Devastated....Failed Marriage



"You can be very penetrating in the way you look at all my posts "
-Crap..... now I have to start talking like an oracle. *penetrate, penetrate* Omitohfoh....I can tell who the anonymous guy is who pmed you saying that he can relate to your issues. But my powers are blocking your pm to me, no pm received. Twisted babe ? Of course I am offended ! Call me Chastity and I'll be your bff.

Okay, seriously.....
I'm not quite getting the vibe you are dominant, I don't feel you are controlling or overbearing in normal circumstances. The test may say so but sometimes people do tests the way they want to be perceived. eg. a person says his test indicates that he/she is a risk-taker but an up close and personal encounter tells me he/she is risk-adverse. You can hold your own but that doesn't spell dominance to me. But stick around and I might do a profile on you like what I've done to others at the forum. You may even hate me for that. *smiley emoticon*

So your husband has activity-friends. There is a name for what your husband's affliction -post traumatic stress disorder.(playing psychiatrist again) You've probably heard about that. He's sees red flags "all the time" and he is desensitized to peoples' sentiments, therefore he cannot identify what the appropriate thing to say is. I am really just an armchair critic, Danielle. Don't have depth in these stuff.


New Member
Hey watching, did i piss you off? Or are you joking? I can't tell cos I don't know you well enough. But in case you are offended, I withdraw my statement that you are sick twisted babe, with apologies.

Well, regarding the personality test, it was done in one of the companies I worked in, to foster teamwork within the company or something. And you have a good point. Some times such tests' results are misleading because the participants tend to fill in what they think they want to be. And please do a profile on me. I told miLo I need to understand myself better
I can't call you guru either right? In case you need to omitohfoh again? Lol

Post trauma stress disorder? Interesting....I thought those happened only to soldiers such as in the Gulf War. You don't come across as an arm-chair critic to me. Rather you sound like the counsellor I just saw a few days ago. Your profile has got this Summation Math thingy. But I think it is a red herring. You must be a major in psychology or something.

Thanks, and my apologies if I had offended you, Chastity


Omitohfoh, omitohfoh, OmitohfoooOOOOooooh...... my powers are legendary but I can only do a profile if you've stuck around long enough. Other stuff like the anonymous guy who pmed you, I can tell immediately. It's Mr. Cameltoe-Font.

Summation Math thingy ? It's one of the variations of geometric series. Not meant to be a red herring lah. (I saw that you're into philosophy)

You could read up on PTSD. It's not confined to war trauma. My understanding of the subject is really rudimentary.

Twisted babe not angry. Twisted babe apathetic. Chastity not Hussy. Chastity Watching.


New Member
LOLOLOLOL watching, your sense of humor is EPIC
Thanks you made me laugh very hard indeed.

I can't find a Cameltoe-Font around here. I would have to PM that guy to ask if that is indeed his pseudo name lol.

I just do some random reading here and there: philo is one of those subjects I scratch the surface a bit when I have the time.

I don't know if at this stage I should be reading anything to understand my hubby. It may make me less resolute.

Your last line could be written vertically, like a poem. I also read a bit of poetry


Yeah, you shouldn't be shaken off your determination now. Can postpone reading about PTSD.

Mr. Cameltoe-Font is cryptic, a substitute for his nickname. (he pmed you for a reason) Don't think dirty thoughts, visualise fonts. Then you can tell if my vision is accurate.

Danielle called me a twisted babe,
That made me a sour grape,
So I tell her not to call me a hussy,
For I need to protect the modesty of my pussy.


New Member
Oh my!!! you are multi-talented!!! Lolololol. How I envy that. I can only appreciate. Nothing poetic comes out of me. I am too constipated lols


Gasp ! This is not poetic. I was just rhyming out of my ass. Rhymes aren't poems hor. Like erotica isn't porn. Or an eagle isn't a chicken.

Another clue on who I was talking about. The anonymous guy is the same person as the one who pmed you to skip a forumer's posts.


New Member
And how not to think dirty thoughts when your choice of words is so chaste! Lols!!!

Your vision is 6/6 to me, by your comments about my situation.

And oh I did ask that guy. His reply was something like 'huh? Wad?' lols!! I think you got the wrong person
In any case, his PM was mainly to encourage. I don't think there was any other reason


Powder, ha ha.. looks like you have some serious anger management issues.

Keep your all rubbish advices to yourself lah loser.


Wouldn't put it past the probability that her husband is already enjoying solace and "moral support" in the warm bosom of another sweet understanding woman for a while now.

while danielle struggles to leave her husband behind.. she`s been the one eating dust all along...


New Member
Morn babes.

Honestly Danielle, ur hb sounds attractive. If I m single, I will probably be attracted to someone like him. Humourous, spontonous, faithful ...

He doesn't need to talk much, just accompany me for long distance cycling, dive or juz hug me and watch the sunrise but I will probably drive him crazy by forcing him to think of 1001 jokes to make me laugh and listen to me rant non stop. :p

My hb is quite serious but at times unintentionally send me rolling me on the floor.

Just 1 word or a facial expression will crack me up till tears.

He's cute but can be naggy like a female version of my mum.

It's my bad though, I can be very crappy and pretty annoying like a siao chao bo.

U like ice cream too? I like everything sweet from cakes to ice cream. Cold stones ice cream is also nice especially the dark chocolate brownie. Yum yum ..

I've been quietly following the posts in the recent weeks, & your last post is deemed very rude & offensive to me..
I do not know Danielle or powder personally, but i think the personal attacks on them, (from you) was totally uncalled for.
its not a very nice thing to do.
as the saying goes, Do not do unto others
what you do not want others to do to you.

just my 2 cents.
disclaimer: if i had offended you in any way in this post, my sincere apologies.
I jus think you should stop all the personal attacks..


littlemsnaughty, i like your nick very much.

do you know that salt is an astringent and has anti septic qualities?

yes it hurt like hell.. but helps keep the wound clean so it can heal faster ?

i am not spreading just normal salt.. i am ammonia salt.. commonly known as smelling salt.. those u use on people who fainted.

Danielle is living in her own little world... she needs to wake up.

as for powder, like you i have been quietly reading this brides forum for weeks.. and powder sorry to say had been giving crappy advises. many of which i know is doing more harm than good.

dont you gals wonder why a man.. lurks around a predominantly female forum acting like a wise old man here to save the females in distress?

i wonder.. if he is married.. does his wife knows what the heck he is doing here ?

something to think about , yes?


Little ms naughty, pardon my fragmented postings.. I am using a tiny mobile device with a tiny screen.

Danielle and her husband are schoolmates.. they met 20 years ago.. that means her husband is also in his late 30s or early 40s.. he is a man in his prime right now.

According to Danielle, they are NOT having sex. "Lost it" she claims. .now what is the likelyhood her husband is not relieving his urges elsewhere. . ?

She wants to be angry, she wants to be bitter, she wants to blame her hubby for her unhappiness.

Now we all know happiness is a Choice.
A PERSONAL choice.

And the world will not stop spinning for us just because we r bitter or unhappy about something.

everyone has a right to come here to share their views/opinions on different things, whether married or not...

I do not agree with you when u say powder's advise is crappy. In fact, i feel he talks & advises with depth..

and i believe, his wife wouldn't mind him giving advises here, whether she knows or not.. he is not being emotionally or physically involved in any ladies here ma.. correct?

what are u doing here then if u are married..? Again, sorry if it offended you..


Active Member
momoftwo u're such a blatant liar.

"as for powder, like you i have been quietly reading this brides forum for weeks.."

u read? u make all these blatant lies that are so in-your-face and u still think u're believeable...

how can u not know if i'm married if u've been reading it for weeks like u claimed? u're not even bothered to check before u speak.

even more stupid - "do you know that salt is an astringent and has anti septic qualities?"... then u talk abt "smelling salt"...

i cringe


Little miss naughty, no offense taken.

However, I wish you will practice what you preach.

And I shall gladly agree to disagree.

Now if u will notice. Powder is behaving like a wounded animal. His reply is very revealing in what little knowledge he posses of marital life.

If he had claimed he is or not married in his past posting.. I am seriously questioning it today.

If you think a man lingering around in a female dormroom dishing out fashion advices doesnt raise any eyebrows. . You might want to rethink his motives.


shortlegged, a man's pOV ?

i tell you what.

if powder can go tell Danielle `s husband face to face the same crap he tells Danielle here.. and not have his face punched in.. i`d agree his is indeed a man`s POV.

don't forget to mention the freedom bird crap and how she flys home to her cage..and how she will be happier on a perch..

of cors i doubt her husband is a violent man, but you get the drift.


New Member
He is entitled to his own views. Who are we to say its right or wrong?
Just like most people here don't agree with yours though u think it is right.


he is entitled to his own views. totally right?
i am also entitled to mine right?

whats with the double standards here ?


New Member
U can choose to agree or disagree but u can't stop him from airing his views.

U are also entitled to yours but people can choose to ignore.


New Member
I have been following this forum for a few yrs now and have always been a silent reader.
I would say powder gave a lot of sound advice and is definitely not someone selling snake oil.

If you are uncomfortable with his posts, u can choose to ignore or leave.
We are all adults here and I'm sure most of us are capable of making our own judgement and decisions.

Cheers and have a good day. I'm not trying to side anyone here. This is as neutral as it can get


shortlegged, to ignore or respond to anyone's posting is our own judgement call.

you can choose to ignore or react, thats your decision to make.i agree.

you made a choice to react to my postings just as i made a choice to call out powders crap.

did i get all vindictive on you like powder did to me? certainly not.

as much as everyone is entitled to their opinions, everyone here should be entitled to responding with their opinion.

this is a forum, you can speak your mind and be accepting of criticism too.

thank you for your opinion shortlegged..have a good day.


Active Member
the problem is that u're full of sh!t...

the problem with pple like u is that u need to seek validation and recognition from the forum becos u dun actually interact with the world and have no peers who can give u what u need.

u're not used to opinions other than your 1) husband, 2) children (whose opinion are not impt to u anyway & they won't dare argue with u since As Their Mother - u can dun make sense and they still have to LL listen to your bullsh!t)... and 3) the internet.

beyond that who can actually respect the nonsense u're talking?

u were wrong from the time u called it 'promiscuity' and thereafter u just threw baseless accusations one after another.

u say i must be a bachelor when the other thread around the same time - i'm talking abt my kids... Are u Dumb or What? and then u claim u've been reading the forum which u obviously haven't. and u say u're curious yet u aren't even bothered to follow up on your curiosity.

for goodness sake u dun even know the difference in application between salt and smelling salt and try to link them in such a ludicrous way in a desperate attempt to sound smart... end up falling flat on your farking face and looking like an absolute idiot.

if i'm the wounded animal, then why do u need to keep telling lies and bullshitting? when was the last truth u spoke u lying little twat?

u can have your ego... it's worthless becos u can't even be honest... u're too far up your own bullsh!t to turn back anyway. like a drug addict who can't quit - u think it's ok to steal from family to feed your addiction.

how can pple be so stupid yet not know it?


Active Member
and unfortunately i dun agree with either of u about being entitled to a view/opinion... becos u can only have one if u're good for it, credible and u know your stuff.

if u need to lie, support your own agenda, lie further to cover the 1st and subsequent lies...

then no... u're not entitled to even open your mouth.


"do you know that salt is an astringent and has anti septic qualities?

yes it hurt like hell.. but helps keep the wound clean so it can heal faster ?

i am not spreading just normal salt.. i am ammonia salt.. commonly known as smelling salt.. those u use on people who fainted."

I have to be a smart ass. The phrase 'rubbing salt unto wound' as we all know it means causing additional pain necessarily. But of course, Momoftwo is not talking in the proverb sense. Momoftwo is saying she is not here just to hurt and 'clean the wound' but to wake up someone. Nevertheless, I don't see her cleaning any wound, instead I see more wound-inflicting.

Now onto the technical part.
Table salt (molecule formula: NaCl: sodium chloride) itself is not antibacterial but it has anti-septic qualities, as Momoftwo said. Salt has anti-septic properties because if you rub salt water onto your wound, your wound dries up because of osmosis. (the process of fluid flowing from the more hydrated part, ie your wound to the less hydrated part, ie. the air) When there is no fluid, bacteria cannot thrive, so the wound heals. Think about the conservation of kiam hu. (in a similar vein, what do you think happens to a fresh water fish thrown in the sea ? it will shrink and die ! If a fish from the sea is thrown in fresh water, it will puff up and explode ! Correct me if I am wrong, boys and girls)

Ammonia =NaH3. Ammonium (NaH4+) has an additional water molecule. In chemistry, you get a slap on your face if you confuse ammonia with ammonium.

I don't need you tell you that smelling salt (ammonium salt, not ammonia salt) has a different molecule formula than table salt. Look it up yourself hor.

ps: I myself misused the word camel toe. I meant CamelCase.


New Member
Hi guys

Ting Yi,

Sigh! Take it from me, it will not work. I told him I would like to keep him as friend after we go separate ways, because he is so fun, such a reliable friend etc, and yes he has got very attractive attributes. But sharing wise, I wouldn't want to go to him, and in a marriage if it is going to work, like it or not, sharing's going to be part of it. And yes, he is faithful. Both of us value fidelity. I strayed twice, told him both afterwards and he forgave me. His record is not exactly clean. He told me too and said he was sorry. I forgave him as well. Nice, right? Sigh!

"... but I will probably drive him crazy by forcing him to think of 1001 jokes to make me laugh and listen to me rant non stop. :p"
- haha, I can pass you some links on jokes, there are quite a few on the net he can use them to entertain you

"It's my bad though, I can be very crappy and pretty annoying like a siao chao bo."
- aren't we (gals) all, lols?

You sound so much in love. I am very happy for you.

I am a die-hard chocoholic, love all sorts of ice-cream, cheese cakes and brownies too. Superlicious!!


New Member
watching babe,

You really are drawing out the les in me too lols!!

"You said you're telling the truth and oops in the next breath !!!"
- the 'oops' is meant on your behalf, my darling, hahaha

"The anonymous guy is the same person as the one who pmed you to skip a forumer's posts."
- let me say one more time that they are two different persons muahahaha!!

But though you are wrong in this instance, i must say you are multi-talented and such a fantastic guru. Though you are definitely a sicko, your VISION is nevertheless very 'penetrating' (lols) and accurate, yes, very accurate. Its an eye opener for me how someone can possess so much IQ and wit. How I wish my dumb keyboard has BOLD or underline (or any other method) to highlight how good you are. Hope you are receiving my compliments loud and clear, babe

"Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite. (that is, if you have them)"
- See? See? You are good! Any chance you can PM me? I have so much to learn from you, such as how to write rhymes


That is an ang moh phrase. I didn't make that one up.

I never got your pm hor. I will try to pm you.

Mr. CaMelCaSe-FoNt ?? GeT iT ? Oh, I made a boo-boo on saying the one who pmed you to skip Scope's posts is the same anonymous person.

When all the men here have had their sex operation, I will draw out the lesbian in them too.

Stop lauding me Danielle, I feel uncomfortable.

ps: Correction: The phrase 'rubbing salt unto wound' as we all know it means causing additional pain Unnecessarily.


New Member
Hi Littlemsnaughty,

"I jus think you should stop all the personal attacks."
- seriously I couldn't stop lolling since yesterday when I saw the word "Donkey" then I scrolled up and saw the part that asked me to go jump off the bridge hahahahahaha!!!! I told my colleagues and we were all laughing so hard in the pantry OMG. Actually I am still lolling now

I am cool. I never read any of her posts anymore but because I was intrigued by Tomas' single worded remark "Donkey" then I saw. Woahahahahaha!!! You got to see how desperate people can get and the extent they can go for VALIDATION, and if all else fail, ask you to go and die LOLOLOLOL. Seriously, how pathetic is that? My condolences to her ROFLMAO :D


New Member
Hi Powder, 

I respect you too much to comment on your convo with you-know-who. I realised you didn't do that initially to lend me suppport but to make your own point. Yeah. Stand up for your point of view. You have my respect there.

And I have been thinking about this sentence you said on your post Tuesday, January 29, 2013 - 1:58 am SG time: "when i left my 8k/mth job to start over at 1.2k, the protests i got, the bewilderment, the disapprovals added to an already difficult decision. But make it i must cos i saw a ceilling that was too low for my future... Life certainly comes with no guarantees... and even if it does, the guarantees dun guarantee u a life."

It had really helped me, the phrase "But make it i must". It strengthened me. Thank you for your wise words, even though that post was not directed to me.


Active Member
that was meant for u... cos there's a tendency to face alot of disapproval in Life from pple who dun really think deeper into the matter, but react the way most in society will react. the part that was for the donkey was not to react like the rest of society... but i've come to realise that it's not something she's remotely capable of now.

there's many pple who will use things they Think they're good at - to weigh u down, to put u down... the keyword here is "Think".

knowing u're good, and thinking u're good - is what separates the good from the bad.

there's stuff in there which i respect u and consider u a peer... thus i shared stuff with u at a higher plane.

sadly the donkey wasn't mentally capable of processing thoughts at those levels cos she has stopped progressing mentally when she went all focal in her marriage... she's better suited for singaporemotherhood forum. she's so desperate to Outwit me that all she could sum up are lies, and so far as to tell me this forum is for women.

u cantrust me on this one Danielle - u already lead a much fuller life, and will continually do so... i think Knowing that women like her exists - can only make u feel better in life.

sad that is has come to this... but i cannot lie to myself that she's worth saving... her life can only go downhill with that mentality.


New Member
Grats gal, I feel sad and happy for u at the same time.

Sad that the marriage ended but happy that both of u ended it in a ambicable and mature manner.
Sometimes both could be better off staying as friends.

I can't say that I am very much in love but I promise myself that I must be happy no matter what.

Hope that u will be happy too and even happier in the future


New Member
Crap, my laptop is low bat now. But thanks Powder. I wish I can comment more, but I agree with you on most of the points. The rest of points I haven't processed. You can be a bit profound. But when I get back later I will check. Now at some pub

watching, just to tell you that I was actually putting in a loaded message there. I thought you were hinting something from your earlier message. thought I got your hint and tried to pack the whole message full of them, but I think I made a mess instead, realising that you meant CamelFont, not Cameltoe. Didn't mean to sound too mushy haha, the rest were just tease.

Gtg. See ya. Night night!


No, still no pm from you Danielle but I sent one to you.

"Ammonium (NaH4+) has an additional water molecule."
Correction (again) : Ammonium (NaH4+) has an additional hydrogen atom.
<atoms make up one molecule and water H20 is not hydrogen H2>

It's been a long time ago....


"A fool is bound for his own destruction, and he will inevitably destroy everything in his path. Those who get in the way of the fool will get hurt."

So true.
