Christian BTB in August to Dec 09


New Member
Hi strawberry and jascal...

Have you both locked in your AD yet?

I'm excited but also getting a bit stressed. My AD has been confirmed on the 28 / 11 / 09.

My FH and I are working in Sydney, and we find tying up all the little things such as wedding accessories, florists, invitation cards, favors, and the list goes on very challenging. We only go back to Sg once every few months and only for a few days each trip so our schedules are always jammed packed, always finding insufficient time to tie more things down.

Which church do you guys attend? and will your weddings be held in the church building?

God bless your planning(s)!


New Member
Hi, i attend one of the church in sg in the west. I dun intend to hold it there cos to me it's quite far & I need to activate lots of my frens to help out with the decor & arranging of chairs & ushers.. i rather my frens enjoy then to tired themselves out... cos helped out wif a few church wedding.. very tired..


New Member
Hi BabyJah

I am attending one of the church in central with my bf and his family but will be holding in my church in west, cos its newer and no tentage is needed for the buffet.

We are going to have dinner too

Hi Jascal
If you are going to hold it in church then where are going to hold it?

I thought of NOT activiating my friends too to help up but no choice have to wor, if not the wedding cannot go smoothly. I need recep, usher, PA system, buffet co-ordinator, MCs,traffic controllers


New Member
Finding venue now.. cos in church really have to activate lots of ppl then everyone so tired in the end.... Dun wanna my frens to not enjoy & wear so nice but need to help out to pack the hall then must give them ang pao too..


New Member
My MIL is helping us organise the church ceremony
. And I agree that getting too many friends to help out may make the day a little less special for them. But like strawberry said, not much choice...sighs.


New Member
Hi Shiner,
Blissfulthots is one of the florist that I listed for my wedding.
You can contact [email protected]
or view their work at
She allow viewing of her work onsite. Just ask her for the dates.


New Member
Hi Jascal,
Lovedroplets is also one of the florist on my list. Only price wise.
Could you PM me to share what happen as some of friends are keen to engage her service.
Thanks in advance.


New Member
Hi Jascal,
Can kindly share what happened?

We already booked them for our wedding decor next year.

Thanks in advance too


New Member
hi Jascal,

If not comfortable to share in the open can you kindly pm me about it. I would like to know since we booked them for our wedding decor next year.



New Member
Hi, i m fine sharing here.

Was helping my good friend last year. Her wedding is held at one of the museum.

1) She was charged $600 which after the wedding, we felt not worth it. cos the flowers arrangement is very normal. Nothing special

2) As the backdrop is a bit plain. My fren requested to add in a piece of cloth ($4 only, lace like design). Was quoted about $80 or $100 (could not rem the exact price). So my fren bought her own cloth & they agreed to hang it up.

On the day, love droplets could not hang the cloth as there was no hook & they did not bring (how professional was it??). I had to send someone urgently to buy it & buy those 3M removable type. We r near esplanade, where to get it???

3) Question them if they did their homework such as coming to the site. Love droplets answered me :'no'. Benefit of doubt, maybe my fren & her timing with the museum couldn't meet each other schedule

4) The flowers are not fresh.. the rose petals along the aisle had turned brown

5) Love droplets did some flower for the groom & bride (behind the chair). So obviously, it was very terrible done. I had to go over & told her to redo the groom's chair.

6) there was a guy around. From the beginning to the end, he is only interested in taking photos. True enough, i saw it on their blog. the photos are Very nice but to me, they are more interested to take nice photos for their portfolio than to really doll up the place.

7) My friend had 2 flower arrangement (on stand) could not quite explain this... So I decided to bring it to the banquet for the recep table (without the stand of course). When I approached the love droplets's boss. Her response was 'huh, actually we don't give the flower pot base.' Hello how m i going to bring the flower arrangement over without the base. Should not flower arrangement comes with the plastic base pot??? Like that also wanna save... My fren paid $600 for the decor...But the boss gave to us in the end.

Both my fren & me & many other guests felt the decor was so-so only. $$ not worth it... Very uncreative & normal design...

On their blog, it may looks nice cos they only care to take 'nice' photos for their blog..

Above is just my experience I had with them... No personal grudges...



New Member
Hi Jascal,
Thanks for sharing. I saw the pictures on their blog, they were very beautiful. My friends and I were wow wow when looking through the photos on the bog as compare to some others. The museum one with pearls on the flowers. Is that the one?

Now got to think twice again. May be should ask to view her actual work on site.

Really thanks and greatly appreciate your sharing.


New Member
Sorry shall not reveal too much ... as not to create problems for my fren..

$600 for 14 small flower decor, 2 parents bouquet, 1 ang pow bird cage, bride & groom chair, rose petal along the aisle (not sure if this item needs extra charge)... this is how expensive it is.. the flowers use were those normal type....

Yes I too went wow wow wif the photos on the blog but how much time they spend to took it (from the start to the end) & 'photoshop' it...


New Member
Hi Jascal,

Thanks for sharing about the decor in the museum. Really appreciate it.

I think I know which decor deal you are regarding already.

I went thru and see all the pics. They are indeed nicely taken. May I know if the flowers that is on the cloth that is hanging at the door izzit extra cost? Are the two flower arrangements on the stands incur extra cost for your friend?

Since the $600 only covers 14 small flower decor, 2 mommy bouquets, ang pow cage, bride & groom chair, rose petals.


New Member
if i m not wrong the 2 flowers stand are included but the rose petals along the aisle should be extra..


New Member
Hi Jascal,

Oh... ok. Tot the 2 flower stands were not included. Then I think then $600 is quite reasonable and ok.

I felt the flowers used were simple and nice for the venue. I prefer something simple if i were to use that premises. Guess maybe the guests want to have a Wow kind of decor.

Most importantly, did the guests enjoy the whole ceremony?

Thanks again for sharing ur experience. My FW & I meet them next month. I will highlight to love droplets on that so that hopefully they can improve when other couples used them in the future.


New Member

I am going to DIY the decor with help from friends. After asking around close friends. I managed to get cloths and ribbons from my friends. These are used by my different friends' wedding. Cheapskate hor. :p

I feel its not worth to spend on the church decor as little percentage guests will take note and remember the the decor. Its also only 1.5hrs of ceremony.


New Member
Hi strawberry,

I think is okay so long the ribbons and cloths don't look too old and used.

Will you be using flowers as well?


New Member
Hi Tulip

Nope. I wont be using flowers. My wedding ceremony will be at the afternoon so if I start to decor on Friday nite, scare the flowers may not last.

Cannot decor on Saturday as everyone will be every busy


New Member

I have sign up a package with Rasel for my church wedding in December.

We have decided to do away with our Church wedding cos my IL are not a Catholic or Christian.

I have check with my caterer and they are willing to accept any wedding booking with any prices so long as I can find someone to take over.

Have paid a deposit of $1000. Willing to transfer at $500.00

For sincere buyer buyer only.

I don't check this forum often. Please email me directly [email protected]
