Hi Cheryl,
A bit confused by ur question.
Direct Printing on cards is one price.
Insert Printing is another price.
Then purchase of cards; ie not using hotel/restaurant provided cards is another price.
Then printing got 2 types, 1 type is offset ink printing, the other type is the gold/silver hotstamping.
Pros & cons of Direct Printing on CARD itself -
1) if u write wrongly on the card the invitee's name etc, the WHOLE CARD is wasted.
2) Direct printing on card is of cos nicer.
Pros & cons of using Inserts -
1) If u write wrongly on the insert, the insert can be replaced with a new piece.
2) Cheaper cos u can print extra inserts and then wun waste ur cards.
3) Cost may be higher than direct printing if the paper u choose for printing inserts is more ex.
Types if ink to choose:
1) Offset - cheaper cos inkjet printing; ie ink is cheaper.
2) hotstamping - expensive but nicer cos u need to pay for stamp plate + hotstamping labour.
Call Stephen up, he can better advise u. We also only made our decision after meeting Stephen.
Apologies I cant recall how much I paid for hotstamping. I used Hotel provided cards & did insert hotstamping.