Hi Bear & Bin
I was up early tdy coz I had a stomachache. Will spare you the gory details
S$4k for LASIk isn't too bad. I'm still waiting for the price to drop..haha. My cousin had it done too, as well as a colleague. It must be so great to not hv to wear glasses, contacts anymore.
Yup, it is 2.5hrs. The director said that they removed whatever was non-essential to the main story (the Triwizard tournament and the return of LV) and I must say, I totally hated the whole SPEW affair. It made Hermione really annoying, and I really don't like those elves
They're not pretty, cool elves like those from LOTR..haha. Read some early reviews, and many critics praised this installment for being more focused on character development, rather than on the fantastical effects...that's good.
Yup, it is cool that they got actors from the right nationalities playing the parts of Fleur and Viktor. I know the actress playing Fleur is French..you can totally tell from her look that she's French
Yah lor..Cho chang is plain too..how disappointing. You're right..Hermione is prettier than both!
As for Ginny, I can't remember if she made much of an impression in book 4. She was almost non-existent in the 3rd movie. Not sure what she'll be like in the 4th. Still, I don't think it's so much a sudden transformance. It's probably all in the background, just that Harry doesn't notice is till it's right in his face. Isn't that always the case? I watched Prisoner of Azkaban on HBO last nite, and I caught a glimpse of Ginny. Ok lah...looks like a female Ron..haha.