Anyone try VANILLA for facial


New Member
just try their service last week.
even though i call earlier wanted to do the gold type facial cost $60+..
but the lady say i having sensative skin...not advisable to do...
she recommended me other type for sensetive skin..cost $181. But first time trial will having 50% no choice...just accept.
So far...her service not bad...and not pushy & hard sell.
Im so scared after the facial ended...worry they will not let me go and force to sign the package....lucky...
if their price cheaper, think i will sign the package...but consider quite ex to me...


New Member
i have done some before, and they are all great.

but i yet to try one with yogurt. now most recipe calls for plain yogurt, but i only have "yoplait vanilla yogurt"

it doesnt have any chunks, very creamy, and almost like plain yogurt so i dont see any problems in using one with vanilla...afterall i dont know of any reason why vanilla would be bad.
would it be okay?!?! or shuld i just follow recipe accordingly?

.....great, now all this talk of vanilla yogurt is making me hungry for some.
