I was lucky not to have any teeth extracted then. My teeth were beautiful all along, so strong that my milk teeth are still sturdy when my permanent teeth grow out, my front teeth were crooked! End up having to have braces.
I'm not sure what mine was coz they didn't specifically tell me & it was years ago, was in my primary school days then. Could vividly remember my teeth'll ache for the first few days whenever I go back for check up when they'll change that piece of wire & tighten onto my teeth. Gotta rely on soft food like porridge then. After those few days, everything should go but I was told to reframe from chewing hard & sticky food like apples, gummies etc.
Was put on retainers after about 2 years or so? Find it troublesome to have to remove & soak them in water each time I wana eat and have to brush my teeth after eating before wearing the retainers again, so I 'self-declared' to keep the retainers away after some months. When I went back for checkup one time, the dentist asked if I still wear them, said 'no' & she sort of said my teeth shifted a little, can't wear back my retainers already even if I want to.