Does your Husband earn less than You......


New Member
Hi all,

I am new here. But I wish someone can shares your thoughts to me.

Does your husband earn less than you do??? How do you feel??? Do you pay for the HP bill, House loan, water electrial bill, ect.... instead he pay? Do you feel stress????

My husband do earn less than me . i feel very stress, as he prefer to do part time job than full time. And our house is coming soon and we are shortage of cash to pay for the 1st downpayment. But yet he still dont want find a full-time job. Furthermore, he is much older than me by 5 years. He is in the 30s.

Does your think he is very childish??? How to made him feel a full time stable job?? He has a ploy dipolma.....

I feel very stress.... Can anyone do pls give me some advises?



Hi blues,

Can I know how much is he earning?what is the ratio? 50% of yours?in his 30s?means?what does he work as?

I can understand you must be v stressful over $$.Maybe he knows you earn alot more than him, so he dont find any needs to find a job and indirectly rely on you liao.

Maybe you can share your feelings with him? I am sure u dare not tell your friends and family about how you feel. As a diploma holder, I guess if you can get a job, the salary minimum should have $2k or more for a full time job. What part-time is he working as?

If he cant affort the house, than next time got baby how?the stress will all fall on you leh...

But your relationship with him still good except no $$ onli is it?


New Member
Hi blues,
Im earning more than my hubby too. I understand ur stress cos from wedding preparation till flat deposit till furnitures..all i pay wan. He onli fork out 10% of the total! Can you imagine?

Now he juz manage to get a part time job...with hourly pay of $4.50 an hour. He has been jobless for sometimes and keep job hopping. He is not with any job for 6 mths wan. I everyday also unhappy...and nag him and we usually end up qurrelling.
Now he is trying his best to get a perm day job, while keeping the nite part time job. Since now he is trying his best, I will be there to support him. Wat happen in the past, I would have erase it off if he can really make use this last chance to do sumthing good.
Try toking to him and share with him ur feelings...if he really loves you, Im sure he dun wish to see u like tis..good luck.


New Member
Hi Adel,
Pei fu me? I also pei fu myself sia..din noe i so 'rich' hahahhaa... no la...actually for this reason, i had been quite upset for a long time already.... :|


New Member
Hi Blues

Perhaps the problem is not that he does not want to find a full time job but he can't find one especially during these bad economic times. I suggest you speak to him (be very carefully as guys have huge egos esp when it comes to issues like these) and ask him what he is intending to do with his life or if he's on the lookout for something full time while still doing his part time job. Sometimes he may feel inferior or have a low self esteem esp when you are earning more than him but he does not show it due to pride.

Le'ts just put it this way, I have more respect for people who are working than people who give the excuse that just because the economy is not doing well, they take it as a chance to stay home. My friend's auntie's husband is one example, and mind you, he's been doing it for over a decade now. My friends who graduated recently have difficulty landing a permanent job and many took on contract or part time jobs (but on the lookout for something better) but at least they are working rather than some others who refuse to work when they realise that they cannot find their ideal job. Meanwhile, the latter group are relying on their fast-depleting savings/parents in their quest for the perfect job.

Like what I heard before "There's no such thing as ugly women; only lazy ones", likewise "There's no such thing as a poor man; only lazy ones". I'm sorry if it sounds a little harsh and I may offend some people but as long as they are doing something about it, don't give up on them!


New Member
Hi gin

I can imgine how it feels like to be in your position. I saw from your other posts how you're trying your best with your wedding preparations. I know it's not easy at all... just hang in there. At least your guy is trying hard to find a day job.

All the best in your wedding preparations and hope he finds a job soon!


New Member
Hi Blues,

Me also earn more than my hubby. I know those stress you are facing. I am also paying for most of our things spend togather.

Actually I know he is also trying his best to earn as much. Therefore he change his day shift to night shift. We also just quarrel yesterday not bcos of $$$ but bcos of him being more and more lazy after he work at night. He tend to sleep a lot more than usual.

Now, I have to take care of all the payment and also all the planning. I really feel like giving up too. So tired and fan. Haiz......


New Member
Hi pinkblusher,
Thanks alot. Your words are very motivating for me.
Appreciate that.

Hi Adel,
Till date ard 1 yr plus. ROM less than a year.


New Member
Gin, i dun know wat to say but certainly i do hope things will be better for u and your hb. its takes 2 hands to clap and with u alone supporting the whole family fianacial, its definately not gonna be enough! esp if u still need to service any loans such as reno loan then things will be worse.


New Member
Hi Adel,
Yes, wat ever loans u can think of, I have this is glad my parents are there supporting me and helping me.


New Member
Gin, how u gonna manage?! me gonna do with reno loan and on top of that, credit cards already killing me. i really think u are wonderful leh!


New Member
Hi adel,
Me also got those u not wonderful..i seek help from my parents...

Hi pinkblusher,
Sure ...


New Member

im in this category too.. so far we hve no prbs.. he settle the cable tv, broadband and electricity bills while his dad settles the rest.. however we r going to move out soon so we hve agreed on me settlin the reno loan and him settlin the bills...

its impt to talk and discuss with yr partner as $$ issues can sumtinmes create great conflict between each other.. mayb he can save a small amt fron his part time job?
do u hve enuf cpf for the downpayment? if not mayb can get a loan and get yr hubby to finance it.. tink he mght then feel the burden and thus realise the need to get a full time job??


New Member
Gin, its not a easy path ahead and as i'm alr going thru it now. Whenever me and hb quarrel its always MONEY issue! at times i really wonder if i should carry on struggling with him! haha~

syt, its not easy to talk to my hb regarding $$$$ issues. it always lead to quarrels and me crying thereafter (me very emotional)... keke


New Member
Gin, I admire how you can cope with this issue. If I were you, I believe I will break down. I am glad that your hubby is willing to change for you. All the best!

Adel,what about setting up a joint acct?? That's how me n my hubby do it. Every month, each of us will put a fix amount into our joint acct. Whatever need for wedding prep, house will be taken from there. Only when the joint acct is depleted, then will we mobilise our personal acct.


New Member
Hi Adel,
^5...mine too..always qurrel about money. Yeah me too...therefore at times I did 'chase' him out when he hits my limit.

Hi blurblur,
After alot of chances given, alot of crying, alot of qurrelling and shouting...i wonder how come i got the courage to stay on...and 'tahan' him...still wondering..


New Member
I belong to the group of earning more than my hubby too. I have been working for 3yrs while he just started working not too long. Bills wise, we it's split ok.

However I am not happy with his work ethics. He always complains bitterly about his job and wants to change jobs etc. He worked in his first job for just a month b4 changing. And now he's in his jobs for less than 6mths (1yr contract) and he is thinking of breaking contract and not renewing contract etc.

His dad is those kind of odd-job labourer type of person and all the years just get by with odd jobs and her stable working wife. This is a very bad model and although he condemns his father, he still says that he admires his mum for being supportive throughout the years. I told him that I will not be as stupid as his mother work till to the bones becos of a stupid lazy husband.

I feel quite depressed and insecure that my husband is so unmotivated.


New Member
blur blur,

we tried having a joint acct liao but din werk out as he dun contribute.. now the acct also close liao. at times i also at my wits end.. sighhhHHHhhhh


Tong ming xiang lian..


think your hb really wants to follow his father footsteps huh.. :p


New Member
Hi all,
Thanks a lot of all your support. I dont know how to say to him liao. Cos I xin hui yi ren liao. Whereever we talk about this matter, He will always say :"None of your problem." Can you image a 30s year old guy can behave so childish..

Atualy I dont earn that much also. I earn $2k, If minu CFP, take home pay is about $1600. I cant image if we now really manage to pay for the downpayment for the new house, what a bout the rest of my life??? My future baby or other things????

I think $1600 is not enough also.... i have pay for my insurance plan, parents allowance, food, transport, untily bills, hp bill, home laon ( cos my monthly laon is $600, CPF not enough), image his car, season parking, petrol....ect.....

I understand he is trying his best to find a job. But I still dont understand as a dipolma holder why cant he find a stable proper job with CPF??? Why does he want find a job as a driver?????
Can anyone tell me why?????

Now i dont have much $$$ left. I dont know how to pay for the HDB downpayment, renovation, furniture fittings, weddings.....
Unless I strick TOTO or 4D then i wont have any big headhead...

Because of his I have not gone for facial and cut my hair and buy new clothes to pamper myslef...I feel I am i Cave woman...Hazi........

My parents and friends do not kn about my problem. What shall I do???

Shall I break off with him???? But we have been ROM 2 years+++. can we alunmment or it consider as divocer????

Or shall i give him another chances........


New Member
Adel, hmmm, MAKE him pay for the joint acct.. As for us, we use our joint acct for major things, other miscellanous stuff all he pay. then i can save more money for myself.


New Member
Gin, I must say you are really brave enough. That's the power of love I guess.

Blue, i believe you are going through a hard time. You mean both of you own a car? Since you are financially unstable, should do away with the car right? After I read your post, i feel so unfair for you. Why do you have to bear all the payment? As for wedding, maybe you can do a simple wedding or wedding buffet to lessen your burden.


New Member
Hi blur blur,

He do own a car but not me...
I can live without car not public transport...Hee.... :p

I do agree we can do a simple wedding...But this is almost most of the girls dream and wishes to do a much better wedding.....

I afraid if i do a simple wedding now, i might regert the rest of my life...

If one day i really cant take it, and i just walk out, do you think am i too inresponsiable or selfish????????


New Member
Hi kaka,
Same hubby also after one mth due to PERSONAL reason dun like that job and giving lots of excuses for not going to work.
Angree..sometimes when im working, he bluff me say he goes work wan!
We are on same track too...

Hi blues,
Ur considerations is mine that time too..if u guys staying together now, chances of annulment is most likely divorcee. My cousin also ROM for 2 yrs then tis yr got separated customary. Got flat they giving back to HDB. Mine ROM less than a year..and now we staying together if anything happens.. *touched wood* I will seek divorce....


New Member
Gin & blues,

This road ahead of u will be tough but once u can get over this hurdle i believe things will work out fine for you.

For me, i'm also praying things will be better and not for worse, if one day really cannot tahan i would not hesitate to seek divorce too. i do certainly hope that day will NOT come. for me marriage is still very sacred to me and unless i really give up hope on him, if not i will ren.


New Member
blue, wow, that's costly to own a car looking at your financial status now. If you want a more lavish wedding, maybe you can postpone your wedding till later date so that you got more time saving more money. I personally feel you have to think carefully before you proceed on. Solve the root of the problem first. If not, things will worsen.


New Member
Hi blues,
I understand what you're going through. For a man who is 30 years old and cannot think for his future in terms of financial stability to be able to provide not only for himself but also for his future wife and maybe later on for future children, i think he's not ready yet to get married. I know it hurts to break off now. But i think you might count it as a blessing later on in your life. Because once you're married to him, the responsibility gets higher. It's not only about wedding. On the other hand, it also depends what kind of lifestyle do you want to lead with him. Since he's earning much lower, then your expectations must be lowered as well. Because since that's the income every month he brings, that will be the lifestyle you will be leading. So you can't expect a fairytale wedding which you know he can't afford. You can't expect for more. I don't think you're being irresponsible or selfish. I think you're just confused which is normal especially when you're making a big decision in your life. You really need to sit down & think whether you can be with this kind of man for the rest of your life. In fact, things will get even more complicated when you have children next time. So better to do it now, then later, isn't it. You must be able to accept the man for what he is now. Don't try to challenge yourself that you can change the man. Unless you willing to suffer for the first few years or maybe many years of your marriage life with him.


New Member
Adel: He claims that he dispise his dad but I told him somehow these kind of laziness and bad/unrealistic attitude towards work is 'learnt' I told him that if he want to learn, learn from his mum who work and work and work without complain type.

Gin: I feel so tired sometimes having to motivate, nag, scold, beg him to be responsible. Maybe he needs to see more of the 'world' out there to understand that everywhere, jobs are like that... there's no such things as the 'perfect' job.


New Member
Hi Adel,
Wow..pei fu pei fu!

Hi ic,
Not onli u, my manager also admire me sia. Dunoe good or bad so young have to go thru all 25 yrs old anyway. :p

Hi kaka,
WOW! We think alike man! :p And we react same to the two guys. Sigh...Very tired...cry also use liaoz..scold also use liaoz..shout also use liaoz...anyway like Adel, if he disappoint me again, i wont hasitate to divorce him also. Now I have to settle my parents flat, so that I can get their names into my flat and if anything happens, I can still keep the flat and stay with my parents.. :| Kinda planned..cos I cant forsee he wont go back his normal self again after constant nagging...


New Member

I'm only 26years.
Dun pei fu me lar, u are even better than me leh!

i would not say all of us gathering here have make a wrong choice. each individual have their own path to choose and for of course i do hope i can be debt free one day and be a tai tai. But hey, we got to be realistic rite. maybe we need to go thru the hard way in order to appreciate small little things in life. tt's wat i think..

Weekend ahead! gals dun dwell too much! we can always share our thoughts and give encouragements over here!



New Member
Hi Adel,
Well...if our guys know how to think the same like us.
See la..just told hubby to clear laundry and vacuum the place...when he calls me, still dare to lie to me that he did not play game, where the computer is on when i get home, and the place still very dirty...I seriously dunoe y he lie and lie again..
Very upsetting....
I noe we shld not regret our path...actually the path we chose, we hope that it will be good for us...but somehow, it juz sway out of life path also side-track...very to make him get back sia?!


New Member
Hi Gin,

I really pei fu you. Still can ta han him.
We are in the same boat as well as the other.

I dont understand why do they have this type very bad attuite towards work. They are behaving like a woman. Or they are dreaming to become Tai Tai???


I sometimes dont understand why until now i still can ta han him. Is it pervious life i own him??? I really want to give up on him but sometime "you xin we li".... 5 years++ relationship is really difficult say to break....


New Member
Hi blues,
Hahahaa..i also feel that i previous life own him sia! Hahahahhaa...
We really think the same...
I guess we can update each other thru other email?
Mine is [email protected] . Perhaps can make use of yahoo group to share info..


New Member
hi blues,

its quite a difficult situation u hve there... however i tink its time for yr man to shoulder some of the responsibilites esp the car which he is using nw... its a heavy burden n i tink he should not allow u shoulder this burden esp wen u dun even use it... maybe he was tinkin that since u are already so kind as to foot so many of the bills that he has taken this for granted... i m sorri but i tink that he's quite a selfish man for not helping u in financial isssues... mayb u need to be firmer with him?

how bout plaaning out all the expenses that u wld need for yr hse, wedding etc and show him the total amt that wld be needed? mgt help him to "wake up his idea" and start to take things more seriously... sum men r quite poor in $$ management and cld possibly not realise the severity of the situation....


New Member
HI all
same boat too..I'm earning 80% more than FH...and right now almost 90% of the wedding prep are paid by me...will be moving in with him and FMIL soon in dec after ROM and having AD in mar06...the only two things he has to pay monthly are his flat (monthly cpf) and his bike instalments....been with him 8yrs...initial 4yrs were hard and we had many quarrels with break ups and patching back cos he was in and out of jobs...on top of that his education level is also below me....then past two years are better cos he stayed in the same job and there's a steady income


New Member
hi, i think for those who rom and haven customary..meaning as if still single.. it's a good time to seriously reconsider the relationship.. best is to go marriage counselor to try to work things out..
else it's really betta to end it before it get worse.. cos marriage is not just about both of u.. but about ur children in future.. a lot of times children grow up not whole cos of the fact u'll realise that money can really becum a common cause for quarrels

of cos, if cos rom liao and marriage is really sacred to you.. which it is to me... i think really just have to pray hard.....u can nv imagine what GOd can do..

i earn more than my FH but i thank God that he's really mature n though i know i do have to come out more money eventually, he nv lets me feel that it's my responsibility..n would prefer to live simply so that dun have to use my money..


New Member
Wonder why i din notice this tread earlier...

Kaka, i'm in the same situation as you... I also simply cannot understand why he didnt want (or so lazy) to get a better paying job... A poly dip... earning 1350 before cpf?
Sometimes i feel like i'm the mother, he's the son thinking still have enuff $...


New Member
Hi Tulipz
yes indeed...we both agreed to sign up for marriage prep course in jan06...he had been in and out of jobs and soon realised there's no such thing as a perfect job...what more with his low education....N his pay is aout $1500 before cpf....he had stayed in his current job for about 3yrs now....and had started contributing to the joint account and some wedding prep
happy.gif's alrite if my hubby's pay is lower than me but it's worse if he's lazy and wait for $ to be brought to him by parents or wife....anyway my family and friends do know that he's earnings are lower than mine but we did not take up a single loan or cent from both our families....we take public transport,don't eat in fancy restaurant...except about twice a wk at Thai express,cartel or sakae sushi to treat ourselves and twice a yr short trips to nearby countries


New Member
Hi gals,

Wanna share my side story wif you a little. I'm also earning more den my FH. We are together for coming 10yrs. In the beginning of our courtship, we planned for a joint acct and were very conscientious in contributing it monthly.. but.... after he quit his job, we took a break and the break never continues. If we had continued our contribution, we would have at least 40k in the bank for wedding, house reno, etc. but haiz....

den, I'm always feeling upset cos y my bf is like dat? y can't he be a little more hardworking? y dis, y dat? Making myself very upset and bottoms up everything to myself. We broke up 3x. Last year was the final draw whereby I CHOSE a diff path. Broke away for a solid year. Not answering his calls, see him, etc. I was very cruel, i tink!

I tot I was happier this way, leaving this man. (He is my 1st n only bf) I tot definitely there are many other guys out there and I should give myself more chances. If I don't break away now, den when? Indeed, there were many good guys out there. earning more, very gentlemanly, etc. But I was actually not happy. I was forcing myself to be happy. Keeping myself occupied, going out wif frenz, join many activities, etc.

The year break from me gave him a wake up call! He matured! He could tink better! He realised wat a woman really wants! esp from me (I'm quite a perfectionist!) Wanting the best for myself and him which I tink gave him quite a fair bit of pressure. He felt pressurised by me. keep pushing him to upgrade himself so dat he can land himself a better job, etc. (He's N and I upgraded myself to Hons deg) I actually intending to upgrade to MBA still and maybe doctorate in future...

Den suddenly, my gf told me she saw him wif a gal and they were holding hands! I tot my parting words wif him was that for him to prove himself and we'll be back together again if I see changes in him and improvement. How can he be attached?? I was disappointed and disheartened and realised that I still love him very much. So I decided to take the first step and call him to meet up wif him and had a serious talk wif him. We COMMUNICATED. We talk abt wat are our objectives in life and our goals and see if we still see things eye to eye. We managed to talk things out and he still loves me very much. He made many sacrifices for me. (in fact, when I call off wif him, he had bought a ring and waiting to propose to me but nvr happen) He was so upset and threw the ring into east coast sea! Had depression, drink daily til drunk den got home.

Anyway, my story is very very long and drama. I'm afraid I'd bored u gals. Will continue again (part 2)

But, Gin/Blues,
I believe communication is very very impt between a couple. You need to communicate properly and no hiding of feelings! must share wif your hubby wat his actions will make u feel and vice versa. Must talk abt ur goals and objectives in life. Wat u hope to achieve or wat kinda life u wanna lead? See if both of u share the same tinking. If not, den see if both of u can compromise and settle on an equilibrium point.

We'll continue on this again. don't wanna bored u gals wif long posting.

Cheer UP, gals!!!


Active Member
hi gals,
me new to this thread. Guess I'm not alone too. It's inspiring to know that you gals are handling it well. I should be able to do so too.

FH earns less than me, but I also feel that he can't be bothered abt the wedding. He doesn't even see the need for WG, EG, suit, dinner...basically, he doesn't seem to see the need to have anything at all. He says everything I source ard for is for myself. But hello? in a wedding, most of the stuff relates to the bride in the first place wat. And for dinner, it seems to me that the banquet dinner is to him, a "covering the expenses" bit. I could be wrong, but that's the impression I get.

We started a joint account, but we didn't go beyond contributing in the 1st mth. I've already halved my budget coz he said to cut, but now he still says too much. At first, he was paying for everything, then I offered to pay some (so at least I can get what I want mah...and also not so "shiong" on him). Still must cut. In the end, I think I will end up paying more than him.

Now, he tells me to pay for everything I want on my own (WG, EG, flowers, MUA, favours, AD VG, pre-wedding shoot). AD photographer he will pay. His suit he will just rent from a BS.

We argue so much. I really dunno how also. *headache* He earns less coz he decided to further his studies and take on part time work. Problem is, he's taking a long time to complete his studies! (left with final bit). So I suggest postpone the wedding. But he doesn't want. So what does he want from me!! Can't he realise that this wedding is very important to me too? Yes, a wedding is just a day. A marriage is a lifetime. But I feel that if this one day is not done well, the lifetime would not be good either, coz there's already this "blemish"...

Sorry if I bored any of you gals. Just letting out some frustrations here...


New Member
Hi all,

Will like to share with you my experience... I have been a laughing stock to my Ex-colleague as she criticize that I earn more than my hubby, as you know that a fresh grad can't be expecting high salary for his 1st job... her sarcastic and arrogant look makes me wanna puke cos she is always making comparisons...

Finally, my hubby effort is being paid off and he got promoted and having good increments. I find that everything can be achieved as long as you are willing to put in hardwork and effort...


New Member
i used to earn more than my FH.. i didt make him feel bad about earning lesser than me..

But man being man with ego and pride, my higher salary kinda of motivate him to strive and finally he earns more $$ than me now


New Member
Hi gals, having read thru the stories posted here. I would like to make some comments in a guy's prospective.

Firstly, why are you so troubled that your FH earns less then you? Earning more than you doesn't proved he will be a good husband.

Secondly, if both you and your FH doesn't earn much, pls do manage your finances properly. I feel the majority of girls here wants to have a "perfect" wedding although they know they can't really afford it. Thats why they are so stress and blames the FH for not able to earn more to fulfill their dream wedding. The rule of thumb is : pls dont wear a big hat if you know your head is small. Do not compare with your friends or get influence by the wedding magazines or the sales ppl from BS who will try to psycho you to take up this and take.. Be contented with what you have and what you can afford and you will not be that stress anymore.

Thirdly, girls are funny creatures. They keep stressing that both men and women are equal in this society but when it come to certain things, they will expect the man to be the "man". An example for this is since you already chose this guy as your life partner, why do you get to bother abt you paying more in certain expenses? Let me answer this. The mentality is because they expect the man to pay for everything. When their man cant do that, they get very upset and will find other fault.

The moral of this story is to be contented with what you have and do not compare with your friends and etc. If women are able to achieve this, there will be peace on earth.

Above are the points for men/women to ponder..

P.S this is only my opinion on this issue and i'm not siding the men nor the targeting the women.


New Member
Peter.. i totally agree w you...recently i have this "boy /girl" topic discussions w my colleague and bf.. i don think it is fair to say tat a guy should pay more in this or in other times the ger will say "now modern era le , nan nu pin deng" since woman also working le.. guys also can cook too.. very contradicting.. to me even there is no law tat a son has to be the one taking care of his parents, the dau don need to cos she is "poured out water after marriage" or say bro has to take care of sis cos he is a guy or the elder sibling got to take care of the younger or the hsehold expenses more just cos he is bigger..or the richer got to feed on the poorer.. i think everything is a two hand clap thing.. and to be totally should applies to all benefits and expenses..

i am very touchy over this topic recently while preparing for my ROM coming in Jan 09 and my new hse which is surpose to come in early Feb 09. Who say son is the sole caregiver for his parents?? dau is not a child meh?? not "BLOOOD related" meh.. who says the elder got to take care of younger.. this sentence shd be true for kids tat are very young...and to learn sharing the elder got to give in to the younger sometimes..but not ALL situations. i don encourage favourism too. say a certain age when hsehold chores can be done by a younger kid then both siblings should share the wk load together..not say"you are bigger you do!!" attitude.. WTF..anyway use your own judgement to judge if a task is safe for a age to do in the first place, don judge based on seniority ... esp you are in 20s/30s .. you still need the elder to do things for u meh??are u handicapped?? even my handicapped uncle is earning at least 3k a mth from his small biz.. wat wrong with the adults nowadays??

Sames goes to the theory ¡°kids got to let the parent win everytime ¨C to be filial" who say so???!!.. everything fair n square..all situation shd be accessed b4 saying who shd be on the "upper hand" anyway all events got two/more ways angles to look from de..just be considerate best..then i believe world peace really can be created..don need unnecessary comparison etc.. and to me..The older people prior to the 70s generation de..mostly has NO education, woman are mainly hse wives, no they expected their kids (son esp) to Ñø them when they are older¡­actually it is just a financial insecurity tat they have so they cultivate this theory to their kids since young and when the kids de-rail from the theory, they start screaming say the kids is infilial. To me if you got your own earning power, financial independence, you don need to relay on people de.. both me n my bf has this same tot..when we old we shd use our own money savings law that I have to give my life savings for the kids..they shd earn themselves..and sames goes the other way, I don expect I have to take money from them as if they really owe me something..although I did bring them long as I m not TOTALLY disabled. Of course, kids do have to give some cash allowances to parents as ¡°pocket money¡± since your parents do give u pocket money in the past too .. but not give by FORCE..

and another issue.. Richer has to pay more when goin out w the one earning lesser - who say the higher income person got to go ard treating ppl who earns less then them.. ppl w higher income (mgrs,boss or eeven peers) got to pay for ur meals etc?? they earn more might be due to their educ (which they got to pay for themselves).skills,risk,stress etc so why should we tap on their higher income n think its ok to do so?? of course , such higher income mgr shd occassionally give small treats to his staff after all they are a team.. and teamwk is nec to make him climbs higher too.. as a motivation..but not a obligation... and higher income ppl do have their fiancial commitments.. Don compare that a 2k income person can survive w his income even after CPF then how come a 5/6k person keep complainin no money ..normally the richer you gets, the more u indulge in luxury items or more necessity for his family eg insurance, hse exps tat can be so high tat the lower income earners wont e able to imagine or purely the richer has poor financial management..

as quoted in Rich Dad Poor Dad (Robert Kiyosaki)¡¯s books, this kind of situation is called ¡°pest feeding the pest¡± you shd know who is the pest ganna feed in these scenarios.. but why are you called a pest too then?? Cos in these feeding process, we normally encourage more pest-ing to be done, the pooring /¡±weaker¡± get worst, more lazy, dreaming tat there is alwiz someone ¡°up there¡± who is stronger then u in terms of $$, physical, sex, age, family status etc to take care of u..such person will create more social lend money to gamblers/drugs sniffer thinking they will change.. they turn to more drugs/gamble when they got meony from you the carrot head or the combined funds from all the richer >> more crimes .. then aren¡¯t you a PEST too?? I m not telling people to be selfish..but do be more sensible in all cases your assessment carefully

* To Ends my discuss, Summary: Dont complain,nag,expect someone to do this do that, pay this pay that cos of xxx reasons .. THinks from other angles, from other ppl's shoes.. be fair totally if u wan to be happy ¡­

** 10 Q to ¡°listen¡± to my ¡°presentation¡±. <<bows>>

p/s: I am very open to discussion on this topic or if anyone still don¡¯t get it and need my clarifications. Just give me a email/msn at [email protected] hee..



New Member
Blue, for your case. I wont blame yr hus of your current situatino cos of he is Older, he is the guy, the got poly cert at least, he is 30s le reasons..but i agree this kind i will blame the guy if his ATTITUDE is he DONT WANT To wk, don wan to yang jia and share burden with u. my B2B is earning less then me now...but i have not blame still since he finds effort to get a job immediately after he quit his army higher earning job, immediately the mth following his last day of regular force job, we started lookin at resale hse, started prep for rom, AD. Is all very poor time mgt on BOTH our no one to blame.. both got to take into seein how to solve future family expenses TOGETHER..though till now i cant fully solve this..but i don blame him.. i take him as hus is my own decision too.. i got a choice to make..u have yours too..even if married..
