Christian Brides


New Member
Hi ladies,

Thanks for the advice. TTC have came back with a green light but hor.. the place really too far and not very convenient for guest. Thus, might be changing my AD one week later. Looking at taking up GMC. Going down tomorrow to take a look.


New Member
Hello ladies

Anyone can advise when is a good time to send out church invites and banquet invites? Should they be done at the same time or separately?


New Member
Hi Sky

Hmm, yah TTC does have tt draw-back. Not very convenient in terms of public transport, but if by expressway it sure is veryvery convenient.
Where's GMC?

Hi SweetPea
Generally, most of my church members do distribute them together. Logistically it saves loads of effort. But it can be tricky too. For instance, you inviting Friend A for both but Friend B for church only. So gotta make sure tt when u give to Friend A, B's not there? Or pray really hard tt no misunderstanding will occur?


New Member

so contact details for Hi-Tech is in the office. but think its tel no is listed in some of the other threads. can u do a search for "Hi-Tech" and see whether u can find? very sorry horr....


New Member
Hi Demure

I managed to get Hi-Tech's full contact fr another thread. Thanks so much!
Do you think they are able to do up post-card invites for church, @ $0.30, especially if I'm able to provide the design I want?


New Member
Hi girls,

I am a christian (since secondary school) but not baptised yet and have just started attending again church recently.

I am considering having a church wedding but don't know where to start. I do not know any pastors and am not member of any church. What's more my dinner is already booked on a weekday this year end.

I am just hoping for a short simple ROM ceremony, must church weddings be a full service? Anybody has advice?


New Member
hi carelinwen

first, welcoome to this thread...

second, you may want to take the initiative to approach any staff or pastors from the church that you are attending and enquire from them.

If it's just a simple solemnisation, you do not need to have the full service, or even a pastor to help you conduct the solemnisation ceremony. Just look for a JP to do so.

Church weddings with full service is also known as Holy Matrimony (HM). It is required by the church, as ROM is only considered civil marriage, whereas HM is considered as customary.

It's similar to the traditional Chinese weddings where you need to serve tea to your elders, etc. Cos ROM is not considered married in church, you are only considered married, after your HM (when God has witness your coming together as one).

Hope this info helps. Gers, if there's any thing tt I've input wrongly, pls comment hor.


New Member
Hi Ivy,

The church I currently attend only allow members and fellow methodists to use the venue.

As my AD is already fixed on a weekday, I am wondering if I have a normal full wedding service, I may not have enough guest to help defray the deco and catering cost. My friends and colleagues are mainly non-christians and it is not fair to expect them to take leave. If I were to arrange for weekend solemnization, then cost will go up as need to pay photographer etc extra.

So what I am asking is are there people who just get pastor to do short HM in church with just parents and a couple of friends present?


New Member
i'm sorry if i hv mis-read your post...

I'm sure there are ppl, who just get a pastor to conduct the solemnisation in church, with just their family and a few close friends present.

I did it that way last year for my own solemnisation.

My solemnisation (i.e. just signing of the marriage cert, without the pastor preaching and no p&w) was done at my church's rooftop.

However, pls note that not any pastor can solemnise a marriage. You will have to check with either the Registry of Marriage or the church, to find out who is the JP in the church. Btw, a JP can also be a pastor. Under the ROM webbie, there is a list of JP available. Just check there, or as mentioned, approach any church staff.

They are able to assist you in your enquiries better. They should also be able to let you know if you can use their facilities for your solemnisation.


New Member
Hi carelinwen,

Just to share, my solemnisation (to get the ROM marriage cert) was conducted by my church pastor in his office. Our immediate families were in attendance. This solemnisation involved an exchange of rings and wedding vows. There was a short blessing by our pastor. I will be having a church wedding on my AD this year (our church calls this a blessing since the marriage solemnisation is over)

In your case, I think you should speak to the pastor. Firstly, you'd need to check if they will conduct a solemnisation for you if you and/or your FH are not baptised even though both/one of you may be attending church regularly.

If your pastor is willing to conduct the solemnisation for you, an alternative you may wish to explore is to hold your holy matrimony in the hotel a few hours before your dinner.


hi carelinwen!

welcome welcome!

fret not about HM. =) if your church policy permits, you can actually request for your pastor to solemnize your wedding during dinner! =))) my friend did that. so no extra cost incurred!

btw, Ivy, with all due respect, i dunno if i agree that civil marriage (ROM) is not considered married in the eyes of God because if that's the case, does that mean that as long as i have not had my HM i can divorce my husband? what about those who converted after they got married like our parents or grandparents? does that mean they have to go thru HM or God wont consider them married?

just a thot. =)


New Member
hey SL

no offense taken...

cause I do have the same doubts about this explanation as well, as this pcs of info was relayed to me by my cgl... but i did not question them (my cgl happens to be a hubby-wifey team), as it's not so nice to do so before the rest of cg.

Personally, I do believe that once after ROM, a couple is legally wedded. meaning if they want to part, the marriage has to be resolved legally. Hence, the law and the paper bind the couple together...

however, when God comes into the picture (i.e. the HM), I'm totally lost... of cos the scenarios tt you have mentioned are valid as well, ppl who converted after they are married...

but that is a very good point that you have made...
glad to hear that from you... will qn my cgl abt this...


New Member
oh btw, i will like to take back what i've said to carelinwen earlier about HM.


i apologise if i have caused any misunderstanding earlier.


New Member
mehmeh really donno the answer to your qn. why don't u call up hi-tech and ask for this staff called Yi Hao and check with her? she speaks mainly mandarin but she's been very very helpful to me. I'm currently dealing with her for my card inserts.


hi ivy

i have never asked my cgl about that before too because i never thot it was essential. in the first place we wont divorce our husbands whether it's after ROM or after HM right? =)))) haha...

it was just a thot i always entertained that's all. so i came up with a classification:

tea ceremony - customary union
HM - spiritual union
wedding dinner - social union
solemnisation/ROM - legal union

so they are equally impt and not mutually exclusive. (it's my logically mind working here again!) =)

really glad we can share ideas like this. =) very heartwarming and endearing! =)

have a great day ahead, girls!


New Member
hi SL

i went to a Christian forum which i frequent and posed this qn to them.

a few of those who were married replied. the first replied saying that ROM, though legally binding, is still recognised by God. Although the significance of HM is to receive God's blessing for the couple and for them to submit their marriage into God's hands.

some couples (even Christians) do away with HM cos of several reasons, but it does not make them less married or less blessed in any way. God still recognises the marriage and will bless the marriage, cos we are His children.

pardon me for my confusing statements previously... haha, cos of lack of explanation from my cgl, so i just copy wholesale and quote them here...


New Member
Hi gals,

wooh.. opps, looks like I cause some 'life' here with my Qs.

Well I agree with SL and I already have a back-up plan to go ahead with ROM at hotel with just a normal JP. So whether I will be have a HM ceremony or solemnization by pastor with blessing, I'll leave it to God.

But not all pastors are willing to do solemnization outside of a church. I am very new (few weeks) at my church, for some reasons I also don't feel comfortable approaching the pastors there yet too. So see how..


New Member

heehee...thanks for your muack! :p
my mandarin also quite koyak one but I was able to communicate with Yi Hao quite well.


New Member
Harlow Demure

Thanksthanks!! This really puts me at ease, but thankfully my FH's mandarin very gd.. He did higher chinese! hahaha..


New Member

I got A1 for my O-level chinese and a B3 for my A-level chinese. however I can assure u tat my chinese is super crap n my friends get a lot of laughter from my mangling of the language :p


New Member
Hi Meh Meh,

So did you book TTC? I really fall in love with the place. But have to chartered a bus if really take up the place.

Hi ladies,

Any one have any idea the in house caterer for TTC is it good?

Still pondering whether to take their in house caterer or not. Can save $500 for the rental of the plaza leh.


New Member
hi gals,

i'll b having my solemnization in May'05, how much do i hav to giv my wedding pastor angbao?

can i giv him e angbao openly or not? ;)


New Member
Hi Sky

Oh no, did I give you the impression tt I was looking ard for a church venue? Sorry leh.. Just posted to help you. I'm using my own church for the solemnization etc..

Btw, who's the in-hse caterer? I've attended 2 weddings at TTC & tasted both their reception. But not too sure if they're the in-hse caterer.

Hi deardear

You might want to ask couples who have recently got married in your church. They wld know the standard better


New Member
Just a comment on the kneeling part:
In my previous church, they DO NOT kneel, cos in the OT, kneeling = worshipping.

For me when i went through my ceremony, not required to to kneel and did not.

My parents are not Christians. My experience is: if no one say, dun ask. Keep quiet. If unsure, check with marriage counsellor who is usually a pastor/ rev.


New Member
Hi everybody,

Can I join in? I've booked TTC for my wedding in dec this year, also having the same questions as sky about the catering and also I need help with the floral decor. Sky, who are you getting to decorate the church?


New Member
Hi Cookie's

I popped by into ur website again. Currently seriously sourcing for caterer, but I find Lavish at $10 quite above budget. Now looking at prices between $6-8.. How much is urs per head? Are the ppl at Lavish nice to work with?


New Member
Hi mehmeh,

I took their $12 per pax package for my tea reception. So far, our experience with them is great.

For your budget, have you looked at Select or Four Seasons? You could also try contacting Lavish to see if they can put together a package to suit your budget.


New Member
Hi Cookie's gal

I did send an email if they wld be willing to modify their packages. Got the reply tt they are more willing to do item-to-item changes. Forgot to mention the budget and if they can work sthg out.

I've tried Four Seasons at the Outdoor Wedding Fair last wkend, and I find it quite okie. But Lavish just tugged at my heart. Hmm, also considering Smiling Orchid. Any feedback u heard of them?

Select apprarently isn't very recommended, especially when some who have feedback tt the food is very average only.

Any opinion on Elsie's Kitchen's food, services & set-up?


New Member
Hi mehmeh,

I engage Rasel for my church wedding next month and I personally feel that they are very helpful and the food is good. I confirmed the catering during their food tasting around 2 weeks back. I am taking the $15 per pax package. I think they also have $8 package. You can call and ask them whether they can work out a package that suits your need.

Rasel Food Fusion Pte Ltd 155 Pandan Loop Singapore 128353 Tel No: 67777183 Fax: 67777365


New Member
Hi Cicu

I've tried Rasel at my friend's church wedding. I didn't find the food very nice. It's really all snack items (curry puffs etc). I did like their lunch reception spread though, which I did try at another occasion.

Do agree that their staff are indeed helpful.

Congrats to you!! Have a great time prep for the wedding.


New Member
Hi all,
Haven't been in here for a long time....
How's preps?

Hmm.. need advice on chinese wordings for church invitations. Anyone has any ideas?

Me now sourcing for caterers too..... hard time shortlisting...... next step is to confirm design of invitation cards..... Am I too slow for a December wedding?

I didn't seem to be doing much leh... so quite afraid I may kalang kabok nearer the date..

Appreciate all your advice, sisters :D


New Member
Hi Teng

U slow? Mine's in Sept & I've not even started on my cards & caterer. But anyhow, I shd confirm these 2 by June. U are pretty ahead of time.

Usually the cards wld be sent out 1-2 mths in advance & the printing wld take around 2-3 weeks. So I think the latest you can do the cards wld be in Sept..
Caterers usually need 1 mth in advance, unless your AD is a popular date or clashes with some festive season/day.


New Member
Hi Mehmeh,

Know what.. I have not been doing much after booking my church and venues since Jan05.. then people started asking how's my wedding preps and I started getting scared liao.. so last 2 weeks starting doing some shortlisting for caterers and arranging for meet-ups..

Card-wise, so many ideas in my head.. think I'm just getting myself confused... cos wanted to save costs yet looking at something more unique.... contradicting right? Any advice? I have kept samples of friends' church wedding invitations but can't seem to find any at this time.. sianz...

Thanks thanks for the rough timeline yah..

How about your gowns and photoshoot? All settled?


New Member
hi hi, me new... you ladies can try angelli.. two of my friends use them for church reception... simply fabulous... =)


New Member
Hi Teng

Dun worry, you are in gd time. I've a friend who did hers up very uniquely, she did like a movie ticket where she & her FH are the main stars & the credits were those who wld be involved in the service. Eg. pastor, ring-bearer, ushers, coordinator etc..

Quite unique, but price is too much for my budget $0.70 per card

My gowns are ready & taken my PS oredi.. Just left with rings, cards, caterer, florist, arrangement.. Pretty much settled, going full gear in June

Hi Lilic
Yupz, just tried Angeli on Sunday for my fren's baby's 1 year celebration. Very gd & went to the website, love their catering set-up


New Member
Hi Teng,

I can email you my Chinese wordings for the church invite if you want.

For printing of invitation cards, Jasvy is one of the fastest in the market. It's also reasonably priced. Printing itself can be completed within 1 week (depending on qty). Approving the template takes about 2-3 days. The process would be faster if you can give them a soft copy of the exact wordings you want.

Hi mehmeh,
Any pics of your PS to share?


New Member
Hi Cookie

No pix as yet. But shd be any time soon though.. I'm also very eager!
How much did you spend on your cards? Is it the postcard type or open-up card.. Search for invites printer too.


New Member
Hi mehmeh,

My cards are open-up type but postcard-size to compliment my banquet cards. Costs us about $1.50 per card (It's self-designed, billingual and has our photo on it, and inclusive of matching envelopes). We printed 400 cards.

Do let me know when your pics are ready yah?


New Member
hi sis-in-christ,
I m pretty new to this thread though I ve been rather active in Sgbridesforum for quite sometime.
Will any1 of u happen to ve ur weddin banquet at Merchant Court? if so, can u share with me if ur HM will be on the same day as well? for me, my coordinator has suggested 2 ve HM fr 730-830 then banquet start at 830, do u gals think is advisable? God bless!
