Anyone tried TRA?


New Member
2 months of supply

1) TRA Complex $120 (retail price is $209)
- for control craving
- 2 bottles

2) Duolene $60 (retail price $126)
- for block fat and carbo
- 3 bottles

3) Diene-O-lene $60 (retail price $161)
- for increase metabolism
- 3 bottles

4) Lifepak $120 (retail price $200)
- multivitamin and metalbolism
- 3 boxes

5) Trim Shake Chocolate $50 (retail $99)
- meal replacement shake
- 4 bottles

6) Dermatic Cream $50 (retail price $111)
- for cellulite
- 2 tubes

Expiry: 2014, willing to sell all as a set.

feel free to email to [email protected] to discuss on bulk discount.

Hello Pei Chin, TRA u can take it at home and my consultant who is a v nice and responsible lady does regular house visit to take your weight. i can share with u my consultant's contact. Feel free to PM or email to [email protected]


New Member
Herbalife program cost less than $1000 for 3 months and guarantee lose 3 to 6 kg within a month, if not money back guarantee..

Interested can just pm me for more info.


New Member
Hi all,

Dieting and exercising are more tedious than the TRA program. I have been constantly dieting and exercising since my 20s as I was constantly teased being fat as compared to my friends who belong to the skinny scale. It is actually tedious as the healthy diet cannot sustain for long coz I do crave for chocolates, biscuits especially under stressful conditions eg meeting deadlines at work, juggling family and work. I do embark on intense aerobic exercise to slim down too. Takes a lot of time, not to mention cutting down my zzzz time.

BTW I am a mother of a 3yrs old so dieting becomes even crazier than ever coz of all the fats you cannot shed due to pregnancy. This really leaves me no time to work out, let alone to eat proper meals so I embark on the program. The weirdest thing about TRA for me is that I have to eat to lose weight, otherwise it wouldn't have any effect on me. The key is eating right and in moderation. Skipping meals is a definite NO NO. For those who are eager to lose more may try ageLOC with TRA to speed up the process of weight loss.

Interested can just pm me, email to [email protected] for more info.


New Member
Hi I have 3 tin's of vanilla trimshake to sell. expiry is 9/9/2013. selling at $120 for all . Please let me know. I can meet at kovan or bishan. jasmine 96862882
hi! i read a few reviews online, most of you say it costs $2000 for 3 months, how come I go to their website, now it costs $3714??? :(


New Member
hi! i read a few reviews online, most of you say it costs $2000 for 3 months, how come I go to their website, now it costs $3714??? :(

The price on the website is "public" pricing. The $2k price is considered member price. You can try getting those who have signed up to buy for you. Best to get from someone who can give you guidance while you are on the program.


New Member
hi! i read a few reviews online, most of you say it costs $2000 for 3 months, how come I go to their website, now it costs $3714??? :(

The price you see on the website is retail price. The cost for TRA is $2080, and you can join as member for free if you purchase the TRA. I've just completed my 3 months TRA, I've shed 4 kgs, 4% of fats, muscle increased 2% and body age drop from 28 to 22! woohoo. definitely feeling younger and healthier! :)

Feel free to pm me @ [email protected] for more info, will be happy to share with u !:)

Ethan T

New Member
I'm personally on the TRA program and have lost over 6kg over the last 3 weeks without any loss of lean muscles (as opposed to traditional dieting or fad diets). The fat loss is still going strong as I continue to work through the remaining 9 weeks on the program.

I was on the verge of giving up, as I've tried different products over the last 5-7 years (such as Extrim, Panbesy, Duromin, Herbalife, LFI+acupuncture). I've had some results on these but very minimal. Having started the TRA program my pant size have dropped from 36" to 32". As a challenge I bought a pair of pants one size down during Zara sale to prepare for the day my body hits the desired shape.

If your big day is coming some time after December, you might want to consider the TR90 program, an evolved version of the TRA program. You can read up for more details. You can also watch the below YouTube video for testimonial from the clinical trial users. PM me if you are interested to find out more :) alternatively, you can leave your name/contact via the above web link as well.



New Member
Hi guys,

This is just my personal feedback on TRA and herbal life.

I don deny that it does some help to loss weight but it takes time. I wasn't very displine with the TRA program cuz I don like the shake and I eat as usual, I loss abt 3kg in 1 mth.

For herbal life, the shake taste the same as the Nu Skin- TRA. So I guess it might be same thing. But I don like the pill, I think is call total control. As I am allergy to caffeine I vomited and feel unwell when I took it. I took the pill for abt 2-3 week as I thought it was me not well or period but I realize it only happen whenever I took it. I gave away all my products in the end. Loss 1kg in 1mth.

Cassendra Lim

New Member

TRA is a great program, I have tried 2 sets and lost 8kg during the first trial and 3kg in the second set..anyone would like to try out but dont want to commit the whole program can get the loose pack from me, definitely cheaper than the ARO price =)

Here is the two months supplies:-
a) Duolean 4 bottles
b) Diene-O-Leen 4 bottles
c) TRA Complex 4 bottles
d) Chocolate Trimshake 4 boxes (10 sackets)

e) ageLOC Dermatic Effects x 2

Email me [email protected] for bulk discount or individual items. Guarantee cheaper than ARO price.


New Member
Hi everyone,
1) ageLOC R2 (exp Jan '14) @ $80
2) ageLOC R2 (exp Mar/Apr '14) @ $110
3) Lifepak (exp Jan '14) @ $85
4) Lifepak (exp Sep '14) @ $100
5) TRA Complex (exp Jun '14) @ $100
6) Diene-o-lean (exp May '14) @ $75
7) Duolean (exp Apr '14) @ $55
8) ageLOC Dermatic Effects (exp Dec '14) @ $45
9) Dermatic Effects (exp Nov '14) @ $40
Contact me @ 97457094 or email @ [email protected] to deal.


can try for faster results.. pls check their fb page (*****************) for more info.

there is no supplements required.

I am just a happy & satisfied customer, who is helping to spread a word about this. ;)


New Member
There is an improved version of the TRA now, called the TR90 and it is available for pre-order only THIS WEEK! Besides 3 times more effective than TRA, it is now CHEAPER! ;)

TR90 is also a regime that is easier to maintain and adhere to. After this week, it will no longer available til June 2014 where the price will also be increased by 20%. For people who have taken TRA and ageLOC R2, TR90 will work well for you as well as your body has already underwent the right conditioning. PM me or email me at [email protected] for more information!


New Member
Hi everyone,

Updated remaining stocks:

1) ageLOC R2 (exp Mar/Apr '14) @ $95 (*Price reduced)

2) Lifepak (exp Sep '14) @ $100

3) G3 @ $48

Contact me @ 97457094 or email @ [email protected] to deal.



Hi babes,

me and HTB personally has slimmed down after 3 months of TRA :)

We've completed our programme hence wants to sell the remaining
four cans of Authentic Brand New Sealed TRA Chocolate Milk Shake
to clear space!

Free one box of brand new sealed of *Lifepak if you purchase min 2 can of milk shake.
*while stock lasts

So with $250, you get 2 can of Milkshake and 1 box of Lifepak! (our loss is your gain!!)
(for original prices may refer to:

Just wanna clear space, so prices are negotiable for sincere buyers. :)

Those who are keen, kindly PM or email me at [email protected] for more details!



Hi babes,

me and HTB personally has slimmed down after 3 months of TRA :)

We've completed our programme hence wants to sell the remaining
four cans of Authentic Brand New Sealed TRA Chocolate Milk Shake
to clear space!

So with $250, you get 2 can of Milkshake
(for original prices may refer to:

Just wanna clear space, so prices are negotiable for sincere buyers. :)

Those who are keen, kindly PM or email me at [email protected] for more details!


Chocolate Trimshake - All Pending!!
Vanilla Trimshake - Now available! Selling for $180 for 2 Cans (1 month's supply) or $100 for 1 can (2 week's supply). (Original price: $286 for 1 month's supply)

Now selling Lifepak for only $50 per box! (Original price: $200)

Just wanna clear space, so prices are negotiable for sincere buyers. :)

Those who are keen, kindly PM or email me at [email protected] for more details!



New Member
Last time I used to be on TRA and managed to lose 5kg of fats without any exercise. This time I just started on TR90 hoping to gain a better figure. :)


New Member
I'm currently on TRA for about 1 & half mth..have lost a total of 4kg so far. I've got my TR90 already, but can't start yet :(
as my 3mths TRA is still incomplete.


Selling the following TRA products! Final call!

2 x Diene-o-lean (exp Oct'14) - $65 per bottle or $100 for 2 bottles
(Original price: $161 per bottle)
- only left with last 2 bottles!

2 x of Chocolate Trimshake (exp Aug' 14) - $65 per box or $100 for 2 boxes
(Original price: $109 per box)
- sold 4.. left with final 2 boxes!!

Those who are keen, kindly PM or email me at [email protected] for more details!



Selling the following TRA products! Final call!
2 x Diene-o-lean (exp Oct'14) - $65 per bottle or $100 for 2 bottles
(Original price: $161 per bottle)
- only left with last 2 bottles!

2 x of Chocolate Trimshake (exp Aug' 14) - $65 per box or $100 for 2 boxes
(Original price: $109 per box)
- sold 4.. left with final 2 boxes!!

Those who are keen, kindly PM or email me at [email protected] for more details!


ALL SOLD. Thanks all :)


New Member
Interest to know more about the product. How much does the TRA prog cost?
TRA costs $2080 in total, can be paid in installments but i'm offering a promotion! Feel free to drop me a text and ask me more info if you have any doubts yeah?

Upon completion of the TR90 program in 3 mths, we dont have to continue taking it right?
Yup no need hahaha that's the beauty of it!

Where can I get this TR90? Also, how much is the program?
I'm sad to sad NuSkin probably don't have already.. i can try try help you find uh.. send me a text if ya still interested ;)

Sad to say TR90 was sold out in NuSkin in a couple of days... And guess what! TRA is having a promotion too! So I'm giving away a free ageLOC Galvanic body Spa (Worth $510) and 3 Boxes of TrimShake (Worth $300+) for every purchase of TRA from me :)

Please text me at 96325481 or email me at [email protected] ya! While my freebies last :)

Wendy Sarah

New Member
  1. Selling the following:
    Chocolate trimshake in tin - $10/each Expiry Nov 13 (Quantity - 6)
    TRA 1 .5 month supply - $500 Expiry Jan 14 (includes the shakes x6 tins )
    Excluding the shakes = $450

    Prices are negotitable.
    Email [email protected] if interested.
    Thank you!


New Member
Hi bride to bes, i've good news to share! If u r interested to know more about ageLOC R2, TRA or TR90, do contact me at 94881550 for a no obligation sharing and body scan :)
I'm a satisfied user of TR90 who has seen a drop of 4kg in weight n 2kg in body fats in 1 month.

Currently, TRA is having a fantastic promotion, last 5 days.
If u r interested, i've TR90 too

Contact me fast :)


You have to be very disciplined. I am not very myself. After about 1.5 months, I don't see much difference.
I have to force myself to wake up early on weekends to keep to the diet. Makes me feel so grumpy haha.


New Member
Several of my friends and I have tried tra..only managed to lose 2kg in a month despite strict dieting and exercising..and after we stop, weight rebounces back and end up gaining extra 4kg just by resuming our normal diet with little high calories and high carbo stuffs..and worse ting is each of us was asked to buy over $2000 of products..end up throwing away almost 80% of the products.

Anyway, bad experience..but nuskin outer products r gd..


New Member
I tried TR90 for a month and I gained 2kg! Despite going gym 3-4times a week and careful with my food intake. Very disappointing!


Selling the following Nuskin/TRA products! Final call!

Brand New Diene-o-lean (exp Oct'14) - $50
(Original price: $161 per bottle)
- only left with last 1 bottle!

Brand New box of AgeLOC Galvanic Spa Facial Gels - $50
(Original price: $115 per box)
- only left with last 1 box!

Those who are keen, kindly PM or email me at [email protected] for more details!



New Member
Phoe : I weigh after 1 month review with consultant nothing changed except weight gained. Muscle same, fat %gone up. It's not suitable to some bcoz different body react differently.


New Member
Hi Satayjudy, I gained 4 kg after taking TR90. I'm already on the 55th days but since don't see any 'lost'. Anyone has this experience too?


New Member
Hi Satayjudy, I'm not sure what component percentage I gained. When I went for my analysis, everything went up, waist, thigh, arm all went up by at least 1cm. My consultant tried to tighten the measuring tape n I could feel it. Despite my strict dieting with no junk food, the products didn't help me to slim down. Sigh....


New Member
Monk : I confronted the consultant then she change her words saying that TR90 is meant for building muscles and lean body, not weight loss program. How disappointing! I suggest you keep a copy of your body measurements for your own reference. You must know what % component has changed. I will measure on 2nd month again and update.


New Member
Satay: Sure. Do let me know if you've lost any weight after your second measurement. I'm thinking should I stop my TR90, take TRA again to lose the fats before building muscles. Sigh....


New Member

I have 2 months worth of TRA Package just bought in September 2013 to let go @ $1,200. Bought it @ 3 months for $2080.

Took it for 1 month and achieved the results I desired. Hence, the intention to let go.

Do contact me @ [email protected] if you are interested.

Thank you.


New Member
Hello beautiful people! I'm Roz new to this forum but I think I've been mentioned in this forum before... Wow! It's been a long time TRA has been around and doing good all over Singapore and SEA! All I can say is after doing it for the last 6 years, TRA is AMAZING! My mum can attest to it, she's never been healthier at 58. And a grandmother of 7 grandchildren and still looking great! That's TRA difference. It's about being healthy and youthful so to me there's no other program out there that can be compared close. It's definitely The Right Approach.
