Anyone plan to have baby?


New Member
if we have menses every mth does it exclude us from being abnorman - like problems trying to give birth?

Do u think it's better for me to do a checkup?


New Member
Did anyone successfully conceived with the help of western supplements..?

I read some articles on the net and it says a certain level of zinc, vitamins etc would help balance our hormones.


New Member
After readin candy's post i immediately took out the Bak Foong Pills i kept in the drawers and placed it in my mouth.. My mum brought it for me like a yr ago and i refused to take it...

Hi Sinny,

Any luck recently? Like u, I was once so stress with tryin to preggie that i lost sleep. I got married in Jan and both HB and I, being the eldest in the family, will be asked everything a relative, even friend, "When are u getting pregnant ah?"

The truth (hurts) is, we're been tryin since Jan till now, without luck... now to put of the stress, we told ppl we wanna have bb only 1-2 yrs later... but deep down inside.. i know my hb (and me) wants it badly...

I've just started monitoring my BBT chart, using the Basal 2 digit thermometer i get from Watson / Guardian. The biggest drop in your chart indicates that it might be your ovulation, I'm thinking whether to test it with the ovu kit not... (quite expensive if I were to do it like monthly, few times...

I've also been taking folic acid... just in case... After so many months of trying, i know that I shouldn't stress myself le... in the beginning, I was so upset every month when my period comes that I often have dreams that I was actually testing whether it's -ve or +ve or not!! Too much liao... even my period was delay by 3 weeks due to stress.. then everyone tot I'm preg althought it show -ve.. imagine the disappointment when it finally came...

Still tryin.. hopefully I can tell the ovu day after 3 months of charting... good luck!


New Member
Sinny, you have to be very patience in monitoring your temperature every month...
once you open your eyes and before you step off your bed...


New Member
False alarm menses late by one week I my hubby and i thot got chance already! Hmm...have to try harder, frequency increased but timing just not right.


New Member
My last menses started on 18 Dec, after menses ended we tried alternate nights, almost without fail, but today I am menstrauting. so frustrating, been like that for one year although i increased the frequency.

Feel like giving up just adopt a baby...


New Member
Hmm... interesting thread over here.

My hubby and I are also trying for baby now. We've been married for 2 yrs plus. But seems like quite hard to get conceived. Or maybe, we are not 'hardworking' enough. =)

I am currently a full time housewife coz we are over at States, he's being posted here for work. So we thought having a baby now is just the right time. =)


New Member
Sinny, alternate nights almost without fail - does things become routine? Hubby too lazy sometimes, and i hate to be routine... Like butter, we're not tryin hard enough...

Butter, which part of US are you at?

Yup, tryin for a baby is indeed not as easy as i tot... but dun give up... for me, i dun consider adopt... i'm planning to see a doctor for checkup... A couple friend tried for 2 yrs, see doctor, discover hubby lack of Vit. E, less than 6 months later, wife preggie liao...

My SIL's sis, finally got preggie after 5 yrs of tryin also...

Any recommdation of where to see doc?


New Member
Hi all,

Just wanna share my experience.

When we first started to want a baby, it was 2 years after our marriage. It is not that we dun want a baby during these 2 years, but it is just not a conscious effort to try for a baby.

Thereafter, we start natural. After 6 months of trying, we went to a gynae, he put me on IUI, but not successful. He also tested us, said that my hubby had low sperm count, hence difficult to conceive. He later gave me clomid which I took for 3 months, no success. Did not continue with clomid as I know it may lead to cancer, so we go back to natural, no success.

After 3-4 months, we decided to go to a TCM. He gave me and hubby 'supplements' to strengthen our bodies. We did this for 3 months. Thereafter, we stop as I want to take a break from the 'supplements'. I also started to take my temperatures after 2 months of trying. Bingo! I got pregnant in the following month

I guess for some of us, it may take more time and more trying


New Member
Hi dlver,

I am over at Arizona. =)

Hmm... I guess, just need to take things easy or maybe be a bit more "hardworking" during those fertile period. But my hubby is always tired and even need to travel away for work. So... I guess, chances of me conceiving is very low. =(


New Member
for you ladies who are ttc, jia you .. persevere ok .. i've just heard from the husband that his colleague's wife is preggie too and they've been trying for a long time .. me, i'm about to deliver my 2nd one in a few weeks' time ..


New Member
actually we dun ovulate every sometimes diffi to get preggie, i was put on clomid by doc trying this mth..said my egg was small.


New Member
Hi All,

I may be pregnant! Tested out 2 brands pregnancy kits, both with + results!

Visitng the doc soon!


New Member
hello. i tried using the ovulation kit. showed smiley face but menses still came... disappointed...


New Member
Hi ladies, this thread is quite active...

any update ladies?? my AD is in Oct but i somewhat cant wait to join u all in the BB exercise


New Member

It has to be a routine to gain more chances, at times, we tried only like once in every 4-5 days, of cos the chances are much lower. At most you can try it once every 3 days.


New Member



New Member

All those words u used to scold pple are actually your own names.

They are not stupid and they really did do their research to make their wishes come true. Unlike u. Putting pple down and swearing. I really pity u. You must be very lonely in this world? Do u know the meaning of friends? Do u even have 1?

This is a forum whereby pple comes to share pointers. If u do not have good things to share, so be it. But do not share ur evil thots.



New Member
It is not true..Stress does affect the overall wellbeing of a person including fertility.

And, cleverbaby, I dun think u have the right to use such hurtful words in the forum.


New Member

can i know if Dr Zou is good? some tcm doc don't explan or tell you anything unless you ask and usually we don't even know what to ask.

btw, anyone conceived under Dr Zou's care?

and how is the treatment like? eg. are they any medicine? what type of medicine? must cook type or instant type? and any acupuncture? if there are acupuncture, which are the areas being acupuncture? and also how many times you need to see her? or is it a (eg.) 1months / 3months / 6months regular visit to Dr Zou? and also how many times per week / per month must we see her?


New Member
hi everyone..

i am happy to the ladies who are now pregnant. Me and my hubby are planning to have one baby soon.

and to cleverbaby please dont speak bad words here you just ruin the forum.


New Member
Hi everyone,

I hv came across to this website and hopefully this thread (advise me if I'm not in a right thread) which can help me to find out my thought of having baby or be pregnant in NZ legally, after some shocking news lately regards the pregnant women in NZ.

My hubby a nz resident, and I just obtained my working permit under partnership policy last mth, and living with my hubby over here. My question is am i eligible to get pregnant and having baby in NZ NOW? Can I have free medical check-up through out my pregnancy months and deliver my baby over here without any hassle?

The thing has made me so confuse should I've baby over here, in fact, we really plan to have a baby now but this make me so worry what am I supposed to plan for. Not easy duhhh !!!

Please advise. Thank you so much!


New Member
hi Patricia,

If you are still worried and you will be getting PR at some point, you could always wait until you are a resident when you can be sure there will be no problem.
A baby is worth waiting for.
