Hope, whatever you do is eventually a decision, but as anonymous well-wishers we hope that you make a well-informed one.
(1) MUST the child have both parents married to each other? is there a possibility that parents can become more effective to their children after they get divorced? if the parents stay UNHAPPILY married, the child is not a block of wood, she will sense it to the detriment of her growth.
im not discounting the fact that divorce is traumatic for children, but im bringing to your attention that if no D, could be equally bad. cause you will be perenially moody and unhappy, thus affecting your child's development.
i suggest you open up more possibilities, get out of the box and explore different options. it is just going through a mental exercise only, no harm done.
(2) i hope that you are aware that if he continues his bad attitude towards you (not even bother to apologise), it can cause you only more grief down the road.
you weigh your alternatives. the ball is in your court.