Bags for M&Ms


New Member
Anyone know where i can go to get the above item.As am thinking of giving M&Ms for my guest but am clueless of where to get.

Thanks in advance...


New Member
I went to spot light the other day and saw this bag. They are selling 50 pieces for $39.90 but i need about 300 pieces and the spot light sales told me that they do no have so much, need to indent for me. So i asked if the price will be better, she say no. As the max is 50 pieces per bag, so if i need will have to buy 6 in total.

Any cotters can advise me where to get the bag less then $0.80. Your input and advise are greatly appreciated.



New Member
Thanks Natalia for the information. I will email the lady for more information. Am trying to find time to go Sin Hin Chuan Kee this weekend.

Hi Karen2101, am still sourcing for it but cant really find one to my fancy. Somemore they are more expensive then organza. You got recommendations?


New Member
ikea has small spice glass containers, $3.50 for 4 pcs but i find the containers too big if you intend to put M&Ms.


New Member
Hi Janice,

I have some leftover mini glass jar. I have only about 100pcs left. i also use them for my party favours - with M&Ms. My aunt bought they from overseas. If you are keen can PM me.



New Member
mmm maybe u should use transparent plastics (high denstity type) and tie a pretty ribbon... at least i won't dirty the "bag" if it melts and it costs virtually nothing...


New Member
Try Gaylang Serai area .. Joo Chiat Complex

Last time i bought there, the organza bag come with small flower.

I think around $0.40 per pcs.

M&M doesn't need such a big bag..


New Member
Arab street sells small bags , i think it should be 50 cent per bag, but if you are getting mor ei think it should be cheaper, haha, or maybe you can try textile centre, maybe theres some beads shop there and they are frendly in giving advices too , Good luck.


New Member
Hi Janice or anyone interested,
Have you bought your organza bag yet? I'm organising an organza bag buy, myself included. Higher quantity better price. Usual is 50 cents per bag. If there are more buyers then can get it at 45 or even 40 cents per bag. Pm me for a description. Thanks.
