wa lai liao, chio bus! today morning i went to construction site and now i'm all chao tar. :S got to wear helmet and boots all. sibeh sexy man.
skylar - my tom yum had no crabstick! haha. i actually wanted to put but i forgot. the red thing is prawn
you are making ba zhang tonight? zoon bo? or you watching your ah bu bao the ba zhang?
today is lantern day? cool!!! later i carry
tonight i going for movie at padang!
haha the photo sibeh funny leh! skylar your new hairstyle very nice!!!
oh another thing i wanna share with you gers. i bought GAN BIAN YU (chinese) / TEE POH (hokkien). it's a dried fish thing. fry then mash up then put in soup stock. supposed to be very nice. i try then tell you all ok? tomorrow i'm cooking yu pian mi fen!