For All dog lovers


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Pegsfur, I finally saw peggy!! So cute but she's so small!! No wonder I missed her amongst your pics!

Sooooo cute...that pic of her makes her look like she got moustache..hehe...looks like starwars Yoda! hahaha! ;Þ Very cute!


New Member
Hi: i am new here, and would like to share my cute cute DOGGIES!!!!


New Member
Hi Cindy,

your dogs got such shiny fur! What do you feed them? I know velcotte does give shiny fur to dogs...but my dog didn't turn out so shiny leh!

Wow, was it tough getting the 2 of them to look into the camera at the same time?


New Member

Hahaha.... she's tiny, isn't she? No lah, where got moustache? But I agree with u that she looked abit like yoda

Guess wat? Yesterday when i bring peggy for her usual walk, she chased a cat AGAIN! Aiyoh, imagine the scene - peggy chase cat, I chase peggy .... Luckily the kitty was fast & disappeared in the drain b4 peggy could confront it ... scared the hell out of me .... & I thought she wld have learnt her lesson well but I guess she only hates them more ....

Hi cindy,

Yr doggies are so cute! Are they silky terriers or yorkshiere terriers ... can't seem to differenciate between the 2 ....


New Member
Hi Aliblue, sam and pegsfur,

They are not silky terriers, they are yorkshire terriers. Their names are Yorkie and YoYo. They have been with us since babies.

I think they have natural shiny coat. No, it is not difficult to get the two of them to look at the camera at the same time, cos they loves to take pictures and we took alot of them already.

This July, I going to take my studio photo and outdoor photo (bridal) and I intend to take them along with me.

Any ideas how to decorate them? They don't like to tie ribbons on their heads...


New Member
Hi schauzie,

Your miniture schnauzer is very cute! Thought of getting one more dog - miniutre schnauzer cos, love them very much. But FH said we already have two dogs, so see how first. So sad...

Wow, you really pamper your dog alot! Your dog like the taste of the both evening primrose oil and omega fish oil?


New Member
Hi Cindy,

Yup, he loves those 2 oils. I give him the capsule type for humans and he will chew chew then swallow. No problems at all! He has less bumps on his body now, less flakes and fur looks shinier. My frens all say he has such a good life, eat evening primrose oil.... hee hee...


New Member
Hi schnauzie,

Will the oil make him less flakes? cos, one of my dog has sensitive skin and he has red patches on his skin. If the oil can make him feel better, then maybe I can let him try.

What is the brand of the evening primrose oil?


New Member
Hi Cindy,

I buy mine from Australia as my sis is there. Sometimes, I feed him the Kordel brand or the ones from Nature Farm. No particular brand that I stick with. Its more like whatever I eat, he eats too. Can get from John little or Nature Farm, doesn't really matter to me.

My doggie used to have bumps, dry skin and flakes on his body. But after I started feeding him EPO, it has disappeared! I feed him the 1000mg capsule about 2x a week. If I feed Omega 3 fish oil, then I reduce the EPO by one capsule. I guess its no harm trying it out, but not too much, okie? For small dogs, I think max is 250mg per day.

You may like to supplement his diet with veggies too. My doggie loves carrots and peas.


New Member
Hi schnauzie,

Does the oil make him fat? Cos, i heard from friends that EPO will make a person fat. How about dogs?

Yup, I fed my dogs tomato too and fruits. They loves it alot!


New Member
My doggie is too active to be FAT!!!! hahahaha... he has got so much energy which I dunno where he gets from...

To me, I'd rather my dog be fat then have skin problems. Just give him more exercise and they should slim down after a while. I don't think EPO makes him Fat. It cured his skin problems which I feel is more impt..


New Member
Hi schnauzie,

Cos, one of my dog is already fat, so cannot afford to grow fatter anymore. He loves to eat alot! I think give him anything he also eat, except chilli. hehehe...

Thanks! I think I might get some for him. Now his skin condition is getting better, so make him eat EPO to see whether he will fully recover.


New Member
hi schnauzie,
is your dog throwing tantrums at the time of this photo. Cos' my dog always give me this kind of "look", like pouting when she's throwing tantrums, same goes for all my friends' dogs..hehe


New Member
Nope, my doggie is not throwing tantrums. He was sleeping when I my camera woke him up... thats why he has this look... hehe..


New Member
Wow Schnauzie!!
He's soooo cute!!! He's got that "can't u leave me alone for once" look. hahhahaha. So adorable!!! U know huh today my stupid dogs stunt 4 of my bahzhangs. So mad at them. But can u believe it , they can actually spit the leaf out onto the newspaper.

My dogs also very very fat. They very cheapskate one. Give them chilli they also eat. Raw potato drop on the floor they also rush to eat. The only thing she's scared of is Hong Yew. She'll run away when I open a bottle of hong yew or vicks or anything minty.

You can try using this Dove Shower cream with 3 moisturizer to bathe the dog. I tried that and their coat became so shiny after one bath! Very moisturizing for the dog's skin too.

I tried , very good but not sure how it will turn out on ur dog. Can try once and see loh. Anyway if cannot then use yourself.


New Member
U very experimental leh. Dove also used on dogs! :p that ah, then must try on my doggie too. He now also got some skin infections got my groomer to cut him botak liao so as not to further aggravate his problem. I just bought 2 smaller bottles at watsons. The new one with gold cap, is that the one u use? :D


New Member
Hi Monica,

Had ever tried Dove, but was afraid that it might not be suitable for dogs, so had since stop and went back to dogs shampoo.

Since you said good, maybe I should try again.


My 7 months puppy is not finishing up all her food like she used to. Is it a concern? I tried adding cheese bits to her dry food, and she will try to eat the cheese first, and the dry food. She dropping teeth nowadays, almost dropped one tooth each day. Should I worry? How much human cheese slice can dogs consume per day? How can I pound the dry food to smaller bits? (so she won't need to bite) She doesn't like the food to be soaked in water.


New Member
My dog also had some problem with his food when he was a puppy. I mixed his dry biscuits with some wet food (those canned Pedigree meat). Took a certain portion out for each meal, microwave it warm and mix it with the dry biscuits.
Can try to add alittle bit of water to it ... your dog may think its gravy !

I think my dog doesn't like his food to be soggy either, so i dun soak his biscuits in water. Instead, i add alittle bit of water, just a LITTLE bit before serving it to him such that each mouthful he takes includes alittle bit of water.

Instead of pounding the biscuits into small pieces, why dun you buy those dog food that comes in small pellets? Pedigree has a range of food that comes in small pellets (ie small pieces).

Pls dun feed your puppy too much cheese. It may
get stuck in her teeth, leading to tooth decay. Same for bread and all things soft. Tooth decay = bad breath !


New Member
Hi Clarise,
too much of human cheese may not be healthy for dogs becos' of the heavy content of diary products in the cheese. In fact, it is not advisable to feed your dog too much of what you are eating. Dogs have their own nutrtional level, and unless you are able to balance out his/her nutritional level based on the size, else it's better to stick to the normal portion of dog food.

Your dog is most prob going through the teething stage. It's common that he/she is rejecting food but not to worry, try pounding the biscuits and feed it.

Another possibility is your dog is protesting against the food. Sick of eating the same thing for months already and is trying to test his luck for something new. My dog did that trick on me but I continued to feed her at her usual mealtimes. She will get the hint that when she's hungry. Remember, dogs can go up to 3 days without food. So it's not alarming unless your dog totally stops eating.

Hope this helps.


New Member

Not advisable to feed your doggie human cheese. If your dog loves cheese (like my dog does) can buy the doggyman cheese that is sold in major petshops. Comes in a packet in 5-6(?) tubes.U can cut into smaller pieces (as and when u want to give ur dog a treat/training) & keep the rest in fridge. It's more costly than human cheddar cheese but much more healthier lor. remember to brush your dog's teeth! I brushed my doggie's teeth 3 times a week to prevent him from having tooth decay. :p


New Member
"Give Me a Home!"
The Pet Adoptathon

Where: Parkway Parade (outdoor covered area)

When: Sunday, July 7, 11am-7pm

What's Happening:
- Pet adoption of our local dogs and cats
- Sale of pet merchandise and cookies
- Basic obedience demo and pet care talk
- On the spot animal caricature and portrait sketch by artist. Bring your fav photos along!
- Photo Pooch Session
- Talk on pet responsibility and commitment

[Organised by Action for Singapore Dogs (ASD)]
All proceeds support ASD's rescue and rehoming activities.


New Member
Hi Sam & everyone

I remember seeing your Westie pic here, and she was wearing a pants, for use during her heat season. I have bought one for my doggy but I realise the pants will cover up her anus, so how she poo poo?

How am I supposed to deal with a dog who is having her menses? Drip all the way at home? Remove pants for her to shit?


New Member
Hi Claris,

yes that pic was taken when she was in heat. You guessed it right, I will remove those "pampers" for her when she wants to poo poo or wee wee. But the only time she does so is when she goes for her walks, so I normally remove it totally and bring her for her walk. When we reach home, then I put it on for her.

I have a friend who leaves his dog "pamper-less" during heating. He says his dog will lick her privates and "clean" herself this way. Except for a few drops on the floor when he goes home after work, his furniture such as the sofa, etc are all ok, free from stains. But I don't want to take the risk, as my dog loves to jump onto the sofa. So I rather go thru the hassle of putting it on and taking off for her.


New Member

I dun come to this thread often, but would like to appeal to you dog/animal-lovers for some help in a petition.

My friend is the director of the Cat Welfare Soceity in Singapore; she has written a reply (published in the Forum in Straits Times today) in response to minister Vivien Balakirshnan's appeal to stop HDB dwellers from keeping cats as pets.

Participation is really simple ... send me an email at [email protected] and i shall forward the petition letter to you (the same that was published in the newspapers today). You only need to sign it with your name & IC number, and fax it to the number provided.

Please help with this good cause.
Thank you.


New Member
Hi All,

I need some advice. My dog is already 4 months old. I had been trying to train him to wear the leash so that I can bring him out for walks. But till today, he still refuse to wear the leash. Whenever I put the lease on him, he will simply sit there and refuse to move or walk. Then, I will start to pull to get him to walk, but he will rather lie down and be pulled to walk. What should I do in order to help him get accustom to the leash?


New Member
Hmm...hard to say. Do you use your leash to whip your dog (as in a punishment)?

Or maybe his collar is too tight, such that when
you tug him it hurts?

Is there something that he's afraid of along journey? Eg another dog etc

Maybe you try to sound more excited and get your dog to be excited as well. If he doesn't get excited, then maybe its someting out there that's making him scared.

This is the soft approach; if all else fails, then try to command him to put on the leash and follow.

I find it rather odd actually, coz most dogs enjoy going for walks....


hi corrie...

dun dog was like that at 1st...i think it's more of not being used 2 the he wearing the collar 24 hours a day or only when u want 2 bring him out?? my mini-schnauzer was real stubborn...whenever he had the collar & leash on...he refused 2 move...he doesn't wear a collar indoors...

mabbe u could try the kind of restraint that goes around the front legs & u can attach the leash 2 the back so it doesn't make his neck uncomfy...more humanitarian way too...*grin*...

be patient...carry your dog 1st till u reach an interesting grassy area (be careful of ticks though) then your dog might get interested & forget his inhibitions...have dog loves walks now...


New Member
Hi Cody and Dogcharacter,

Thank you for your comfort and suggestion. I am becoming to be very anxious that my dog wun walk on a leash.

I am not sure if my dog is afriad of anything that is out there or not. When he was 3 months old, I started to bring him to my mum's house to play with my other dog. He will get pretty excited. Even when he is at home with me, he gets excited very easily too. He started to wear the collar 24hours round since the day I brought him home from the pet shop. I never use the leash to punish him. Though he is active and excited when indoor, he become afriad when I bring him out and put him on the floor, whether is it grass patch or void deck. He will be very alert and fearful of his surrounding. I dunno what cause that fear. At first, I thought he might be fearful cos he is not used to it. So, then I tried to train him to walk with a leash. I only train him on leash at home. Once, he is on a leash, his tail is down towards the floor, and he wun move. Not at all. Even when I drag and pull, he will not walk.

Now, I am beginning to wonder did the petshop use the leash or something similar to punish the dog before I bought him. Can anyone help me?


Try bringing some of dog's favourite toys out, and play together outdoors. Or try carrying the dog, and walk around outdoors, and slowly try to put dog on the floor....wearing collar and leash all the time. Be patient. My dog used to bite the leash, and still does it sometimes now.


New Member
Hi corrie,

I think the behaviour is normal .... maybe he's not used to the surrounding ....

Can try giving him his fav food/snacks .... e.g. give him some if u successfully put on the leash ... give him somemore if he manage to step out of the house ... u know, things like that to sort of 'reward' him for something he did right.


New Member
Hi All,

Thanks for all the suggestions. I will try all of them on my dog and see how he react. Generally, I hae no problem regarding putting on the leash on him. He does not resist or anything. It is the after leashing behaviour that worries me.


Hi everyone,

I have a problem, i am intenting of getting a maltese, but my friends
told me that ppl with asthma are not suppose to keep dogs, and also
if the family is about to have a new born child it is also not
suitable to have one.

So is it true??
Please advice.

Thank you


Hi dog lovers, I have problem with my 8 month old dog. I wanted her to sleep with me at night in the same room, but instead of sleeping, all she does is play her toys or bite furniture. How? Should I continue to leave her in her cage during nighttime? Should I buy a good dog bed so she will sleep there guai guai? Now she sleeps on human kind of mattress.....but sometimes she sleeps on floor only.

Where do you all keep your dog when you sleep?


New Member
hi sleep, puppy is just like kid you need to discipline them, let me share with you my experience my dog used to sleep with me too when i still staying with my parent. What i did is keep all her toy when time to sleep and if she do not behavior her she will get scolding or some bitting from my mom.



New Member
Oh no!!

Sorrrry!! 1st time posting an image. Didn't make the final posting but end up my message still got posted :p But anyway this is the real one here



Hi Sharon(soupie)

which 'hairstylist' your dog goes to? Looks pretty neat. And how much?

Hi Cheval

I will try scolding my dog tonight. Also, do you let your dog pee at night? Or they hold till we humans wake up and open door for them? My bedroom furniture now looks torn and destructed...


New Member
Hi Sleep,

I used to go to the groomer at pet safari... groomer's name is sylvia but she has left that place and is doing grooming on her own now... she quoted me $40 for bringing my doggie to her place (in tampines) or $45 for home grooming.

I liked her style too ..she's very open to ideas.. at least she will listen to what i want.. some groomers they dun really listen to you one.. they just do what they like...

my maltese is a boyboy so i like to keep his ears and under ears short..look more "boyish" if not will look very girly which my bf and i cannot stand..hehehe :D

anyway if you are really interested i could pass you her number


New Member
hi sleep, my dog she does hold until we wake up to bring her downstair. They can be train, but you need to have patient with them.
I don't rear any dog at my new home now, however i do rear dog for 16+ years, used to have 2 smaller size dog they pass away last year 14yr another 15yr old and my new dog she is 1yr old now.



New Member

I'd like to do a simple poll with fellow dog-owners in this forum.

What kind of dog food do you feed your dog?

I've been feeding my precious Pedigree for some time now, but many people have been telling me that its high sodium (salt) content gives rise to kidney problems in the later years and that the animal by-products (one of the ingredients) causes more harm than good (eg funny growths here and there).

I dunno how true this is, but i have been hearing such remarks from so many different dog owners that i'm getting alittle weary myself. So far my dog doesn't have any problems, but he has a fleshy mole at the hip.

Can u pls share with me what brand of dog food you feed your dogs and how much does it cost?

Thank you very much for your time.



New Member

i've been feeding my shih tzu with dry food, Eukanuba and Nutro, occassionally mixed with Caeser, sometimes cooked chicken liver and meat.


New Member
I am feeding my Westie Science Diet, dry food. I started out with Pedigree too when she was a puppy but heard very bad comments on that brand. And since switched to Science Diet about a yr ago, recommended by the vet she goes to.


New Member
Sam, could u see any difference in your dog after you switched?

my fren's dog switched from pedigree to canine caviar, and according to him, his dog sheds less fur now & his furcoat also looks alot shiner and healthier.

my dog is turning 6 this year, so i'm hoping to look for a not too expensive alternative to Pedigree.

Anybody here knows any dog forums i can go to?
Or if anyone here has anything to contribute ?
How's Eukanuba?


New Member

how abt this site :

i prefer Nutro than Eukanuba as the pellets is in solid form and they do not hv much remnants, hope you know what i mean. all along i hv been feeding them these two brands and couldn't see any diff, i did not feed them on pedigree dry food. but i notice on occasion (which is rather rarely) when i feed them canned pedigree (wet food), my shih tzu poo is soft and watery, which i dun prefer.


New Member
I feed my dog Cesar mixed with Pedigree dry kibbles. She can't eat Alpo cos she will 'lao sai' .... not suitable for her tummy ....


New Member
i feed both my dogs 'abady' or somehting like that cos one of them is having some skin problem so cannot anyhow take. but previosly was on eukanuba, its good enough if your pet has no skin problem. i heard predigree is very salty and it cause pet's fur to drop. don't know how true though.
