Bookclub - what are you reading?


New Member
Good morning ladies! How were your weekends? We stayed in yesterday..nice rainy weather, ideal for lazing around in bed with a good book! Watched a couple of DVDs too.

Serene, did you manage to get the Legends trilogy?

Oh, I saw on Eng Wah's website that the P&P movie will debut in Dec. But my hubby won't want to watch it, so I'll probably hafta wait for the video to come sad


New Member
Gd morning!

Ya was a wet wet Sun, means i didn't have to wash my car! hahaa... so cold right? gd to slp... spent the day in with a new book, Never Look Back by Ronald Ross or something.. Murder cum supernatural stuff.. not too bad...

Serene got the Legends yet???

Hey i caught the preview of Harry Potter Goblet of Fire. Not too bad.. Hermione has grown up to be super duper pretty... Ron looks goofy though BUT Harry looks really really great!!! very handsome... can see that he is becoming more manly...


New Member
morning ppl!

alhana i saw it there liao but haven buy hehehehe my ah lao said he will get 4 mi so let him b lol i'm still reading P&P n reading so slowly kekeke aiyo ur hubby dun wanna watch then u watch with ur frens mahhhhhh i tink it will b nice on big screen heheh

bear bear u sound like a cradle snatcher describing Harry lol i actually had the mood 2 go out on a rainy day yest..went 2 borders 2 browse n went 4 a pedi kekekeke

its a beautifullllllllllll dayyyyyyyyyyy


New Member
Hiya ladies

Yeah, the new HP movie looks really promising. The effects look quite good, and with the triwizard tourney, it shld make for quite an exciting experience. And of coz, we finally see Lord Voldemort!

Hi Serene

Actually I don't know many friends who wld like the P&P movie..most people think of the classics as stuffy! It's's not something that has to be watched in the cinema. Now w movie tix so ex, we usually wait for it to be out for rent...unless of coz if it's a big blockbuster, or is R21, or has good special effects.


New Member
Gd morning! got my keys yesterday! so happy...

What cradle snatcher Serene? I definitely wanna snatch Harry (or Daniel Radcliffe) up if he is available.. his jaws make him look soooo gd.. heehee... They didn't show Lord Voldermort.. cos there is a standing rule not to have any scenes of him for previews.. i guess they wanna keep the surprise to the last min.. but Ralph Fienes (spelling?) as LV is very hard to imagine... keep thinking of him as a soldier in that Oscar winning show (can't rem)..he doesn't seem to menacing to me..

Alhana, the dragon looks fake.... :p wished it was split into 2 parts instd of cramming everything into 1 movie....


New Member
morning!! hehehe

alhana fwah i so long nv watch any R21 films..nowadays like oso dun haf any popular 1s hor?

wah bear bear gonna b bz again liao lor? wheres ur new place?

oh Ralph Fienes is Voldermort?? i always rem him in...Red Dragon? abit bian tai looking :p


New Member

Grats on getting your keys Bear! Where's your new flat, and when do you guys intend to move in?

Actually, I still can't accept Gary Oldman as Sirius Black. I always imagined Black as a good looking guy whose looks were ravaged by the years spent in Azkaban. Gary Oldman doesn't look like someone who cld've been v good looking in the past. I still prefer the image of the characters in my head
However, the kids, Professor McConagall, Dumbledore & Hagrid are pretty close to what I imagined.

Aiyo..I dunno y they just can't make good dragons..they usually end up looking like souped up dinos from Jurassic Park :p Did you watch the travesty that was Dungeons & Dragons? Lotsa dragons in there, and they all looked so fake. Sad. I believe the movie's gonna skip alot of stuff in the book, since this book was so thick compared to the first 3.

Serene, I can't believe you've nvr read the books! You should! The HP books are far superior to the movies. I was quite disappointed w the 3rd was my favourite book in the series and the movie left quite abit of stuff out. Although it was well made, the story just didn't do it for me.

There are quite a few good R21 movies..but they are usually not the blockbuster sort. Actually it's been awhile since we watched a movie..think it was Wedding Crashes or Land of the Dead.


New Member
Heya Alhana, thanks! new flat at Bedok South... gonna move in officially aft my customary in Oct.. have to do major reno cos it's a resale flat. so far the quotes are 40K and abv.. sigh... most prob doing it aft CNY...

HAhahaha i was having the same thoughts as u abt Gary Oldman. He isn't wat u call as gd looking! Kinda funny cos Rowling meant him to be gd looking.. so i expect someone like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise that went through starvation to play that role.. Gary Oldman was a vampire!! Agree with u that the 3rd movie was a letdown.. the same as LOTR's 2nd book, The Two Towers. Somehow i have a gut feeling this latest movie is gonna be the same.. It's my fav book of the series...

Hahah souped up dino.. heehee.. u couldn't describe better.. how come when the artist draws, the dragon looks sooo real yet when they are animated they seem like a huge lizard? may be there isn't anything real life example for them to use.

Serene, ya agree with Alhana, read all the HP books. I was very stubborn abt reading them when the whole world was crazy abt them. Kept telling my frens that it's for kids.. until i picked up the 4th book and got hooked... have to say i ate my words.... it is easy enough for a child to read but for the adults u will have a gd time solving the puzzle...


New Member
Hiya Bear

Hmm...Tom Cruise did look good in Interview with a Vampire. Anne Rice was originally against casting him as Lestat, but she had to eat her words..he was quite good in the movie! Used to like TC until he got all crazy recently, esp with the whole Katie Holmes tacky! Actually, for Sirius, I always pictured this rock star's face in my head..I had a serious crush on him when I was young :p He has the long black hair, beautiful face...and he's kinda skinny. Hehe. So when Gary Oldman was cast, I was like 'eww..noooooo!' Talk about a shattered image..haha.

Yah, they should make dragons with sleek snouts..they usually look like T-Rexes! Silly. I wonder if they consult fantasy artists when they do the artwork for movie dragons.


New Member
er, wondering if any of you are into another "HP", Harold Pinter? AHhhh...HE JUST WON THE 2005 NOBEL PRIZE FOR LITERATURE!!! I dunno why I'm so excited...just that this guy brings back all my London westend memories... I just love Pinter's dark humour in his plays!!! Congrats to Mr Pinter once again!


New Member
Hahaha talking abt HP, mark ur calendar for 17th Nov!!! That's when the Goblet of Fire would be out! heehee.. i can't wait!

What are u gals reading? me currently re-reading Half Blood Prince... missed out on a lot of details during the first read....

No Yule, me have not read Harold Pinter's books...


New Member
morning ladies!

alhana n bear bear hehehe i haven been very 'hardworking' reading recently..been so tired at work then i juz KO after i reach home keke so many books so little time!!

n bear bear i oso cant wait 4 dat day!


New Member
Hi ladies!

I'm busy reading GRRM's 4th book now! Actually, am trying to read slowly to savour it...waited so many yrs for its release, so I don't wanna speed thru it. Got the book on abt half-way thru now!

Actually, I'm also busy planning a trip to HKG in Dec. Last minute decision to go, so scrambling to book air tix and hotel now. Sigh!


New Member
hello all...
wat's the latest books to read now?? me juz finished a whole series of historical romance... hmmm... stil in romantic mood...

btw, me can't wait for harry potter movie too. me, i juz like to watch the movie... dunno y dun have the urge to read the books...


New Member
hey ladies

What's new with everyone? Thread died for a while there.

I finished reading George R R MArtin's 4th book, "A Feast for Crows", a week ago. As per his previous books, the writing was superb. Can't wait for the 5th one...argh..more waiting.

Well, I'll be going to HKG next mth. Need to hunt for a book to read on the plane. Taking Jetstar, so no on-board entertainment. Sian!


Hv u left for Krabi yet??


New Member
morn alhana!!

aiyo i haven been reading at all! really been 2 tired kekeke n been taking tennis lessons so been so tired 2 even read a page nowadays...still haven buy the legend series..tink will get it tis weekend keke


New Member
Hi Serene!

Wow, taking tennis lessons sporty! Haha.u've been talking abt getting the series for ages! But it's always nice to know that you have a good book(s) waiting for you to read...unlike me now...nothing to look fwd to till GRRM's 5th book (aiyoh..long wait for that!)

Anyone bought tix to the Harry POtter movie yet? Seems tix are selling fast..some time slots already sold out. Will ask hubby to buy tix tdy.


New Member

pls lor...i'm NEVER a sporty person kekeke its 'due 2 the bobian' coz 5 gfs of mine registered n paid b4 telling i die die oso muz go wif them hahahaha but it's been quite fun actually..n i'm having bodyaches all the time hahaha

i've juz sent in 2 apply 4 a concession price 4 the movie in the ofc..its next sat..duno will get it anot kekeke but i tink if cant get the tix..then i will wait till the 2nd week then watch


New Member
Hello ladies! Haven't been reading. Too tired after work & by the time I got back home I only want to rest.

Am swarmed with work these couple of weeks. ~sigh~ Will be leaving for Krabi next Mon & I simply can't wait!!!!!!!


New Member
Hi Serene

Looks like I may hv to watch HP a week after it opens too. It's the start of the school hols that weekend. I imagine lotsa kids will be watching it that weekend too.

Hi avid!

My colleague just returned from Krabi. She said that the weather was really good..perfect beach weather. She stayed at La Playa as well. Not too crowded, but it seems to be more popular with Singaporeans now. When I stayed there, most Singaporeans didn't even know this hotel existed :p News sure spreads ard fast.

can't wait for my HKG trip too...wld love the cool weather. weather in s'pore's so one minute, rainy the next.


New Member

for those who likes Patricia Cornwell, James Patterson and Michael Connelly... new releases from these authors...

hi alhana,
wat genre does George RR M's books fall into? sounds very interestin frm yr favorable reviews.. m looking for other authors... thks...


New Member
Hi syt

He writes epic fantasies..think knights, giants, dragons etc. It's not as fantastic as LOTR though. The characters and storyline are very much styled after England's War of the Roses...he was inspired by it


New Member
Oh btw, when I said not as fantastic, I didn't mean not as good. I meant that the storyline is not as fantastical. Still, I much prefer his series to the Lord of the Rings (which is also good of coz).


New Member
Alhana!! I finally got my lazy ass down to get Book 2 & 3 of GRRM's books!! I must say the 2nd book is holding my interest better than the first. could be bcos i could read for long stretches, something which i couldn't afford to do for the first book. Hence the story made more sense and flow better for me... Heehee.. I was on another 2 wks MC cos i was warded in the hospital AGAIN! this time so suspected appendicitis! (wasn't in the end, heng ah!).

Anyway my hubby finally picked up Dragonlance and he is hooked. At first he said it seems very childish but now he says its like watching a soap opera.. Every chapter also has fighting in it... now he bugs me to tell him all the spoilers, something which i flatly refused... hahaha...

Syt, Patricia Cornwell's new bk is what? James Patterson's? Is it the Alex Cross series? i like the Alex Cross series! Tried to get the new Deaver bk, another Lincoln Rhyme bk, but no stock.. haizzz.....

Serene, u still aching ah! Did u pick up the Legends?


New Member
Hi Bear!! Glad to hear from ya gal! Of coz, not so glad to hear that you got hospitalised again. What was it for this time??? You poor thing!

Yes, his books get progressively better. I think it's also becoz you're now more familiar with the lead characters, and you just want to know what happens to them. The 4th book isn't v thick..the 3rd one is the thickest so far. My fave so far has been the 3rd book. It's the most exciting, the most heart-wrenching and ultimately the most entertaining of all the 4 I've read.

I'm now waiting for Robin Hobb's latest book to be released in paperback. Hopefully it'd be soon. I'm also itching to read something trashy..hmm..maybe I'll re-read some VC Andrews series. Hehe.


New Member
morning ladies! hows ur weekend?

hey bear bear aiyo u beta take care ahhh..u seemed so fragile like glass leh muz b more careful ya? laz fri hor i went 2 do a trial hot yoga wif gfs...very siong man hahaha but it was fun! 2nite got tennis lesson again so tmr will complain bodyaching again kekekeke

i bot the legends liao! but haven start hehehe


New Member
Hi Serene!

Even tho you deny being sporty, I must say you are really on abt trying new stuff! Wow, hot yoga this time. I do the normal hatha yoga and I already perspire so much! Can't imagine doing it in a hot room.

Weekend was a lazy one. Went for facial..then came home and played The Sims 2 for the whole weekend. Hehe. Am playing the University expansion set, and am working my Sims hard to make the Dean's list. feel like I myself am going back to school..haha.

Gonna watch Goblet of Fire this Sunday! Bought tix liow.


New Member
Hi gals!

Wah Serene u so hardworking ah?? me feel so lazy after reading ur post... heehee.. my hubby trying to get me to exercise but i m just too lazy to move my ass. Why u call me fragile?? i was nv hospitalised before until this yr... and kena twice in 2 mths.. so bloody sway....

Alhana! u spent the whole wkend infront of the comp? me cannot imagine man! Spent the wkend trying to look for furniture and getting the correct quote for my reno.. cos might be starting soon... haizzz... headache.. so many things to pay for!

u guys so gd, gg for Harry Potter.. i think i will watch mine next wk.. on a wkday to save $$$...


New Member
alhana hahaha i'm serious abt not being sporty at all!! when i was in school i hated PE lessons..dats how bad it is hahaha i only like swimming n even so..i haven been doing it religiously n its always leisure swim kinda thing..went 2 do the hot yoga trial coz a fren wkg there n urged us 2 try..wah i tell u..i noe how a roast pig feels like hahaha wahh u so fast bot tix liao kekeke my silly gfs wanted 2 watch the exorcism of emily rose after our yoga n i tot it was silly..tho my eyes were shut 90% of the time kekeke

bear bear aiyo i tink sports hor..muz do wif a few frens very onz type..then can motivate each other..if juz 2 ppl hor..both will always gif excuses end up anyting oso nv do keke but i really muz kena pushed then will do sumting sweaty type..i used 2 go batam every weekend wif frens 4 cableski tho most of the time i was a poser wahahahaa nowadays really nv do anyting till the tennis lessons came along..its fun actually hehehe

tink i oso watch harry potter next week..mayb 1 of the work day noon when bosses not ard go n sneak 2 tampines mall 2 watch wahahahhaha


New Member
Serene, you naughty girl..watching a movie during office hrs! The movie should be quite long...probably half your work day will be gone by the time the movie ends :p Yeah, I wanna watch it now coz I won't be free after that..gotta get ready for my HKG trip. STill hv not bought anything to wear for the dinner. Next mth, looking fwd to King Kong and Chronicles of Narnia. I will only watch P&P when it's out on DVD.

Hi Bear

Yeah, i can spend hours at the comp. Bad hor. No wonder my eye sight is so bad..heheh. Hubby is the same lah. Can spend the whole day in front of the comp. That's how we met anyway..playing online games. When in uni, we used to play the whole nite...sometimes till dawn! Surprisingly we're not addicted. I can go for days w/o playing and not feel the itch. I know some people are like that.


New Member
Hiya gals, had lunch?

Wah Serene, u so naughty, sneak out to watch movie... heehee.. brave of u.. wait u meet ur boss at the cinema watching Harry Potter too! Hey how long is the movie??? i tot only 2.5hrs???

Heehee.. Alhana, ur eye sight bad ah? Mine also until i went for LASIK. Did it last Christmas... My dad insisted that it was bcos i read too much that i have such bad eyesight. u know when i was in P6, i had to change a new pair of glasses. My dad deducted 50cents from my pocket money everyday cos he wanted to teach me a lesson. I survived 3/4 of the yr on 50 cents for recess money.... me not comp freak.. can't tahan spending too much time online.. i need my books... so far the 2nd book is pretty gd! heehee... can't wait for the dragons to grow up!


New Member
hahahaha harry potter 2.5hrs har? wah like dat then i muz aim the day my boss on MC wahahahaha i actually haf been planning 4 it 4 veli long leh kekeke somemore drag my colleague down 2gether hahahaha...but sekali like wad bear said..bump into boss there..then really happening keke


New Member
helo alhana hehehehe attracted by the mention of harry potter again. :p yeah i also watching goblet of fire this weekend (sat), so excited! usually i am not excited abt the previous movies, but i am so excited at watching how they bring so many memorable scenes from the goblet alive in the movie. the triwizard cup, the quidditch world cup, hermoine in her ball gown..... and hey, i find their casting of fleur delacour not appropriate leh? tot she supposed to be drop dead gorgeous?
quite dissapointed. and now that we know ginny is with harry, somehow find the casting also not appropriate hehehee. like not spirited enough, not the ginny i imagine when reading the books. aiyoh, i tok so much, hehehe what do you think ?


New Member
Hi all!

Bear, yup, it's 2.5hrs..I just factor in all the time wasters like getting there, and back to work..go eat lunch etc..hehe.

Hey, I wld wanna go for LASIK too! How much did you pay huh? And where did you get it done? Actually bad eyesight doesn't come becoz u read too's more likely due to bad reading habits :p I see kids these days..all suffering from myopia..prob due to the PC n TV. They hardly read these days.

Hi Serene

You ah...bad influence on your colleague :p tsk tsk.

Hi BinBin

Yah, I felt the same way. I tot Fleur was quite plain, although she really does have the French look. Yalor..tot she was supposed to look so captivating. I looked at her and went 'meh'. Yes, am curious abt the Ginny Weasley part too! She is supposed to change more as the books progress..they prob won't feature her much until the 5th movie, when Harry starts his club. I've read early reviews of GoF, and it seems this is the best movie yet. Cool.


New Member
Wah Alhana! u are up at such unearthly hrs to post! haven't gone to bed or just woke up?! Hrmm i guess u could say that i have bad reading habits. I like to lie down to read, facing the wrong light direction... I paid abt 4K for everything inclding follow ups and medication. the op itself was 3.7K. got it done at SNEC. heehee.. u shd do it too! changed my whole life!

GoF confirm 2.5 hrs? kinda disappointing that for such a long bk, it is condensed into such a short film... wonder what parts will be deleted off...

Bin Bin, ya Fleur a bit plain, but so is Cho Chang... Hermione outshines both characters! which is pretty ironic cos she is supposed to have bushy hair and generally not attractive enough.... Haven't seen the photo of the person playing Ginny... pretty?


New Member
helo alhana and bear! i know the significant parts that were deleted were hermoine's campaign for spew (house elves) and some other thing i can't rem......aiyah read oredi forgot! hehehe....

The person who plays Fleur IS french. and the guy who plays Viktor Krum IS bulgarian. its interesting how they get the exact nationality to play the characters hehehe. Yes Cho Chang is not really as pretty as they say in the books hor? so sad...... thousands of ppl applied, there must be a reason why they chose her? she's a scottish, maybe she has a charming accent or something.

bear, ginny has always been in the first few movies. i also tot its a new cast, then when i saw the old movies over the weekend i realise she has always been in it lah hehehhehe, just din notice her.
its the same girl, just growing up lke the rest. yah loh, hermoine supposed to have large front teeth, but her teeth looks perfect as far as i am concerned hehehee....find her getting so beautiful every episode.

alhana, how are they going to make ginny transform over the yrs into someone harry will like huh? maybe make her more outspoken, funny, witty....coz now she's always in the background.

sigh....2.5 hrs oredi quite good. read that they initially tot of making two movies. can you imagine how horrible that will be??!!!


New Member
Hi Bear & Bin

I was up early tdy coz I had a stomachache. Will spare you the gory details :p

S$4k for LASIk isn't too bad. I'm still waiting for the price to drop..haha. My cousin had it done too, as well as a colleague. It must be so great to not hv to wear glasses, contacts anymore.

Yup, it is 2.5hrs. The director said that they removed whatever was non-essential to the main story (the Triwizard tournament and the return of LV) and I must say, I totally hated the whole SPEW affair. It made Hermione really annoying, and I really don't like those elves :p They're not pretty, cool elves like those from LOTR..haha. Read some early reviews, and many critics praised this installment for being more focused on character development, rather than on the fantastical effects...that's good.

Yup, it is cool that they got actors from the right nationalities playing the parts of Fleur and Viktor. I know the actress playing Fleur is can totally tell from her look that she's French :p Yah lor..Cho chang is plain disappointing. You're right..Hermione is prettier than both!

As for Ginny, I can't remember if she made much of an impression in book 4. She was almost non-existent in the 3rd movie. Not sure what she'll be like in the 4th. Still, I don't think it's so much a sudden transformance. It's probably all in the background, just that Harry doesn't notice is till it's right in his face. Isn't that always the case? I watched Prisoner of Azkaban on HBO last nite, and I caught a glimpse of Ginny. Ok lah...looks like a female Ron..haha.


New Member
helo alhana, yes ginny's transformation won't be sudden. but i guess they will not be able to do it as well in the movies as jk rowling in the books. for jk, she knows whats going to happen next, where to put in the little things ginny will do throughout the books. but for the movie director, at the moment they filmed the first 4 books, book 6 is not out yet so they do not know that ginny will be such a big part of his life in his 6th yr. so when they filming the movies they could have cast off her scenes as unimportant and insignificant. like in the chamber of secrets, think the fact that harry saved her and covered for her in front of her parents strengthen's the image she has of harry as a heroic and understanding young man. but the movie din show that if i recall correctly.....all this little things loh hehehee....

not that i am complaining, i am still getting more and more excited about this Saturday!!!


New Member
Hiya gals, i have already checked the length of the show and its 2.5hrs... i feel kinda sad abt it.. cos GoF is my fav book. i would rather have it in 2 instalments.. but its just me...

Alhana, ya, i agree with u. I think Ginny won't be in the limelight cos Harry hasn't noticed her yet. when he does, its gonna be a mindblowing thing for him... so i guess seeing Ginny's transformation would be really interest... heehee... Ya she looks like female Ron. u know, Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson all grew up liao.. more handsome and elegant but hor Rupert Grint still looks soo goofy!!!

Bin, calm done!! heehee.. i won't be watching the movie till next wk so dun post any spoilers here!! heehee...


New Member
hi bear,

so sorri for the late reply...

new book by patricia cornwell is Predator and James Paterson's Mary Mary is the latest Alex Cross's bk.. i enjoy his bks tremendously... wat is the latest Jeffrey Deaver bk? cant rem the name.. need to put in dwn on my "books to buy" list... thks..


New Member
Bin! okok.. dun tell me ya? Alhana also... where's Serene? not in today??

Nica, oh just finish Pat Cornwell's Trace.. not very gd leh.. prefer the old books.. Trace like very disjointed... heehee.. Okok will ask my bookshop to keep the new Alex Cross novel... I think the new Deaver book is the 12th Coin or something.. somebody read it before here.. sorry.. but if u go to a 2nd hand bkshop they prob can tell u the title.. but for sure the title inside got the word '12th'.. heehee...


New Member
hi syt, bear...
the new Deaver's book is "The Twelfth Card"... heh. i've read it already. it's typical Deaver's story line... exciting, n wif unexpected twists. there's also sth new abt lincoln rhyme in the story...


New Member
Oops! Thanks Levynn.. Sorry syt, hahaha it the 12th CARD! not the 12th COIN!! hehee..... sorry sorry sorry!!!

Levynn is Sachs pregnant???? what's new abt Lincoln Rhyme!! Tell me!! i wanna know!


New Member
haha... bear... cannot tell u la... spoiler for those who wants to read. go borrow the book n read it la... hehe... then we can talked abt it together.

ok, one small info... sachs is not pregnant. it's abt lincoln rhyme himself.


New Member
Levynn pray tell!!! please please please? Lincoln can move more than that lil' ring finger of his??? heehee.. the reason why i wanna know soon is bcos i can't get the book till a mth later... cos no stock and partly cos i m in the midst of GRRM... heeheee

Where's Alhana and Serene? Serne play tennis until nv login for 2 days! heehee... Alhana, my huuby gave up on Dragonlance. Said it was too draggy and too much action... dunno how to reconcile that 2...


New Member

hahaha bear bear i'm here lahh yest my ah lao's bd so i was on leave..end up oso nv do anything constructive keekekek

tell u all ah..i starting 2 enjoy tennis kekekeke n surprisingly i din kena bodyache tis time round hehehe


New Member

actually hor... i also cannot really rem wat is the thing abt lincoln rhyme, coz i read that book like 2 mths ago. but i vaguely rem it's sth like u said, he can move a little bit more coz he did some kind of exercises. hehe... if wrong, dun come n whack me ah! hahaha...
