Chin Leng or other moderators, please take note


New Member
If there is nothing wrong for people to advertise in the forum...perhaps....all the paid advertiers

should be informed that they are just silly to pay for this forums if that is the message from the moderators. Perhaps, we should even notify those advertisers in the dark. Perhaps, all paid advertisers should withdrawn their advertisements immediately and post like other free riders.

No one is against 1-2 posting for adverting and referral but to do it everywhere makes people doubt their intention and is unacceptable and it only appear to people that they are simply desperate at all expense. Some may even fake to be someone else and start recommending themself.

As for Jen, perhaps your intention is just protecting those free riders. I am not like what u said, got thing better to do. As i am in the trade that needs to be very sensitive in protecting my advertisers, I am trained in a way to demonstrate justice and having free riders is totally unacceptable in my trade. I am doing my part to remind the forum and moderators about their role of protecting the advertisers and not get into numberous complaints from them by simply be lenient with those free riders.

I bet, not only me but many others were very irriated by those numberous posting everywhere on reccommending photographer from a same person may it be relevant or irrelevant threads.

Even if moderators were to suspend their accounts, I bet 100% they will recreate another username and post again...It is a good forum and that is why free riders like to make use of the ready target audience. However , moderators should not give them the wrong message that it is fine and we are lenient over free riders.

A good forum should equip with rules and regulations to ensure that posters are displined and follow the guideline. Pehaps the moderators are too busy with more important priorities. However I do hope that you can take some action in disciplining the posters here.

Lastly, i do not gain anything by posting this. However, I would just like to educate how important it is to protect advertisers from a commercial point of you. Singapore brides earn money through advertisers to sustain, and not from those free riders. Hence it will not be wise to upset the paid advertisers and let those free riders gain from it.

Please be objective when looking at this matter.


New Member
Hi Jen,

By the way, my above posting earlier on is not targeting at you. I am targeting at Evon Tan for all the above threads, which u can see from her numberous irritating posting.


Staff member
Hi Jun Oh,

I really hope that you would be patient with us and give us time to attend to your request. As I've stated before, we do have limited resources. If we have unlimited resources, I would be more than glad to have an army of moderators to attend to the posts you highlighted.

Please note that we receive each messages posted here as an email notifications. By posting and highlighting to us multiple times, we would also receive the multiple emails in our Inbox. This adds to our stress level of trying to get many things done.

We are currently in the midst of rushing out a major project and we are terribly sorry that we have not been prompt in addressing some of the issues.

And in your message asking our advertisers not to advertise with us, I don't think that was nice. We have tried so hard to maintain this website, provide information, upkeep the server and you are there posting that message publicly? Give us a break, will you?

Please note that behind the screen is a team of real people who have families to feed. We just have a pair of hands to do so many things only.

Instead of posting here, you could just email us in private. We would attend to it immediately if we could. Or would you be happy that we close down and out of job?

Really hope for your understanding our predicament.

Chin Leng.


Staff member
Hi Jen

To be fair to Jun, we do appreciate her highlighting the threads and postings that we may have missed out. We strongly discourage spamming in the forum. Even in the spirit of sharing. One message would have been sufficient. Multiple similar messages within a short span of hours is strongly frowned upon. Appropriate actions will be taken against the originator.

Chin Leng.


New Member
Thanks Chin Leng,

First of all I would like to apologise for being impulsive. I do not intend to said so much until Jen was the one that name my name and started to target at me. As I am just trying to stress on my good intention and the importance of protecting the clients. If u read my posting correctly, I am trying to say, if your encourage free riders, than i don't see why advertisers need to pay. However, since both of us have the same stand and point view, than off course the message does not mean asking advertsing not to advertise already since action will be taken.

As Singapore bride is great forum, no one will be happy to see it is being closed down as you and your team have indeed done a great job which is obvious to everyone and that is the reason why so many people enjoy surfing this forum.

During your absence, i am just trying to see if i can get my message across but unfortunatelu it leads to more "fire".

Sincerely, i wish this forum can be further enhanced under your care and wishing you and your team a great success may it be the up coming big project or ehancing this forum for us.

We do appreciate your effort.

Thanks a million!


New Member
Dear Jen Ng,
I do not 'complaint' to the moderators. I am merely highlighting those threads which I believe the contents are against the rules & regulations of Singaporebride forum. At the end of the day, it is ENTIRELY up to Chin Leng to decide whether they are really breaking the rules and thus remove the thread or not. And Chin Leng has repeatedly mentioned that he does not simply suspend ppl's account just because we highlighted the thread here. He will investigate first. Pls give him some credit in his work.

I love this forum and would like to see it being 'treated' good. Thus it just really irks me to see ppl taking advantage and not abiding by the rules & regulations.
You want to join the forum, you should abide by it's T&Cs. It is as simple as that.

To Chin Leng,
Apologies as I didn't know each posting here will also go as email notification to you. :p
In future, I'll just email to you.



Staff member
Hi Jun,

Thanks for the feedback! Argh! I really can't stand the spammers!

Actions will be taken soon!

Chin Leng.


New Member

please stop spamming the forum, you appear to be too desperate as a makeup artist. One or two "self promoting" is still tolerable unlike what you are doing now.

Appreciate if you can stop this immediately.

Hi Chin Leng,

I have tabulated the following for you for your action when you are free.

1. Bridal Boutiques and Services: JEWELLERY - necklaces & earrings - STUNNING!
• . kindly browse
Matching Posts: 1, Relative Score 100%
2. Bridal Boutiques and Services: MUA for Pre wedding shoot to Recommend
• . kindly browse
Matching Posts: 1, Relative Score 99%
3. Bridal Boutiques and Services: Pearl Jewellery
• . kindly browse
Matching Posts: 1, Relative Score 99%
4. Bridal Boutiques and Services: Photographer and MUA to recommend pls!!!
• . kindly browse
Matching Posts: 1, Relative Score 99%
5. Bridal Boutiques and Services: Makeup Artists for Girls with Single Eyelids or Small Eyes
• . kindly browse
Matching Posts: 1, Relative Score 99%
6. Bridal Boutiques and Services: Tips for making corsages needed!!
• . kindly browse
Matching Posts: 1, Relative Score 99%
7. Bridal Boutiques and Services: Accessories, veils & gloves, etc
• . kindly browse
Matching Posts: 1, Relative Score 99%
8. Bridal Boutiques and Services: Anyone has MUA for bridesmaids & mum-in-law to recommend?
• . kindly browse
Matching Posts: 1, Relative Score 98%


New Member
Wow!! doing business? free advertising?


New Member
Hi Merrime,

Agree with you that is really doing big business.

After all, I don't find anything fantastic may it be the photo, clothes or makeup, hairstyle etc. The pictures looks so out of fashion, like 80s style. See the groom hairstyle and clothes and black belt I want to laugh like outdated singer in the 70s, see the back View and fake flowers in the vase also want to laugh likr chinese movies in the 80s.See the bride's plain plain look lagi want to laugh. So I do not understand what so fantastic to post so many ads. Don't she afraid that people will laugh at her for something she is so proud of?

I think if her promoting is real, she will only bring more damage to the bridal shop as no one will dare to try and become a laughing stock.

But it is kind of a entertainment for everyone here. Great Joker!

Maybe Chin Leng shouldn't remove it so that everyone can have a good laugh!


New Member
hi Chin Leng,

sorry that i had made quite a number of posts in the forum about my photgrapher. I only read about this thread after i had posted on the various thread. I sincerely apologize for the repeated posting as im not aware of the repeated posting is not allow & that is consider as spamming. I started as the intention to share my contacts with the fellow user over in here. On my part, maybe i had overdone it. If i had offended anyone or cause or discomfort due to my repated posting. I apologize.

yuppy.. i also caught one at home and deco posed herself as from the id company, then telling people that its her hubby, then tell me that its for helping to promote her friend shop, been posting quite a number since she joined on march... i think at least if you admit of self advertise rather telling one lie to another its alraedy distrust.. i thought this is for us to share our experience and thoughts helping one another as we are all new to our new step of life..


New Member
Wow lynn, look at Vivian's Goh work, maybe no one can tell if her work is great.

Personally,Vivian as a makeup artist, I find her makeup too plain until like no makeup and the hairdo are terrible, messy, plain and nothing fantastic.

Perhaps the reason why people are attracted to her person class is because her class fee is cheap and affordable.

If she did'nt pay any advertising fee, than she is another free rider....and have'nt get caught.


New Member
Posted repeatly by the same user "Diyana (evil_highness)" Spammer


New Member
Desperate to promote a photographer...due to "special" reason again :

Complaints were made about a peron call Evontan(Shiori72) over promoting her dearest photographer adrain ong, her last log in was on 13 Jun 2007. Perhaps Ching Leng has already suspended her account.

However she is very brave and even willing to change her surname and call "evonchan" now for dear adrain and start promoting her dear photographer adrain ong again without any fear or remorse after all the irriating post were being removed :

Co-incidentally she, Evonchan has created her membershop 14 Jun 2007, just one day after evontan last login was 13 Jun 2007. Interesting...

So I was wondering what is the "magical push" factor behind a bride & a photographer....hmm..........

Interesting ...........


New Member
Hi Chin Leng

I'm not sure if this is allowed, but there is a user by name of Rachel Lim who is selling perfumes under marketplace - others. Taking up a lot of threads... is that prohibited or just plain spamming?



New Member


New Member
Actually.. I was wondering unless it is very obvious... how to differentiate if it is genuinely trying to help others by recommending their photographer/caterer etc because they were moved by their nice services or trying to get commission for promotions?

I asked because I was just talking to my friend who was kind enough to share with me her perfect wedding preparation and she was singing praises about her photographer (great service and photos), boutique (good service and friendship, gave her the gown as a present too) and her chauffeur (went early to fetch the hubby and was friendly) who gave her nice service. I'm pretty sure she is not getting a commission from them :p
