Cutiephinphin, no worries re asking abt solemnisation! Anyway, depends on how many people you are inviting? If the foyer is big enough, then can save money! I think the Windows East/West room is quite nice! It's on 20th floor with full glass windows so you can have a good view of the city etc. I think you should be able to see pics of the room (with table setting) on the Four Seasons website.When is your AD? I think it's fine if you just print on one side! Are you having separate invites for solemnisation?
Jac, yes I have confirmed the ballroom. There are 3 types of invites: (a) single sided, (b) red with the xi word in front and (c) cream/off white with the words "our wedding" in front. My coordinator passed me samples of invites together with the contract I signed...
Iam, you have a copy of the contract you signed right? I think right at the back there should be a schedule of sorts which should give you a rough idea of the timing involved!