Anyone know how to make wrist corsages.


New Member
Anyone did their own wrist corsages for the jiemeis? care to share how you do it as i am thinking of doing it for my jiemeis.


New Member
Hi Seow Ping,

Just go to any DIY shops or sewing shops to buy some roses (big n small) n ribbons. With these, you can easily make it. Its easy and cheap. Good Luck!


New Member
hihi. i had my wrist corsages done by my girlfren. but im not using roses. haha.

my materials were bought at spotlight. can go take a look at my wrist corsages at my multiply. my id is ahnetsan. my corsage only have some lace and butterfly. i nt using roses.

btw, my fren is doing corsages and ang pow box as freelance. if you all like, i can ask her to help make for u all.


New Member
For me, I used silk flowers for my wrist corsages. Just buy Ribbons and glue gun can already. Actually it's rather simple. If you need pictures, can pm me. =)


Hi, I did this for my fren.


Went spotlight and got neccessary materials (satin flower, small paper flowers, beads, ribbon and fabric glue/glue gun) and glue them up. Not difficult. Just spend sometime to figure the pattern or style u like (can search for corsages via internet, browse the diff designs), once done with the 1st one, u can just finish the balance in less than 2hrs time.


New Member
wow may,
that a nice corsages that u jiemei was saying to come oout together and make corsages too ut until now i dont know what kind of designs i long u take to do the corsage?


New Member
hi, u can actually go down to textile centre at Jalan Sultan.There are many shops selling stuffs that u need to make corsage. And its very cheap also. I used glue gun too to stick them together.


New Member

I would like to know how long does one corsage cost roughly? I am thinking of making for my jie mei..

Also, can i check is corsages a must for all bridesmaid?


New Member
Hey Shawn,

I came across CHARM at Jurong Point last nite. It's a shoe boutique but sells a variety of wedding stuff too. Their corsage design varies, ranging from $4+ each onwards. Got quite a few roses on each corsage. The salesgal was telling me that disc can be given if buying 12 pcs and above.

To me, wrist corsage is a MUST for bridesmaid!


New Member
Hi Fairy Dior,

Jurong point which level? I am staying in tampines..hehe..

Wrist corsage is a must? It was because am still wondering should i get dresses for all the gals or should i get just the wrist corsage.

I am also not very sure on what is a must to get for bridesmaid for actual day.

SGD 4 sounds reasonable but I might be just taking 4-5 jie meis..12 pcs then there will be discount? mmm maybe gt to find other ppl to share le..

When is ur AD?

Does anyone knows how many days / weeks / months in advance do we need to do the corsage as well when do we give it to the bridesmaid?


New Member
Corsages imo is not a must. I think there is also no such thing as a must ba.

I've been ppl's jie mei b4 without corsages. Its really up to individual couple. Some feel it looks nicer on pictures so will get for JMs. Some feel its for identification.

Princess: its up to u how far in advance u wanna do the corsage la... n usually it will be given to the jie meis to put on in the morning of your wedding cos if u give b4hand wat if they forget to bring?


New Member
Hi all,

Can anyone direct me to a website, or give me some steps to make a wrist corsage?? I think it's only meaningful to make it on my own so don't think I would buy it.

Thanks in advance!


New Member
Anyone keen on this?
Ideal for the bridemaid & bestman!!!
Pm me if keen.
Its been used once..just quote me a reasonable price to let go



New Member
oh.. all the wrist cosages looks so lovely.. me too did for my sis during her wedding 5 yrs ago.. bt is not as nice as all these lor..

my bridal shop also dun provide me with wrist cosages.. so i think i gota mk or my for my jie meis too..


New Member
You can try one of the shop in Arab Street that sell silk flowers, if not spotlight also sell rather nice flowers & ribbons too. Just glue them altogeher using uhu glue.


New Member
Hi i bought my at Bugis shopping centre pushcart then modified to elastic pearl braclet..$9.90 each then the pearls $10


New Member
Made my own corsages for my wedding. Bought the materials from a ribbon shop at Arab street..



New Member
Dear all Brides to be,

Due to my interest in Flowers, I have DIY some wrist corsages.

The flowers that I used looks almost real and will be a gd
souvenir for the bridesmaid.

I take great pride in my work and every piece is designed and
created by myself.

You can email me so I can email you the sample.

Thanks and all the best in your preparations.

My email add : [email protected]
I DIY this wrist corsages for my coming wedding.
The best tools for making these are using glue gun. I bought the flowers from Diaso. Spend like $12 at Diaso and made 5 wrist corsages.
I like my wrist corsage to be big, so everyone can identify my bridemaids esp during the banquet where they will be wearing their own dress.





New Member
smilem i diy-ed for my wedding, coming may 2011. For families, JM n couple. Cost ard $5- $7 each. Total i spent quite alot i think.. keke..
1st & 2nd - Couple, 3rd - JM, 4th & 5th - Siblings (Bro & Sis) 6th - Both Parents





New Member
mich, u also wearing corsages with ur hubby?? urs all so nice.. mine so plain.. sigh... u use the glue gun?? can teach me how to do for parenes??


New Member
wah, u fast leh.. i nv use glue gun de. =) use uhu glue and sew. sew part is the hardest! We both wear same theme white one. =)


New Member
happened to be on email.. lolx..
uhu glue? it works?? how u sew?? headache leh.. i still thinking how to do parents de.. how big is urs for parents?? and u use uhu glue to attached the ribbons to flowers??


New Member
jacq, mine not really big, roughly same as the groom's size (u can compare to my hand) lol

u need to buy those collar pin at spotlight. I used uhu glue stick liao den sew, everything stick in place le den sew. Very hard cuz im using normal thread n needle for clothes, so the needle is quite thin n abit hard to go thru, must FORCE.


New Member
u mean if use a thicker thread easier?? den the flowers?? i duno what designs for my flowers for parents corsages... i head i need to brainstorm soon...


New Member
u left wif parents? ur jm n urs ok liao? I think if thread thicker i scare will see thru den not nice le. So i still think thin de better.

My parents de the "stem" not nice, cuz too thin. haha den my bro de stem too thick. =.=


New Member
haha, i intend to thicken the stem using moreof the green tape. lol..

some brides only use corsage some only bouquet, some wan both,and that's me! =p


New Member
lolx... do grooms also need corsages in the morning or only night??? i think this 1 i will get real flowers... match with my bouquet...
