ask my hubby tonight


New Member
Hi TIan Yun

The jurong west one is
Cheok Keuw Bridal Co
Blk 506 Jurong West St 52
Tel 6566 0311
Clara Pay is the person in charge and not forgetting her dog :p


New Member
dear all,

could anybody advise when to have GDL? 1 mth b4 the AD? will it be too early/rush? btw, who shld choose the GDL date? the bride's side or the groom's side?


New Member
Hi Monizz,

Normally is 2 week before the wedd date. Now it is up to the couple to choose the date. Also must choose a good date for GDL lor.


New Member
2 weeks b4 the AD? kind of rushing or not? i was thinking 1 mth or 3 weeks b4 AD, plan to distribute the invitation cards on the same day too! have choose a gd date for GDL too, huh?


New Member
Hi Monizz

Have heard from a GDL shop owner that one month before AD is comfortable

Choosing the date ah.. hmm *scratch head* not sure le


New Member
hi rainnQQ,

thks 4 ur msg!
choose a gd date?!?! leave it to FMIL if she thinks it's necessary! but if give me a choice, convenience date will do! :)


New Member

since GDL is traditional custom, normally to respect parents and il can let them choose
Just remember to write down the stuffs when IL and parents discuss so there won't be any misunderstanding later!


New Member
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Comic Sans ms,Tahoma"> oh ladies..we have 'ti qin' to discuss what to prepare for duo da li so as not to missed out anything..abit kiasu hor..hehe</font></font>


New Member
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Comic Ms Sans,tahoma"> should be guo da li not duo da li ..paiseh..hehe</font></font>


New Member
is it SDJ must be newly purchased gold - from those jewellery shop? got PIL give those gold that they already have - u know those passed onto them by their ancestors kind?


New Member
I will be using the gold passed down by my mom and my IL.. not going to buy any new jewelry coz I seldom wear them anyways ;)

not too sure what's the traditional bit here but I have heard it's normally passed down but nowadays ppl dun like the old traditional yellow gold and prefer white gold or diamonds so they either trade in the old yellow gold and get new jewelry or they get cash from IL or Parents and buy their own jewelries


New Member
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Hi Monizz, ur hb should come with a meipo lor..
ooh,i buy brand new sdj from poh heng</font></font>


New Member
my HB family and mine jus had a discussion on GDL today.. And my MIL said no need to come with meipo, that day my HB can jus come with his brother thats all.. is it true?
