DIY or Ready-Made Invitation card


New Member
Hi all,

Fyi, for those who self-design their invite cards and print them on their own, I strongly recommend Kentrich Trade Press. They're really great and professional. I had a deadline to meet, & i gave them slightyl less than a week to print the cards out, & they still managed to get it out, without ANY mistake & on gloss finish somemore. My card was in black and white & only costed me $0.70 each. I printed 300 copies, which only came up to $210. In addition, the guy even gave me many extra samples as mementos. Most importantly, the card turned out beautifully !

Thumbs Up for Kentrich !


New Member

Any idea of costs for 2Cx2C card? Ur card included the text inside the card rite?


New Member
Hi Jellie.

Eh, r u frm Divine thread ? Nice to see ya here.
Btw, whats 2C X 2C card ? My wedding invitation was 15cm by 15cm square size on 1 side. Total it had 2 sides, flip up kind. Yes, my card includes the text AND digital images inside as well.
It was laminate finish with black and white images & text.

Hey, just wondering.... how did ur photoshoot turn out ? Can share your pics or not ?...



New Member
can you PM me the contacts for Kentrich Trade Press?

do for your cost of $0.70 per card, did u do the artwork yourself? any idea on the cost if i requires to print color?



New Member
Hi Eternity,

I've PM'd u the details already.

For $0.70 per card, yes, my hubby and i did the design ourselves becoz we already had something in mind. Din wanna take anything frm outside as we wanted it personalised for ourselves.

If u print color, if i recall correctly, its about 10c more i think. Eh, i compared prices with T-Dragon, Jasvry and AMK Hotstamping printers. Their prices are a lot cheaper leh... if u are printing more its good for u lah.
If u print more than 100 copies, the price for 101th copy onwards is $0.20 - $0.40 each leh.

What do u think huh ? Anyway, my wedding is over so cannot regret liao. Hahah! Happy sourcing.

Let me know your opinions tho.


New Member
hi eternity,

oops, sorrie ! Just now i said the prices were cheaper at T-Dragon, Jasvry etc. I read more carefully in the other thread liao, the prices are for inserts. Not normal wedding invite. hehehe! I gabra. Now i dun feel so 'cheated'. haha! Btw, u can go into "Printing for Inserts' thread and check out the suggestions there too.



New Member
hi emmeline... hope u still come in here now n then. when u designed your card, did the printing company state what program to use?? or did u juz use any program of your choice?? n can i know which program did u use to design the card?? thanks.


New Member
i got a fren who designed her own ROM invitation cards. She got it printed in a shop located in katong, i think the cost is ard $1 per pc (she printed 200pcs, i think) for full coloured prints on both sides of the card with their wedding photo on it. If i remember clearly, the printing shop is using photoshop.


New Member
hi lynn,
the shop is located at the 2nd level of katong shopping centre (not sure abt the unit no), the shop name is colorhub printing. i dont have their tel no.


New Member
Hi gals,

Any idea where can i get those ready made cards? Coz we don't need so much since its only for ROM. And the cards are only to my FH bosses. Sigh, why cant he do out a nice email then send to all? *grumbles*

Thanks a million!


New Member
hi skywolf,

how many cards u need??? i have some wedding invitation cards leftover from my wedding... i bought from T-dragon previously... i think i have about 10 or slightly more than that... if u interested, maybe i sell them to you?

it's those kind where u have to print your own inserts and tie a string or glue the inserts in place....

PM me if you are intersted.


New Member
I went to a couple of printers and sad to say the prices are way higher than what I am willing to pay.

I've designed my own insert and coz of the coloured map and coloured fonts, I was quoted $250 to $300 plus for 200 inserts, excluding price of the fancy paper I want!

Well, the draft I printed with my own printer was really nice and I've decided to buy my own fancy paper which only cost 20 cents per pc and print them myself. Don't supose it'll cost me more than $120 to DIY.

I think, depending on the amount of time and effort you can invest, DIY is a much cheaper alternative if your card is more than a one colour standard print. Home printer technology has grown by leaps and bounds, I feel it's not right the printers insist on charging much more just becoz we wanna use more colours, they should keep up with times!


New Member
Hi Gals

have some advice if DIY. If buying envelopes, paper (they have some very nice shimmer card like paper - sold in packets), pens etc can go to popular, there's a 10% discount (unless on sale items). I DIY the additional dinner cards and my church programme...looked great.

Otherwise, you can pop by any of the digital printing shops in Bras Basah, reasonable quotes and lots of samples to browse. Happy printing!


New Member
Hi Jazz/crush,

Just checking.. if we design and print ourselves, how do I do the orientation of a card? print one side first then the other?

how abt cutters?
you cut them one by one?


New Member
i'm new here and also planning to design and send it to printers to print..where can i find a cheap, and professional printing company? Do i have to source for my own papers?


New Member
hello lindy,

welcome! i was also looking to have my cards done earlier. If you like I can email u my contact for you to check it out. The price is reasonable and the work is well-done. Just tell them what you need and they will help you with the rest.


New Member
hi,i am thinking of designing n printing of own invitation cards also..but don know how to start..
jane:can i have the email contact??


New Member
hello barleyan & Lindy,

Your PM is switched off. Can allow me to PM or can give me your email?

Daphane & Jany, I emailed u already!


New Member
hi jane,

thanks for the contact. We saw an invitation which we really love, although its much more than our our initial budget, so we decided to get the ready-mades instead.thanks though!


New Member
Hello all!!

Sorry haevn't check back for a while! The contact I used was Ola Designs. The lady who attended to me was called Lynette. Her HP is 9784 7482. Or email them at [email protected]

For me, I met up with her and told her what I wanted and the budget I had. so the good thing is that she can give you many alternatives to fit into the budget yet it looks good! Plus service was fast n gd.

Hope the info helps!!


New Member
I got my friend to do the artwork for my and a printer for little amendments on card layout plus printing. I bought my own cards.

All in all, with printing of inserts and maps (+ delivery of course), cards, goldstrings to tie, it costs me $230 for 200 cards. About $1.15/card. =)
