Conrad Centennial Singapore


New Member
Hi BugBear

why don't u call or email Conrad direct? think it'll be faster that way.


New Member
hi novgal,
ya.. judy called me last fri to inform me of my new coordinator (they assign but i requested for another one)... today i also got a email from the new coordinator.

think they will call or email u.... u normally communicate with them thru wat?


New Member
hi mei,
i was not informed at all... i have not been in contact with them so far.. perhaps i'll ring Judy these days. Who did u request for the replacement? Any recommendation?


New Member
i was assigned to Dawn Lim, but it seems like no one here spoke abt her so i requested for Catheryn instead. I have emailed Catheryn on certain issues.. she so far so good lah


New Member
thanks mei
been bz lately.. preparing for PS this sun.. some last min shopping for shoes and HB's shirt and tie. think i'll call Judy next week.

have you gone for your food tasting?.. actually, i'm also wondering what issues are u referring to?.. cos i really dunno where to start with the hotel co-ordinator. should the wedding couple make the first move or wait for the hotel to contact us?


New Member
Was upset when I realised that the 10 tables my mum wanted does not include the VIP table!!! so that's 11 tables altogether which FH and I have to give to my mum. She is not returning me any of the ang pows either.. sometimes i wish i can separate the banquet and give my mum 11 tables in a cheaper place like a chinese restaurant... heart pain.. FH and I will definitely have to bear the cost of the wedding dinner becoz of this 11 tables which we give to my mum. wish she can be like other brides' mothers who understand and pass back the ang pow to the couple.. but too bad she isnt...


New Member
hi goober...
seems to c u everywheere... so u r with chris ling and conrad too? how's ur 2nd ps? Photos ready for viewing? care to share?
oh, i think i send u a mail regarding the hand bouquet the white one tt u just made...
[email protected]


New Member
hi novgal,
oh.. i started on my wedding cards liao... the printer now waiting for my confirmation to start printing...

i not going for food tasting.. going to change to 'thank u' dinner instead. ..

i was asking them on the wedding cards, 'thank u' dinner, location map, guest book, etc. oh.. i actually wanted to use rose petals during the march in, but judy told me cannot coz conrad just change their ballroom carpet... so now looking for alternatives.

that's all at the moment. According to judy, others will only be discussed 1 mth b4 AD.


New Member
hi goober,

how's ur second PS?? looking forward to see ur beautiful pics again!

no way to tok to ur mum????? that's ard 12K leh!


New Member
today mum just blew up coz grandma went to talk to her to let her know that its a huge $$$ we are talking about etc... think the talk went abit out of hand and my grandma walked out of the house.

my mum now blames me for the bad relationship between grandma and her. sigh!!! and so when i returned home, the first thing she did was really scream at me, bang door etc.. i am so tired of all the nonsense that i actually had nothing to say to her. just kept quiet. then she went bersek and said she is not coming to the wedding?!? anyway, wait for her to cool down.

my second PS went well
my fav picture



New Member
hey goober.. lovely photos!! btw, how come you had 2 PS?

really sorry to hear about your mum, i have a friend who was in same situation, he even had to take loan just to have a wedding (which i thought was quite silly), but in the end it was quite ok becuase the mum gave them some money during the tea ceremony. all the best, really hope you can work something out with your mum... weddings are supposed to be joyous occasions :/


New Member
that's a sexy shot! i like it!

hopefully ur mum will cool down and reconsider her decision... who will ur mum listen to??? ask that person to tok to her again lah... i just had a unhappy episode with my FH's dad also.. luckily everything is fine now... urs will be fine also....


New Member
hi Iso, i had 2 PS coz FH and I stumbled across a good promotion at Chris Ling. Since we enjoyed the first PS, we decided to have another one! The outcome was very good coz now we have a large selection of pix from different locations, hairstyles,even weather etc to choose from

Never spoke to my mum today either. wonder when will this cold war end. Guo da li is on 19th mar... sigh!! we are perfectly fine with giving her 11 tables. but i dont understand why is she being so damn difficult to handle...wish this part is over soon.

I stayed up all night to tie ribbons to invitation cards hehe.. that's why 6am still can type this msg. tom my galfrens going to help me tie ribbons as well but i thought better finish as much as i can.


New Member
hi goobergrape, can u give me the contact of yr hand bouquet? look veri nice! btw, is yr photographer kelvin cos i thot of sighning up with them too.


New Member

My PS photographer also Kelvin from Chris Ling! Fantastic work... really really enjoy my PS so much!! Miss that day man! :p


New Member
Hi jgirffy,

I have taken my PS... but have not collected...can only collect in June, 2 weeks before my AD. Sorry! can't show you. I really enjoy myself very much for my PS... that's what I can tell you. I am not sure about Chris... but seen some of his work in the studio...also very nice
Actually I got my bridal package from Camellia Haute Couture.. which include the photography from Kelvin

Overall, satisfied with all the service.. my beautiful gowns, makeup and photos...


New Member
Hi icelyn,
thot the studio mention tt they can get the album out in a short time-a few weeks. seems like for ur case it is taking 2 mths to make the album. did u choose a lot of collages?


New Member
Hi, I m a Conrad Bride too.. my wedding is in sept 05.. Just wondering if anyone has negotiated for the executive suite?


New Member
saw the latest bridal magazines and wonder why CONRAD's prices always remain at $918+++.
Prices increased to $998+++ for weekends already.
It gives pple the illusion that is still so cheap ~ Guest may all turn up giving you lesser then what you should be getting.


New Member

I'm also contemplating Conrad as one of my final choices... but heard that the ballroom cannot sit more than 28 tables... otherwise, some have to be placed beside the stage and those guests will end up with cricks in their necks
Anyone who's had experience? How true?

Oh, a note to those who are comparing prices.. Note that Conrad's tables sit 12, unlike many others who sit 10... so on the whole, they are not really that exp after all..


New Member
Hi Blue Mist,

I did check out Conrads ballroom and find it rather spacious. My coordinator was telling me max is 35 tables and i beieve that is a comfortable number. Definitely wont be as cramped.


New Member
Hi ladies,
I will not be having my food tasting as i still cannot confirm the number of tables.. can you all recommend some of the 'must have' dishes?


New Member
huh? got like tat one meh? mine was min 25 tables and food tasting came along with it. so all we haf to do is ensure tat our guests cover >25 tables which is not our problem coz our problem is busting the 34 table limit...*SIGH*

anyway just had my food-tasting last weekend and everyone agreed tat we made the right choices:
1. fusion watever for the cold dish
2. sharks' fin with hasmar
3. stir-fried scallop with (forgot liao)
4. stir-fried prawns with sze chuan dried chilli
5. bbq chicken with teriyaki sauce and black pepper
6. steamed fish traditional style
7. sliced abalone with lingzhi mushroom
8. steamed fried rice in lotus leaf
9. walnut soup with dumpling (very nice!)


New Member
hi demure,

coz i dunno if we can reach 25 tables... and we dun wan to be restricted by it (also the reason why we choose a sunday instead of saturday).. thus if in the end we got 25 tables, we will have a 'thank u' dinner instead.

Thanks for ur advice!


New Member
Hi drewangel,

Thanks for the advice. Yep, I went down to view the ballroom and it is indeed beautiful... sigh... so now i'm torn between Fuller... and Con...


New Member
Blue mist,

i attended a wedding at Fullerton. Didnt really like the layout of the ballroom. Rectangualr in shape and the aisle is veri short and u hv to walk down a staircase. People sitting at the far end wont be able to have a good view.


New Member
hi demure,

wow the menu sounds good.. i m planning to take the same menu too.. but hws the fusion cold dish?
duno whether the older relatives will like or not


New Member
the cold dish not too bad lah....definitely better than the other option which is some stuffed crab claws or least the fusion one will look more presentable

fullerton ballroom is very beautiful and the ambience is very nice, very very nice. service is very good too. however I must agree with u abt having to walk down the staircase. my BS designer also mentioned it to me....imagine having to float down gracefully in your WG holding on tightly to your FH's arm...n praying hard u don't trip n fall with everyone's eyes on u... :p


New Member
Hi guys,

Thanks for all your comments =) After a re-walk through with both my parents and fiance, the final decision is going to be fullerton after all

Conrad's ballroom is definitely more well structured but I guess I'm going to go for the dreamy effect after all. Just gotta cross my fingers about the stairs...

I'm sure all of you will have a wonderful wedding at conrad and I wish you all e best!


New Member
hihi Cher(landy), btw i m new here.. i had my wedding 2yrs ago at conrad too.. i actually paid more to add extra decor, n the ballroon looks really a huge difference, very very grand.. so i think u shall go ahead..


New Member
Hi SAl, Do u have any photos for ur ballroom? cos i think the "original" decor is quite simple.. BTW hw much did u pay for the extra decor?


New Member
hi cher, i paid around $1200-$1400 extra.. my photograher din actually shoot the ballroom before my guest enter wif the romantic lighting, i can send u photo wif my guest sitting, but abit messy.. ur email pls.
