Egypt Tour


New Member
hi everyone,
was plannin to go europe for honeymoon (end of nov) but heard tat cos of winter it wouldnt be the best time to go now thinking of egypt!! Babyshannon i read all ur comments on egypt! I really wanna go somewhere quiet and romantic..have been lookin at pictures of Cairo on net..and it seems so congested..=( what is it really like? but at the sametime am lookin forward to the nile cruise...did u go to the black and white desert?


New Member
Hi Razanne,

The nile river cruise is so romantic although it is not as well equipped (cos its 4 star cruise, cannot compared to Star cruise).
Start yr trip from Luxor and enjoy the scenery along the cruise.
Cairo is more city like. But Alexandria is another nice place..


New Member
Did anyone tried the egypt tour from ASA? THeir package seems good and reasonable too.. Especially they got the other package where they go Mt Senai/Suez Canel etc.


New Member

I suppose for universal travel your only complain was the Singapore tour leader and the rest like visiting places there was cheap and good?


New Member
Can some1 give me some advice on wic tour agency to choose for Egypt? I thinking of going there in end Nov or early Dec.. should be a good time cos its cooling? How much spending $ to bring there also for 10days package tour trip? Thanks heaps


New Member
Hi twinkly bubblegum

So far my research on several major travel agencies + reference to travel books led to to three agencies which i find is worth considering - 1st is Chan brothers (10D Wonders of Egypt P10W- covers abu simbel which other agency normally is an extra optional), ASA got a 12 days package - 12D EGYPT + MT SINAI which cover red sea, that is good if you dun want to see too much statues/pyamind and want to do something like diving/snorkering in egypt + going to mount senai. Next is what is recommended here - Universal travel, comparing with Chan Brothers - its seems that their cruise seems to be longer and they do not cover some places of interested but from this forum, it seem that their optional is the cheapest. FYI, Most optional to Abu Simbel from Chan Brother (the other package - 10D Exciting Egypt with Alexandria -P10A do not include the trip), ASA, SA,CTC etc cost around $200++ - according to them, you need to take a domestic flight from Aswan) - Not sure if Unviversal is going there by Coach? thats why cheaper than the rest.

Another issue i think that, going on your preference date might not be possible, as tours are not form as frequent as those going to europe/japan etc.

So i think the best guide is choose a few agency that you think is alright (itineary + price) and choose the one which which fit your dates. For me, i will be choosing the agency is the order of Chan Brothers > ASA > Universal Travel. I am only planning to go there around next year Chinese New Year. Anyway, lots of in house travel fair from Mid-Aug onwards and NATAS travel fair from 14-16 Sep @ Expo, so go there and take a look. Booking thru fairs is definately worth it with all the discount and freebies.

P/S - think you might not get a quick response to your question. this forum is not that active i think. I have posted qns and waited till now and nobody response. Good Luck!!



New Member
Hi twinkly and roger,

yup universal goes to abu simbel by coach..u need to wake up very early in the morning, but it is a very comfortable coach and u can actually sleep in the coach, while taking plane means u have to waste time checking in early for to and fro.

i went there in mid dec and the weather is about 10 to 15 degree. very cold when the wind blows. i brought along my winter wear.

universal local tour guide (the egyptian guy) is very good in his explanation and thus allow us to understand more about the places we visit. their in house fair is also cheaper than the natas fair price.


New Member
oh ya, be prepared to spend a lot of free time onboard the nile river cruise. bring along some books or board games. but do enjoy the scenery too..
although the nile river cruise ship is 5 star, but dont expect it to be like star cruise. no activity area onboard except a small swimming pool. the food wise, they serve international food ( but dont high too high expectation), chicken, beef, rice and bread are available in every meal onboard the cruise.

my husband and i spend about SIN 6200 (for two pax) in total for the whole trip including tips, spending in egypt.


New Member
Hi Baby Shannon

Any idea if Universal travel also hold their in house travel fair around Mid Aug just like the other agencies?

Do you have a more specific breakdown of the egypt for 2 person? Shopping wise, alot of things to buy or mainly are souvenirs? Is basic necessity like water expensive?




New Member
hi roger,

universal travel holds their in house travel fair before the NATAS fair. and the price is cheaper than when booking from NATAS fair after i compare with other members in my tour group.

we didnt do much shopping. but there is alot of optional tours besides abu simbel. like visit to nubian village, camel ride, etc. all these info will be provided during tour briefing. most meals are provided and shopping is cheap. during the tour briefing, they will tell u when should u buy (at which area since u will be visiting quite a number of places) and the spore tour guide will tell u whether the prices is reasonable before u actually pay for the souvenirs.
water is not very ex. about USD5 for 3 bottles (1.5l). but must bargain for it. this one, the tour guide will tell u also.


New Member
Hi Baby shannon...

wow, so you must have done alot of optional tours to hit about 6k since the basic package is like $4K+ for 2pax? . Hmm, like that seems like the Chan Brothers package (P10W) seems more comprehensive leh, since like Abu, camel ride is already inclusive of their package.

Did you went inside the pyramid as a option too?

For me I have been to Japan with CB, so no complains about them, Central Europe with Ananda (went with them before they went bankrupt) so...

You happen to have a online album for your eygpt trip? If you dun mind can i see? I can also show you mine, its at or you can just drop me a email at [email protected] if you are not comfortable to post your link here



New Member
thanks baby shannon & roger for yr info abt egypt.. the response were pretty quick..

so wic tour package is more detailed? dec seems like a good time to go egypt.. Going egypt is more for the sightseeing.. good wic is wat i wan..
I wanna see more too..


New Member
hi twinkly, i enjoyed my egypt trip during last dec.. ya, dec is one of the best time to visit egypt.. at least it's more cooling.. =)

Roger, your Japan trip is a recent trip? just went Japan about 2 months back.. we didn't join any travel agency.. it's a F & E trip.. their things are so lovely and interesting.. feel like buying everything back.. keke.. hope to go back one of these days.. ^_^


New Member
HI ebearz

Yes went to Japan with Chan brothers during this year Chinese New Year. Yes. Things are so pretty there and so tempting - food, shops, girls, guys etc... Youc an check out my album on msn live provided one thread up.



New Member
if i remember correctly,

from my photos. the optional tours include trip to abu simbel, visit to nubian village (include cambel ride) - USD40 per pax, visit to old cairo - USD 40 per pax, entrance to pyramid is USD10, trip to alexandria (nice, must go).


New Member
Hello everyone!!

I am planning egypt for honeymoon next year. My AD is in Jun 08. My hubby and i are thinking of going before the Nov school holidays.

Any advice when is the best time (not so hot) to tour egypt between July and early Nov? I plan to include Nile cruise in the trip. Thanks!!


New Member

Early Nov should be cooling enough.

Egypt is a terrible place for honeymoon, unless you love ancient hieroglyphics and archaeology so much. All the temples looked the same to us and the history narrated by the tour guides bored us to tears! It's nothing but Horus and Isis.

The Nile cruise was very boring IMO unless you are staying at a super deluxe cruise which has many facilities to keep you occupied at night. My hb and I spent most of our time reading novels, listening to iPod, sunbathing at the deck, hi-tea daily, sleeping, playing pingpong, etc. It's really "Death" on the Nile. But of course, you will stopover at different cities (luxor, Aswan, edfu, kom ombo, edna, philae) along the Nile to relieve yourselves of claustrophobia. Maybe you will like it, I dun know

I didn't go to Abu Simbal becos we were really tired of listening to the same old stories about the Egyptian pagans.

The Pyramids are really a hype. It's boring to me because there is no tomb/mummy inside as you may already know. Just queue with droves of tourists to enter the stuffy tunnel.

And well, if you love mummies of the Ramses, they are really a bunch of sundried cadavers lying in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. I was only interested in Tutakhamon's coffins and treasures.

Valley of the Kings and Hatchetsup Temple will be part of your tour. You will be totally exposed under the Egyptian hot sun, so pls go during fall/winter.

The only place I liked was Old Cairo. Try taking a slow walk in the colonial parts of the city, visit the 400-yr-old souq, the Coptic district, the Christian and Jewish places of worship, take the subway, go to the cafes and Egyptian restaurants, etc. It felt like Mumbai frankly.


New Member
Hi Cassis,

Thanks for your frank comments and insights. Did you go Egypt for your honeymoon as well? When did you go there and which agency did you join?

At first when i read the review in this forum , i thought Egypt would be a lovely place to visit with the Nile Cruise. Most people would have gone to Europe, Australia and Japan for honeymoon. We want to go somewhere special for our honeymoon, that is why we thought of Egypt.

Now after reading your comments, i think i have to do my research seriously.

Anyone else has any comments about Egypt being a destination for honeymoon?


New Member
Hi Selina

Going to egypt for honeymoon might not be a hot favourites among ppl. But on the other hand - if you go to egypt = pyramids & mummies, Europe will be old buildings eg churches / collesum / river. Africa = animals, Japan = old temple wit h mixture of modern cities In the end no matter where you go, you are visiting the place to see its few hundred or thousand of years of culture and history.

Honeymoon is all about spending quality time together right, so since you have already thought of going to egypt as your destination, well stick to it and guess you need to do some readup on the travel books at the Library - plenty there. Choose a reputable travel agency and you be fine - Singapore agency all operate about the same..its what you pay and what you get. Ultimately, it depends on what you can afford to pay for your honeymoon.

One of the reasons of why my wife and I choose Europe for honeymoon is SHOPPING at Milan and Paris and going to the Alps at Switzerland = snow. If you are interested you can view my photo album of my Europe Trip, just few threads up.


New Member
Hi Selina

I dun mean to spoil your plans. Maybe you'll like Egypt if you and your hb are history fanatics. If you're thinking of Northern Africa, I suggest Morocco and Tunisia. They are more romantic in my view.

No, I didn't go to Egypt for my honeymoon. I went to Europe like Roger Pak.

We went to Egypt only becos we've been to Europe liao. Secondly, I have some Egyptian friends who invited me to visit them in Cairo. Thirdly, my hb and I are avid photographers, so we wanted to go somewhere exotic for that purpose.

If you've already been to Europe, you might pick some other exotic destinations like Egypt.

We didn't have the WOW feeling when we were at the Pyramids. It was surprising to us becos we thot we would be awed by the 7th wonder of the ancient world. We were harrassed by some locals who offered to help us take pictures at a fee.

To me, a truly romantic honeymoon destination would be a hassle free, relaxed, quiant one. Cairo traffic got on our nerves.


New Member
Hi Roger and Cassis,

Thanks for your comments.. Agreed that honeymoon should be spending quality time together.. This trip will be our very first long trip.. so i want to make it very memorable to us..

Roger.. i have viewed your photo album.. nice photos.. Switzerland is so scenic!!!

My HB and I will do more research on our honeymoon destination in the mean time.
We have shortlisted a few more places to visit liao.


New Member
Dear Selina

Please dun forget to bring a dozen of é’è‰æ²¹ to Egypt because the locals simply love the fragrance. You can use it as a form of gratuity. When they see you're Chinese, they will gesticulate to you their joint problems, bla bla bla, to hint to you they have aches everywhere and ask if you have that "ching ching" (they can't really pronounce it).

The fragrance is actually similar to an ancient Egyptian perfume concocted for the pharoahs.

Also, I suggest you include Alexandria becos it's closer to the Mediterranean region, hence more scenic and romantic.

Have a wonderful honeymoon!


New Member
Hi.. anyone been to egypt tour with Super Travel..? looks like they have the cheapest package in dec.. about 2k (exclude tax) for 10D.
Any advise?


New Member
Hi SilentElf

Does not seems to be the cheapest package. Universal seems to be around that price range depending on when you go. Maybe you should check with them what is included for the trip and compare to Super travel.



New Member
Hi Roger.. thanx..

the price super travel quoted is for Dec xmas period.. chan bro is 2.3k+ & ctc is about 2.5k+ (without tax) & both are fully booked during that period (must be the natas! :p) .. tat's why i tot super travel seems to be the cheapest.. i have not call universal..will give them a ring soon to check out.. i have yet to compare the itinery too.. am just comparing prices now.. thanx for your suggestion..


New Member
Hi Selientelf

One thing to note about Chan bro Itinery, is that they go to this place call Abu Simbel, where all other agency will charge you as a optional tour. Then if you are keen to have some leisure to do (maybe diving) at the red sea then you could consider either ASA (10D) or CTC (12D) - Both will gives you time at the beaches ones. ASA will also bring you to the suez canel, if you are keen. Other than that I think most of itineary is more or less the same other than the price. My experience with CB (be is F&E or package) have been good so I will believe its other tours will not be a problem.


New Member
Hey Roger.. thanks! Is Red Sea a 'must go' place? I realize the itinery at Super doesnt include Red Sea for 10D tour.. and its only included in the 12D tour which am not able to make it..


New Member
Hi Silentelf

I would not think its a must go, but it be good to take a break at their beaches to do something else just in case you are too sick of pyramids and camels.


New Member
Hey roger, thank u for your reply. I have decided to go with ASA tour instead of Super. becoz Super itinery abit cannot make it. haha.. anyway I tried Chan bro & CTC too but very sad, they are already fully booked for the date that we want..


New Member
Hi Silentelf, great to hear that you have decided on something finally. So what are you going and how much are you paying for it. Hope to see your positive feedback here after you have completed the trip.


New Member
hi roger..

the package is 2.8k (incl tax) for 10D. Mt Sinai & Red sea are not included as they are only for the 12D package. Abu Simbel is an optional tour which I wanted to go but they told me it have to depends on the majority of the entire tour group. *sian... i think the rest of the itinery should be around the same bah..


New Member
hi pple, i was told that the optional tour to abu simbel is usd 120 (by coach) or usd 220 (by air).. is this the norm?


New Member
Hi Selientelf
yes, that the rate from what i recall when i asked the different companys other than chan brothers which include this trip in their itineary.


New Member
wow.. this thread is really quiet..
anyway.. i just want to update tat I came back from Egypt and it was unforgetable and worth going! Just a reminder, food wasnt tat great but just beware of wat u eat and bring lots of medicine to standby for stomach upset.. :D other than food & the ppl (well, not all are bad lah), I think everything else is great..

though there's nothing to do on the nile cruise but I simply love the sceneries & weather..


New Member
hello everyone

seems like the tread talks only abt package tour... anyone can advise if egypt is good for back packing?


New Member
Hi yoyo,

I personally won't think Egypt is a good place for backpacking as some of the locals don't understand English, and it can be a pretty dangerous place to be in. Egyptians tend to like to ask for money and they will try to rip you off in every instance. Hence if you are taking public transport there such as cabs all these, be sure to know of the rates. There are also a lot of nice places which are quite outlying, hence would not be accessible so easily. Maybe you wanna read up more, such as Lonely Planet or Rough Guide before deciding. =)


New Member
Hi, does anybody know if the washrooms in Egypt is clean or very very dirty? Do they have toilet bowls, or all squatting ones?


New Member
Hi! Has anyone been to egypt recently, and with which tour agency? Mi and my fh is keen to go there for our HM hence all information is welcomed!


New Member
the toilets are generally dirty, maybe cleaner in restuarants. so far, only seen squat type, no toilet seats other than those found in the hotels.


New Member
silentelf: You went to Eypgt by which tour agency? Chanbrothers?

spoiltbabe: when u planning to go? we also thinking maybe End Oct going there. CB have a package which is quite good maybe u can see see 10D wonder of eygpt pice also quite ok.

eyemee: your friend is personal tour? or what kind of tour?? which agency? [email protected]


New Member
mrs chiew:
we plan to go in mid oct most prolly. So far reading through the itineraries of the agencies and Dynasty is the most attractive to me. Gonna kgo to NATAS and see if their prices are better
Will you be going there to rackie?


New Member
nope I won't go NATAS. I have fixed on Chanbrothers already... Dynasty is interesting coz they got the white desert thing... but we feel paying more and go see the color cayon(which actually US is more famous) and also pay more to go rea sea... (which actually Australia is more famous) we feel just going Egypt will be enuff... the rest we rather go other country next time... but nevertheless, Dynasty do have more unique package
However do read the small print ya... coz they got mention need to pay tips youself and etc... is count by day.. for 13D the agent told us totally just tips is about SGD$88/pax... and there are optional tours too...

Actually pre-natas in house fair can have better promotion sometimes... check check ba


New Member
Just sth to share ya

Oct is good time to go Egypt too. Weather is about 17-30degree ... after that Nov will be colder...a more speical place for your HM

Just joined Chanbrothers 10D WONDERS OF EGYPT for 20 Oct 08
sign now should still have early bird offer ($200off/pax) total end up about $2.6K/pax (w tax (as of now, tax will be finalised only when air tiecket issue- same for all tour agency))and VISA applciation)

checked many other tour agency but they have optional tours, higher tiping cost like SGD$88/pax etc(Chanbrothers quotated it should be only about SGD$65/pax for the whole trip). VISA they do for us before hand, some will tell you go there then do (cheaper but things like delaying can happen ... wat if one of the tour member can't get the VISA done? whole group will have to wait).. all meals included and so.. kinda everything bao and still cheapest package
