For All dog lovers


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My FH & me would like to keep a dog. But i would like to get from SPCA or Action for Singapore Dog or ..... any organisation that have adoption. Cos, i feel pity for them so would like to gave them a home first. But my FH prefer new dog that buy from pet shop cos he think the dog will have less health problem. He worry on the medication side. Is that true?

Anyone who keep dogs that are get from those adoption organisation. Can share with me your experience?



New Member
most dogs will face tearing. i'm facing the prob cos cocoa's face is white. so it's quite obvious. and chh is slighly more prone cos they are small and closer to the ground so more dirt and dust gets into their eyes.

red/brown dirt ? nvr heard before but could it be ear mites ? tho' i not sure wat is that. try cleaning it, if doesn't get better, better bring to vet to check.

oic, hee hee my xmas tree very ley chey 1 need to hang lights and decor. so not up yet. ha ha. no time no energy no mood yet ha ha ..

hey i'm might be gg this sat. but not gg for the party cos i didn't register leh. so i'll might be hanging ard the park with my friends.
will u be gg ?


New Member
hi cheryl,
welcome. it's gd that u're willing to give those homeless dogs a home. most dogs from SPCA or ASD are nice healthy dogs. and if u're lucky some are already trained ! that will be a bonus !

actually buying a dog from petshop doesn't guarantee that u'll have a healthy dog. there are occasions that puppies have died with their new owners cos they were not healthy when they were sold. some petshops do try to cover up the fact and shrink responsibility. of cos to be fair, not all petshops are like that. but there certaintly are such. Then there's the issue of how petshop gets their puppies. many are from puppy mills. most of the adult dogs are in bad condition cos they are solely there for breeding. if u do surf ard the net and do some research, it'll break ur heart to know wat the dogs got to put up with just to give puppies to the shops for sale.

so it'll be gd if u could give homeless dogs a chance. but if u're very sure u want a puppy, try to get from a reputable and responsible breeder. this is much better than getting from petshops.

as to the pros and cons of getting a dog and a puppy. well puppy is just like a bb. u need to devote alot of time to train it. this include toilet trg, behavioural training and socialisation. and toilet trg is gg to be tough. also need to bring the puppy for it's vaccination. if both of u are working, then might have to take a day or 2 leave to let the dog settle it. after that the puppy will be on it's own while u're at work. nothing wrong with that. but u'll have to spend time with it and trg it when u're home to avoid behavioral pbms cos they can be pretty bored while u're at wk.
if u get an adult dog, they're are normally more tame in a way since they're older and u don't really need to train them. so u just start rite out by enjoying their company.

hope this info is useful to you.


New Member

The party is this weekend? I'm afraid i can't cos I'm moving to my new house on Friday ... weekends wld be spent unpacking my stuff

Abt that brown dirt, is it ear wax? Coalie has it too & I have to clean her ears like 3 times a week. If it's alot, you better bring Mango to the vet cos it might be ear mites, in which case, Coalie had it too when I just got her .... have to clean her ears everyday with the lotion.

hi cheryl,

You may like to check out, alot of useful info & alot of adoption stuff is being discussed


New Member

yeah i suppose its ear wax, after i clean her ear up, she doesnt scatch much liao, but i am worry how come onli one side lor, its not alot now, but i think this whole week almost everyday i have to clean her ears up :S

So u clean Coalie's ears for the ear lotion too? its states tat use it 1-2 a week, i dun dare to use everyday lor, afriad tat its too strong to use everyday :p


New Member
Hey check out wat i have found!

Dark brown to black debris accumulates in the ears of infected pets and the mites may be visible as small moving white specks on the debris. Secondary infection with bacteria or yeast is common in ear mite infections and may complicate the diagnosis. The mites can live on the skin and some dogs and cats appear to have infections that affect only the skin, causing small sores to develop in affected areas. It is important to treat the ears for mites and the whole pet with a product that is capable of killing the mites. Most flea and tick products will kill ear mites on the skin.


New Member

I used 2 type of solutions. 1 is for the ear mites which must be used everyday until the thing clears. This solution can be bought from most pet shops. When the vet checked coalie's ears, she said she din see any ear mites but she saw the eggs!!!!

The other type is for the normal cleaning of the ear wax one lor ... This is the one which i use 2 or 3 times per week
But strange leh, my previous dog had very clean ears ... never once did i see anything in her ears leh. Dunno how come Coalie has such dirty ears .....


New Member

Wat are the stuff tat u can see from her ears when its infected with mites? same as me? the brown dirt? does Coalie ears look reddish or watery?


New Member

It's brownish sticky stuff ... similar to human ear wax, just that ours is yellowish, but coalie's is brown one lor. Coalie's ears doesn't look reddish or watery ... but it smelled horrible though ...


New Member

So far he is not up to any mischef when i put him in the living room. Just that when i open my bedroom door, he will quickly run to me..

He is used to garden train.. but now we r training him to use the papers.. yesterday he poo and urine on the kitchen floor and kena scolded by ny hubby.. i so heart pain.

He did his business correctly for past few times, but dun noe y yesterday he like that..

My hubby was with him during day time these few days.. I m worried that he might not behave when both of us r not at home...


I just adopted one jack russell from spca..few pointers if you want to get a pet from there:
- ask the staff more abt the dog that u intend to adopt. Ask abt their health, tempermant etc.. They r very honest to that, cos they dont want pple to regret taking the pet. There is one chinese middle aged lady who can provide invaluable info..

- go into the kennel and play with the dog to create some can sort of "book" the dog for a few days before u really sign the adoption papers. In the meantime, u can seriously consider whether u really want the particular dog, and visit him/her more often to observe..

I truly encourage pple to adopt then to buy from pet shop, cos the dogs there are real pitiful..Once got pple go near them, they will run forward , hoping to be picked up..

Good luck to you, hope u can find ur life long friend there!!


New Member

heng ah, mango dun have horrible smell yet :p


some dogs wants attention, tats y they do the wrong things, when i put Mango in her playpen, she will poopoo on the floor instead of on papers leh! then when we let her run in the house, she will go back to the papers leh!! Naughty gal!!


New Member
Hi Mag,

Am still here... but did not login these few days cos everyday went out with hubby and friends to buy baby's stuffs... Very happy and excited but tiring too... How are you and Mango??


New Member

Hey, missing u ard liao leh... dun forget to come in chat abit even after yr baby arrive huh :D

We are fine thanks, just some small hipcups like debris in ear, tear stain marks probs lor :p

one more month to go for yr baby to arrive hor.. must be sooo kan cheong rite... need to check with u something abt getting started family planning, msn me when u log on k? cya!


New Member
hi Chong Lishi (lala), sorry din come into this thread so din see ur query on the doggie.
currently checking out the price and pics for you. will get back to you soon.

mag, u said u poured the cleaning lotion into his ears ah? is the lotion meant to be used this way? what i understand is water that gets into dog's will never come out. it will stay inside the ear canal and cause infection. so just be careful when u clean his ears dun have such lotion, so not sure coz perhaps the vet has asked u to pour the lotion in?


New Member

the lotion is to clean the untouchable area of the canal, drip in some and massage the area for it to clean to canal lor... dun tell me its not like tat... :S


New Member

oh dear.. i think my method is wrong.... the last time i did tat was two days ago.. wat do u think i shld do now? will the solution dry up by itself in her ear???? :'(


New Member
hi mag, well...i really do not know if ur method is right coz i dun use the same solution... but u said u did that 2 days ago, did u monitor her condition? did her ears become better or worse? did she shake her head more or less? i use baby oil, but i only drop a few drops. i guess urs is the alcohol kind which will vapourise? but i was pretty alarmed when u said you "filled" her ears with the solution you see..... drip in some and massage the area is right though.... why not call ur vet and ask? best that way....


New Member

actually cant 'filled' up her ears cos she will reject by shaking away lor, i think onli driped a bit lor, she is fine and not shaking her head all the while, its onli us who checked her ears and found tat one of her ear gets dirty very easily lor.

Will bring her to the vet maybe this weekend or next, will monitor her further now :p


New Member

Dun worry, that's the correct way. I think binbin mistaken that u actually 'poured' the solution in the ears. If it's a few drops, it's ok cos some of the solution will stay inside the ears & sort of makes the dirt & debris 'float' up, so that you can clean it out easier.


New Member
hehehe paiseh lah binbin,

but Mango wont let me drip the lotion in lor(she will shake her ears, then how to fill the ear up and see the dirt floating up leh?


New Member
hi gals

Thanks for all the info that you all shared.

La_la, I do not know that infact we can visit the dog regularly before we decide on which dog i want. Actually i looking at more on older dog rather than a puppy.

Actually, now i have a old poddle dog which is with me about 15 years. Last time is bought by my family memeber from pet shop when he is a puppy. After grow up, i know more about stray dog and cat, so i tell myself if next time i going to get a dog again i will look for abondon dog first.

We intend to keep the new dog in our place and i till have my dog at my home with my family member. Or do not know if they can be live together or a least can "visit" each other.

For a start, I did read Sunday Strait time at the SPCA column to see if there is any dog suitable.

Will start looking around


New Member
u can look ard at as well. they are quite active in rehoming abandon/stray dogs. Alternative is ASD, K9love. Do a search on the internet. you'll be able to find them.

currently there's a 6 yr old LC chh up for adoption. You can consider. Think it's posted at doggiesite, u can take a look.


New Member
Hi cheryl,

Yah if u interested in the dog, u dont have to immediately adopt him/her.( happens for me, but u better check with their staff)

I suggest u go down to spca personally to see the dogs. The website and newspaper only show few dogs. Some other websites for adopting dogs:

Btw gals,

My doggie(jrt) eyes are abit reddish. Similar to us human when we do not get enough sleep. Is it normal???


New Member

Thanks for checking out for me.. But i already got a jack russell.. dun think can keep another maltese..


New Member
hi lala, oh are u the same as "Chong Lishi (lala)" that posted earlir and asked about the doggie? me blur liao. ur name diff but nick the same?


New Member
Hi guys!

I went to Bishan Park @ yesterday for the ClubPets carnival! Real fun and eyeopener for me cos i've nv been to such function b4 :p hehehe

I went with my frd's two shihtzes and Mango sure was friendly to them!

After tat when we reach home and all of us took a nap, she was still sleeping away while its time to take her dinner! She must be beat tired ah! Hahaha!

My frd's shihtze took part in the coverlook contest and won 2rd prize! So happy for her! :D Hopefully next time i can registered for Mango too... but first, we will have to do something with her tear stain! hahaha!

Cheers! Have a nice Day!!


New Member

Hey, I've checked the paw print kit for you. My sis selling at $15.90. If u want, we can meet up then I pass u the kit, can help u save on delivery charge
(sssshhhh ... dun tell my sis


New Member
hI gals,

I always quarrel with hubby regarding our dog. He insisted on punishing but i disagree with him.

Mine is a jack russell, though hardy , but i just cant bear to see my husband beat him on his butt. My husband says i always find excuse for the dog misbehaviour. I can say that among jack russell, mine is very guai already.

He is adopted from spca , so its inevitable that he suffers from seperation anxiety. Two days ago, my husband went to sleep shortly after he reaches home, then xiaobai pee on the mattress which my hubby put in the living rm. Now my hubby still mad at this issue. I told him that every doggie bound to have this kind of problem.

Frankly speaking, xiaobai did it once on our bed, but i hid this matter from my husband..That was when he was barking(which he seldom do) and i ignored him.

I strongly dont believe punishment is the right way to train a dog. Of cos i will scold but i just find my hubby tone too loud and his actions might be too rough for a small size dog..

The worst thing is that he refuse to let xiaobai sleep on the sofa(after the peeing incident), saying that his fur dirties the sofa.
I knew my hubby "bear grudges" with xiaobai then resort to this lame excuse. He also admit that..

I feel so guilty to adopt xiaobai..He could have gone to a family who are not so harsh with him. I love him but i hate to see he kena punish everytime my husband sees his what xiaobai done is unacceptable.

I think my husband very cold hearted.. after he punish xiaobai...xiaobai go near him and"sia jiao" he also dont care.. Breaks my heart and i will end up bringing xiaobai down for a walk..

Husband say i spoilt him too much... but i just dont think so!!! sICK of quarrelling over this issue with hubby..

I believe that given this situation 3 of us(xiaobai, me and hubby) also wont be to solve this problem?? I want xiaobai to be by my side and i oso want xiaobai to be happy...


New Member
Good Morning everyone!

hi lala,

usually both my hubby and i will punish my dog together when she did the wrong thing, as for peepee in the wrong places, dogs will tend to miss q sometimes lor, my dog too leh... hehehe, usually when my dog is running ard like super active then she will suddenly just turn a few rounds and peepee on the same spot no matter where she is!! and i will carry her quickly back to her toilet.

u shld always ask xiaobai, 'shishi where?' bring him there after meals, after playing, when he realli shishi there, try giving him treats and keep tell him he's a good boy, he will noe tat its the rite thing to do

but when he is wrong, punishment can teach him not to do it again and have to punish on the spot when he did wrong! cos they have short memories.

Yr hubby and u have to be Patience! its the onli word. My frd always reminded me this


New Member
Hi lala,

Was the decision to adopt xiaobai made by u or the both of u? If it was only you, could it be that your hubby is 'jealous' of the attention you are giving to the dog?

What mikey said is correct .... you have to be really patient when training a dog. How old is your dog? Maybe you want to enrol xiaobai in an obedience class if you have no clues on how to teach him?


no leh only 5 weeks old. 28 Dec then 2 months old
This one is the one i brought back from the dead. He's absolutely my fav and the fattest. told my hubby I want to keep him but he say already got 2 dogs cannot...... : ( who want to adopt the papa? : PPP The daddy is as super goon, that day he sprained his leg while escaping the puppies and was bed ridden for one whole day. Touch him only cry. Cannot move him. Then I tot buy him a burger to cheer him up. He see burger then can sit up leow. Take the leash show him only can walk leow. Great actor man!!


New Member
Hi MOnica,

YOurs pups simply gorgeous!! So cutey!! so how is the puppies doing?

Oh La La,

Don't fret.....I had this problem with a couple of gfs...ahaha and now we laugh over it...How long have you adopt the doggie? and maybe your hubby is not used to another intruder...some Male Human and Male Dogs do not really get along first ekkeke....have to do some adjustments...ahaha cux both of want your attention...

YOur hubby can see your attention to your Xiaobai.....and simply he is just jealous...over the attention...\

My gf has got a trick, when Your hubby teaches xiaobai, leave it alone and join in the lecturing...or leave your xiaobai with your hubby to have some time alone....without you around fussing over xizobai

Learnt to not fuss over xiaobai in front of your hubby (if hubby not around, fuss as much as you want la) and your hubby will feel pity and start to love the dog...himself willingly...or sometimes say : OH, see xiaobai misses you when you are not around etc? or xiaobai smelling your shoes, must be missing you etc? Eventually all our hubby loves dogs...

I tell hubby used to freak out when there is a dog around, hate dogs simple but now, simply love our Lhasa...Toto...He baths for him eyc..there will be a bond...just give your hubby some time k!!



New Member
monica!!! ur pups are soooo CUTE!!! make me miss my doggie's puppy look.. too bad never take much pics of him when he was young..

lala, i guess it's okie to wack them on the backside.. but of cos not too hard till they can fly away lah.. but enuff to show them that it's a punishment not a pat. i have a male doggie too.. but he gets along very well with my hubby.. and is even closer to him than to me altho he always wanna niam me.. and he'll fret more if he can't see my hubby in a foreign place.

i guess guys would not their feelings as easily as we women who have the natural motherly instinct.

in my case, my hubby is also the disciplinarian while me the pamperer.. but i dun interfere when he's disciplining him.. i agree with natash.. stand on his side when he's disciplining.. dun put him down and say why is he so 'cruel' to the doggie.. maybe say something like..'hor u see, u anger daddy already, notti boy'.. something that will tone down the harshness of the punishment rather than aggravate it if u directly oppose ur hubby.

try coaxing him and be the mediator rather than opposing him head on... besides doggie are very intelligent.. with u opposing ur hubby.. the punishment or discipline may not be so effective since doggie may learn to run to ur side whenever he does something wrong and he do knows that u'll not punish him. then this may anger ur hubby more....

it's important u lay down the rules to ur doggie when he's still new to your environment so that he'll learn faster and u won't have a hard time correcting him in future. besides, JRT are pretty hyperactive... u need to train them properly to prevent them from wrecking the house and behave when they are outside.


Not really lah, but everytime he gets on my nerves I just want to throw him away. But see his face so cham then soft hearted leow. But these days he really behave like some naggy ah pek. very intolerable. He's messing up the house alot. He use to be the gwai one that will go to toilet but now..... he spray every where. I so stress every morning. have to clean up after him. And now adays he bark alot also at nothing. Is he menopausing or going crazy?
