I wouldn't have choosen furama riverfront if I know there is so much hidden clause.
1) My coordinator (Siti) changed without informing that she is quitting, all the additional perks given were sort of "reset"
2) Managed to fight back our additional perks from the director- ALBERT LIEW & they insisted that their coordinator (Siti) did inform us this & that which they did not and we paid our deposit S$500 in June 2013 (usually is S$3k for other hotel), Siti informed that we need to come back and pay the balance of S$3k during the wedding workshop in Oct 2013. Meaning that we need to pay total of S$3.5K when others paid S$3k only?
3) Siti mentioned that if she is overboard she can collect S$3k during our 1st meeting and another S$3k during the wedding workshop.
4) So we met up with the director- ALBERT LIEW in July 2013 to rectify the problem. He was all along siding Siti and said that she did mentioned that perk is for 15 tables & above. But Siti told me different story during our 1st meeting, I mentioned that I only got 15 tables and she said she is fine with it.
5) After a tense argument, the director said he will give us the perks if only we covered 17 tables (15 + 2 reserved). We even accommodate & agreed.
6) We thought all theme, favours could be done verbally or by email confirmation, guess what? He asked us to come down personally to choose theme & favours. And want us to accommodate his working hours- MON TO FRI 9AM TO 6PM! After much discussions, he agreed to meet us on Saturday- May 2014.
7) Food Tasting- There was a hair in the EE FU Noodles. I was so ashamed that such well known hotel has such poor hygiene issue!- Aug 2014
8) Now after food tasting feedback form has been sent to him, he wants to meet us again to discuss on the feedback!!! (What is there to discuss when you can't even ensure the cleanliness of your hotel's foods? He insisted to meet on MON to FRI, 9am to 6pm!!!! I even have to explain that we have exhausted our leave balance for the wedding preparations.
9) I mentioned if he really want to meet us one weekday, we will arrange and we will sign the agreement within this month. He said there is no hurry to sign the agreement as we might change our mind after that.
So conclusion, he wants us to go at least 5 times to the hotel:
1) Met up with first coordinator + pay 1st deposit (Jun 13)
2) Changed coordinator to Albert and pay balance of deposit (June 13)
3) wedding show- Why can't we pay the balance or entire deposit during this time? he said the entire benefits are only valid when I sign with Siti. However all benefits appeared in the wedding show too! What a gimmick! (Oct 13)
4) Choosing of theme & favours (May 2014)
5) Food tasting (Jul 14)- Theme & favours can actually be done on same day but just becos he don't work on weekends!
6)Final agreement- Yet to Sign (He said this can only be done 1 weeks from our wedding to reconfirm menu, favours & theme)- Strangely all others did this during their first meeting- First = final agreement. All other details can be discussed in email, but he mentioned he wanna be more detailed and meet us up. When I said I can do it August. He was mocking us that we were the FIRST COUPLE signing the final agreement so early.
I have told him I want to bring it to higher authority. He mentioned "FINE"!
So you can see how disgusting his attitude is and moreover he is a sales director.
I don't see the rest of the hotel arranging 5 meetings to get 1 thing done.
Super disappointed now, he even wants to take leave purposely to meet him on weekdays!
Contract didn't state that sales department works on mon to fri, office hours.