Depot Road Flats


New Member

Just got a q no from the recent balloting execrise. Going to choose an unit in Depot Road next mth. Anyone staying there?


New Member

I am also going to select a unit at Depot Road. Went to look at the area last weekend. Seems like higher floors are all taken up. Heard that the place is peaceful and quiet. Just that only 2 bus services. Pls share if you have more information.


New Member
Hi luce

That's great. What's your q no? There's 2 bus services, 195 & 274. 274 is loop around from Bukit Merah interchange and part of telok blangah. But 195 is the gateway to the world. Hahaha! Just 2 or 3 bus-stop and its goes to Alexandra Hospital bus-stop which has alot of buses to Orchard, Chinatown etc. But another few stops, 195 stops outside Queenstown MRT. It seems abit inconvenient as 1st, but still its centrally located.

Have you seen the sample units that during the balloting period? Really like the layout. Hopefully we can get higher floors, or even lower floor like the 5th is fine with us. We're just very desperate. Hahaha!


New Member
Hi all,

I bought resale-flat at Depot road,now waiting for second appoinment. Mine is a bit low 5th floor...don know got mosquito or not hoh?? Buying that time forgot to think about this problem but I like the quiet environment very much .


New Member
Hi All

Any idea which is a good direction or unit to choose? Or which is the direction /unit to avoid? I have no chance to see the interior of the flat. Going to select a 5 rm. But the price is very expensive though. Hope I don't regret later.
Lucky that area got NTUC, plus I heard a market coming soon. So not that ulu.


New Member
Hi luce,

What your queue no ?

Yup .. I do agree that the price is very expensive. And we need to fork out 4% cash next year :~

U didn't visit the sample unit during the balloting exercise? I may choose that unit if it's still available when it's my turn.

Do u think HDB will release the remaining flats for walk-in with discounted prices after our selection ?

Generally, I will avoid units facing west. But some units may not have the afternoon sun problem because the sunlight may be blocked by other block or the hill


New Member

My queue no is 50+++.
Do we really have to fork out 4% in cash? I thought that applies only to bank loan?
I visited that unit but not sure how will the unit at the other blocks looks like. There are some units at 115sqm and 116sqm. Not sure where is the 1m difference? Not sure if have chances of selecting high floors. Not many high floors left. a great difference in the prices with each floor increase. at least $1200 per floor. what will u do if there is no high floor remaining when it is your turn?
If HDB really release flats for WIS at discount, that must be really unlucky. But at least you get to select the unit u like. Think there will be quite a lot of 5 rms left over.


New Member

Yes, we do need to pay 4% of the selling price of the unit in cash whether we're taking HDB or Bank loan.

I would also like to find out what's the difference between 115sqm and 116 sqm. It looks the same from the given floor plan.

My q is at 70+++, so I will adopt a wait and see attitude. if no more choice unit left, I will give up and wait for next balloting.

I've emailed HDB asking them what are they going to build after they have demolished the old block 112, but they haven't replied.


New Member

Hope everyone got the unit they like. Hi Lancez, which block did u get? Did u manage to find out from hdb what they are going to do at the site of the old 112?
4% is only for bank loan. confirmed with HDB today.


New Member
Hi luce,

yes ... hdb replied saying that the old block will be demolished after they have relocated the last tenant. and they have no plans for it yet, meaning to say .... those who have gotten units like 103, 87 will not have to worry for now

oh .. I've gotten a unit at 112B. Not much choices left to choose when it's my turn.

What about u ? which unit have u chosen ?


New Member
Hi Hi

Looks like we are going to be neighbours. Shall we continue our discussion offline? pm me your email address.


New Member
Hi Luce,

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Any other pple reading the postings here selected a flat at depot Rd. How about u tancy ?


New Member
hi all,
i am helping a fren to gather some info.
she like to ballot for depot road's flat but have no idea how and where to start or do?
please help to share with me the process.



New Member
Not sure if you can still ballot as the balloting exercise is over. Try calling HDB and ask. HDB usually release the remaining flats for Walk in Selection some time later. There are still quite a number of 5rm flats left over if you don't mind the floor and facing.


New Member
That is very nice. Did u get the hill facing or the city facing units? That block was my first few choices but all taken when it was time for me to select.


New Member
yap. at 112b. no view. sandwiched between 2 blocks. Previously, HDB planned to build new blocks after they demolish the old block for the phase3 of the SERS. Think there are excess flats so they not building now.


New Member
Hi liz, we are neighbours.. am at 109A

wish i had found out about this forum before the selection! my FH and i were so worried about the 2 old blocks, cos 1 of them (not 112) would end up blocking our cityview.. really hope they dun build anything high after demolition... a little playground/park or something would be nice

anyone knows what is the best way to get to shenton way in the mornings? heard of horror stories of buses that wun stop cos its too crowded
hope it wun happen to no. 195! ;P


New Member
hi liz,

oh dear.. wonder how i am gg to get to work in future

no, havent got the letter from HDB yet.. heard that some applicants have already gotten the letter and the appt for key collection is this week. apparently hdb releases the letters in batches and there is no real order/reason why some have gotten it and some have not.. guess we just hv to be patient ;P

is yrs a 4-rm or 5-rm? city view or hillview?


New Member
hi liz, congrats!! you finally received the letter from HDB!! means u can start renovating your place already!! how exciting

when did u receive it and when is your appointment?

wonder why is ours taking so long


New Member
during the balloting execise.. saw on the last day of selection tt there are still abt 100 units of 5rm left for depot road flats..
anyone know when will they be released for walk in selection?


New Member
Hi Liz,

How is your renovation going? How much is it? Mine will be completing in a week time. Total about 33k including aircon and lightings...


New Member
Hi, I juz purchased a 5 rm flat at Depot. Can anyone tell me how much is the conservency charges, property tax and even the multi-storey parking?


New Member
Hi Liz/Horus,

I just got my flat at depot rd..and i am looking for someone to renovate my flat. How is ur renovation? Nice?


New Member
Hi A & A Yeo,

Conservency fee = $30.50/mth
Property Tax = varies depending on the price u paid i suppose.. mine was $128/yr (for ur reference)
Multi-storey CP = $90/mth


Active Member
Hi Liz/ Horus

I also bought a resale flat @ Depot Road - Blk 103B, 8th Floor
Going to sign my 1st appointment on this friday.

So how is your renvoation ? Any pic to share ?


New Member
Hi Bug,
Can check with you what is the conservency fee and property tax that u mentioned? As i was a 1st timer buyin a new flat..not very sure what need to pay.


New Member
hi maro,

conservency fee = to pay to respective town council (for depot, its West Coast - Ayer Rajah town council).. u pay this fee for maintaining the exterior of ur unit.. like common corridor, lift lobby.. in chinese they call "za fei"..

property tax = for the property u bought, u have to be tax.. just like u get tax for ur income hence income tax... tax for running ur car on the road, hence road tax... so singapore everything also tax... mmm.. did i explain correctly? hee


Active Member
Hi Satay Man.

Mine is a 4 room flat.
Ya, the hall, rooms are all facing the greenary.
Bought it at $293K


New Member
Hi neighbours to be,

FH and I have just bought a resale unit. FH has lived at depot rd all his life and feel attached to the place. For me, I like the area for its lush greenery, fresh air, tranquillity, amenities and small population; close to town yet away from the hustle and bustle. The Sers program has also given the estate a fresh look. A cosy neighbourhood to return to after a hard day’s work

FH works in town and takes #274 to BM Interchange then #8, i think, to office. He says he always gets to sit (and sleep) on the bus. Hence, im looking forward to saying farewell to sardine packed mrt trains

Have some initial concerns over the layout of the flat but after viewing FH’s ex neighbour’s unit (featured in Home & Décor magazine) and the HDB show flat, we are now confident that with some creative inputs from experts, we can have a comfortable and unique home

Other things im looking forward to: morning walks up the hills, supper at av / abc mkts, ikea, queensway shopping centre, midnight bowling at safra etc etc

Do share your experience too!


New Member
Hi depot,
Which unit u bought? previously i went to c a few resale flats there...but later the walk in selection is out then i bought a new 1 instead =)


New Member
Hi maro,
The unit is in one of the new blocks. The current owner selected it during Sers but did not move in nor renovate it... so it's just like those available for balloting n wis.


New Member
Hi depot dil,

I thought the previous owner can only sell the unit after 5 years of ownership? I'm sure the new blocks were completed less than 2 years ago. Or does his lease agreement extend back to his original pre-SERS unit?


New Member
Hi Paddie,

There is this sers policy that allows owners to sell their replacement flat if they have waited more than a certain no. of years for it (think my future in laws waited like 6 or 7 years before moving into their current unit last yr).

You have raised a good point on the lease commencement date. It should start in 2006... need to confirm with HDB.

So have you moved into your unit already?


New Member
Horus, Shouldn't the lease commencement starts from 2 years ago?? As the flats are about 2 years old?


New Member
Hi A & A,

According to my sample title deed, it is stated as 01 Feb 2006 and I had verify with HDB also.

As for ID, I am satisfied with mine but my quotation will be different because mine is a 4 room flat at blk 112A.


New Member
Hi Horus,

Thanks for sharing info as well as the pics. Your house looks very nice! Actually, I expect it to be so cos it looks pleasing even from the exterior. Er... sometimes i will kpo-ly peep into your unit when i pass by your block... nice house mah, can't help it... pardon me hor


New Member
Hi Depot Dil,

Tks for the compliment, but how you know the one u peep into is my house?hahaha... By the way which block are you at?


New Member
Hi Horus,

You mentioned your block/level somewhere... and the wall i saw was same colour as in your pics.

Me will be at 111A.
