hello Bryce, Guess you'll have to wait for the HDB to send you an invitation to meet the officer for the 2nd appointment. Will sign lots of paper again and you will get your keys. The officer will advise you what to take not of, wat can/ cannot do and you may shoot questions as well. Of course, your CPF must have enough $$ else..need to get bank loan or etc..
But frankly spk, I just shooting this off my mind, hope you readers wun get offended. Now that the economy situation is not doing well.. hence, will you reallie engage an ID? I thought ID will be really necessary if your hse is 2nd hand and you have plans to demolish everything inside and start afresh..
For me, guess I'll brainstorm the hse's interior with my partner abt the design. Cheaper, enhance communication and exchange ideas, and most important, you reallie feel proud of the hse as you 'designed' it yourself..
jus my 2 cents..