hi waitwait,
---------- posted ---------
pinkcandy (pinkcandy)
Post Number: 16
Posted on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 10:58am:
hi there
yeah i also feel that it might be good to include the option whre we can sort the threads according to the dates.
can this be done? like windows explorer, or most other forums.
---------- answered ---------
Chin Leng (chinleng)
Post Number: 2942
Posted on Friday, February 17, 2006 - 4:40 pm:
Hi Pinkcandy,
I'm sorry that this feature is currently not available for the forum.
Chin Leng.
ya i agree "users should not simply accept the way this forum is but rather, feedback on how to make this forum a better one. or should singaporeans remain a silent lot and accept whatever is stuffed to them?"
erm, come'on lah, hehe... i am least likely to think sporeans shuld remain a silent lot. i am one big complaining talkative jerk! there's a hint of sarcasm in tat post. hehe. relook at your posts above... it does seem pushy and challenging to me..., and the little hints of sarcasm isn't exactly gone un-noticed. feedbacks normally allow time for the collection to info, whereas i'm under the impression tat some of the posts want a pretty immediate response. kinda pressing actually. tat's why i posted...
anyway if u're a frequent user, then my post is not really for u. it's more for pple who come in for a few days, not used to it, and expect a change to suit their taste... hehe, like those newly-employed managers, i'm sure we all know how tat feels...