

New Member
hi RainQQ,

same as me last AD on 19 Dec but had my dinner on 20 Dec cos the venues i looking at not available on the 19th..hehe


New Member
hi zann..

two days thing i hope wont be so tiring also eh? so after the whole AD thing can still rest abit then can glow n be pretty for dinner!!


New Member
eh i am wondering, then why cant u two keep everything to same day as dinner banquet then? coz 19 dec is auspicious date for customary?

i havent ROM too, gonna solemnise and simple lunch reception on same day. no dinner for me. = )


New Member
hi nuabaoz,

u r right, cos 19 dec is an auspicious date...
u having solemnisation at the registry or at yr lunch reception place? when yr ROM?


New Member
hi nuabaoz,

u r right, cos 19 dec is an auspicious date...
u having solemnisation at the registry or at yr lunch reception place? when yr ROM?


New Member
That's the prob with auspicious date plus. You really really must book the venue more than 1 yr ahead!

Mine is a typical example
can't get the venue on 9 dec so bo pian have to book it 10th. I've got friends who are having the dinner about a week or two after their AD.


New Member
hi RainQQ,

haha..thats why...if book too late..then likely the preferred hotel is booked...
how come of my pri sch gf also...
she have her banquet a week after customary...the good thing is...not so rush for her and she get to rest..but the down side is..maybe the excitement is diff..


New Member
Hi zann

There are always good stuffs to both

Having all in one day.. very tiring but it's an exciting one shot kind of fun! Then the couple can go straight honeymoon

Having in diff days... less tiring but think about it.. it's the excitement all over again for 2 different days! GREAT! hahaha.. Then the couple can go honeymooning :p

(dun mind me.. since I can't get it on one day.. I've got to sound abit more pro for the 2 days hahahaha!)


New Member
hi RainnQQ,

hahaha...true..i guess both ways are fine as long as the couple are comfortable and whats more impt is things turn out well any way is good as long as u r happy! :p


New Member
yes.. more true than anything else!
When I was just starting.. I kept seeing everyone to everyone to enjoy the prep of the wedding... I didn't really understand all that..

Then.. I got stressed preparing all those stuffs... and had a major blow out one day. ONly after that did I realised why everyone is saying to enjoy and not make it till so stressful. I'm now taking one thing at a time and learning to enjoy the prep :p

ehehe learn from mistake


New Member
hi zann, thks, received liao...i tink i noe ware ur tailor shop is coz i happen to check her rate on she design for u as well rite...


New Member
hi Diana,

not really leh. i tell her what i want.
U can describe or show her the pic from magazine or whatever. She will sketch base on what she understand then u see if she understood what u want.

hi princess_lee,



New Member
hi pinkprincess,


hi Bing,

sent! i think is probably more suitable for tea ceremony than as an EG..cos the material used in this CS is simple..


New Member
hi PIG,

you've got mail.
i ever had this worry before but you can actually try to make yr CS different from the traditional CS with the design/cut/slit or maybe even get a brighter/flowery fabric.

Hi bright,

yes, i have sent u the link. :D

hi janice,

