Hi Ladies!
I'm also a victim of FIL hardselling tactics! After reading this thread, I realise this is their way of business.
I've signed up a package with them in 2004. I've a chubby face & wanted to have a slim face using their Faceslim course. Each session cost $58 & I was made to sign up for 22 sessions (Why in the 1st place, 22 sessions??). Anyway, I signed up & went regularly (once every week) as I was desperately wanting to see fast results. I had even bought home a face cream who was said to be effective
I signed up at the branch at International Building but I realised that they have bad service, even the receptionists arranging our appointments failed to impress. Subsequently, I went on to frequent the branch at Robinson Finance & once or twice, at the Atrium (near PS). Halfway through my sessions, I was being hardsell into upgrading my package at Robinson. Smitten by the urge to see fast results, I upgraded my package! As I went through more & more sessions, I realise the treatments are not working for me! Angered & disappointed, I stopped going for the treatments. By then, the package cost which I paid up by instalments, have all been paid.
Last year, I recevied a call from the International Building branch to fix an appointment as I've not been there for ages (good service, it sounds huh?). So I went for a session, anyway I've to clear my package, why should I let them earn my money for nothing?? After the session there, they wanted me to buy a home care product again. Feeling very angry & taken for a fool, I snapped at the girl, that there have not been any results so far & I have to keep buying the products??! The few girls at the counter all remain silent! Is that a silent confession that they are not delivering results to customers?
Last week, I happended to be free on one of the weekdays & I decided to go for a sessions to clear all my sessions & that's it. I still have abt 10 sessions left, that's worth $1.5K. During the facial session, the branch manager popped in & commented a lot on my face! And told me that the usual treatment I used to have, is no longer available. She wanted to use the value of my 2 sessions to try out a new treatment for me. After the session, as usual, they offered me tea & a chat in a room.
The manager told me now I cant use the treatment cos it is not available, instead she can offer me a conversion using the balance 1.5K I have. I just need to top up another 1.5K to 3K. This 3K is like a stored value package, I can have other treatments as I wish, not to only stick to only 1 type of treatment. Then she blabbers on to persuade me to sign up for 5.6K package! Quoting the benefits of having more discount for signing up for more. All the while I've been keeping quiet, letting her finish wat she's to say.
In the end I told her all my frustrations & bad experience on FIL. Without batting her eyelids, she could told me those bad service personnel have all left FIL & she even showed me testimonials which her customers have written. And their treatments are guaranteed good! I told her in the face that bed service personnel is her company's problem, whether they have left the co or not is not we, the customers' concerns. Also, I told her I want to see results on myself, not based on testimonials from others!
Knowing very well my concern is on results, she doesnt allow me to use my balance on her so called new treatment! I can only top up to the new package or take other old technology treatments the next time I come!!
As a branch manager trying to get more customers & appeased a customer with a bad experience, cant she do something to salvage her customer? Cant she allow the disappointed customer to use the balanceon the new treatment, hoping by any chance that customer can see the results & is happy & might sign up for a new package? Instead of denying herself & the customer of the chance to see results? why should we as the customers, bear the consequences of them stopping a treatment? They stop the treatment & expect customers to accept the new treatment with additional money pump in!! She requested me to sign up for the 3K package to give them a chance to prove themselves! C'mon, I've balance in my package, why cant she use it & make it a chance for herself? It's not me to give her the chance, she did not make use of what she already has! Isnt it obvious that she's eyeing for that extra $$ to pump in from me??!
Bottomline, my conclusion on this will be, FIL has no results to show to the customers. They hardsell for their sales target & are not professional in the skincare industry. They are not customer oriented & are always thinking of their own interest at the expense of the customers
I will just take watever 'old' treatments they have in the list & clear my balance & that's it. No more FIL for me!