I was having lunch at Maxwell Mkt during a weekday and decided to pop in to see the bridal shops around Tg Pagar area. Since it was just after noon, not all shops were open. I walked past Frederick Lee and saw the big "Open" sign, and walked in. There was no one so my colleagues called out hello to see if anyone could help. This ah-soh walked out and rudely asked what we wanted. She told us in a real nasty manner, saying,"We are NOT open yet!" My colleague then asked her why the "Open" sign is showing then. The ah-soh didn't even bother to reply, just gave us some brochures and went to the back of the shop. I couldn't leave the shop fast enough! I tell you, even if that's the LAST bridal gown shop in S'pore, I will NOT even consider! Sorry Frederick, but your lousy staff really put me off!