Dear all,
PLS HELP! Every morning i look at myself in the mirror, i really feel that i look like a cancer patient going to therapy. Although not to that stage as yet, but this seems one of the stage!
Now,i would like to find a specialist or dermatologist to help me! Can i find one in our polyclinics? Anyone been to Beijing 101, Yunnan, Glower and Svenson? Please comments on their service, effect and pricing....Im deseperate! :S
PLS HELP! Every morning i look at myself in the mirror, i really feel that i look like a cancer patient going to therapy. Although not to that stage as yet, but this seems one of the stage!
Now,i would like to find a specialist or dermatologist to help me! Can i find one in our polyclinics? Anyone been to Beijing 101, Yunnan, Glower and Svenson? Please comments on their service, effect and pricing....Im deseperate! :S