Any popular JPs to recommend???


New Member
Mrs Chia ST only conducts the solemnization in English yah? I have approached her via email and tentatively she's having me on her list. However, I just realised that my parents and in-laws dun really understand English very well, will it cause embarrassment or not?

My FH is not expressive and good with words hence to say our own wows might be a tough challenge for us. *muses*


New Member
hi SB, my parents dun understand English as well and Mrs Chia used Hokkien to explain to them before the solemnization started.

The ring vow is a personalised one by u and ur FH, you have to recite that when you are exchanging your wedding band, if you cant remember, you can also write it down on a paper first and read from it when saying ur ring vow. But i advise couples to memorise by hard so that u can look into each other's eyes when u r saying it. You will still have to say the standard marriage vow, just follow sentence by sentence after her. I cried when i was exchanging my ring vow with my HB back then cos it was such a touching moment and realli thankful that Mrs Chia came out with this idea!!!

I personally think that its a good to hv a ring vow then cos its from your heart and not a standard one...i am realli thankful to my fren who recommended Mrs Chia to me as a JP


New Member
Hi zannn

My solemniser was Mr Chan. It was a relatively simple solemnisation and he cracked a few jokes. Also due to his old age, its supposed to signify "bai tou xie lao" for the couple.

Me and FH had our own marriage vows which we read out to each other. Mr Chan did not make us use the standard vows.

This might interest u if u r a lady:
when presenting the cert to the couple, he will present it to the bride. According to him the Women's Charter says the marriage cert is to b kept by the wife. Dunno hw true cos at my other frens' ROM no JP mentioned this and either give the cert to the guy or bride & groom tog. It created a nice surprise when the guests heard Mr Chan say tt and needless to say the gals clapped v loudly

If u are like me not content to b a xiao nu ren to the hubby, this is a good one! A proud moment to be a woman


New Member
hi blurlbur

Mr Chan did ours in Mandarin as my parents do not understand English as well. It was not very hard. We also said our vows in Mandarin as well.

hope it helps


New Member
Hi blurblur,

yeap, its Mr Chan Kai Yau

we juz repeat everything after him cos we only decided on the spot to do everything in Mandarin (upon his recommendation).. hehe.


New Member
very sad..I called JP Chan Kai Yau, but he says he doesn't solemnize weddings on Sundays. Anyone held your solemnization on Sundays? Or do you all know of any JP who conducts solemnizations on Sundays?

Anyone knows of bilingual JPs? pls help...


New Member
hi blurblur

no, we did not prepare any vows. Just repeat after Mr Chan. Less Stress.

but when you call him to invite him, pls check all the details with him as well.


New Member
hi blurblur
i think no harm trying, for me i called him 2 months prior to our ROM. I think other BTB had called him much earlier to book him.



New Member

I'm currently looking for a JP, heard of Mr David Loh/Toh, but cant find his name in the JP list from ROM. Anyone know him? Is he still a JP?

Anyone got any JP to recommend? Hope to get one who can speak english and mandrian.


New Member
Hi, I would recommend Prof Yu Shi Ming. He is able to converse in English and Chinese. Do try to book him early as he can be quite popular. He's pretty approachable and we have a pleasant experience with him. You can either email him or contact his mobile direct.


New Member
Hi Libra,

Yes, we have to give an angpau as they are volunteers.. So, the angpau is actually to reimburse the transporatation to them.

Recommended price should be $28 and above...


New Member
Emmmm.. I had invited Mr Chan Kai Yau to be my JP. Heard a lot of good comment about him. But I havent meet him before..


New Member

any other JP to recommend apart from

1. Mr Chan Kai Yau
( i called him today to ask if he can be my solemniser for 28 Dec 07 afternoon. he said he already have 3 appts!) if my venue is near, then he can arrange his time and confirm w me. but the problem is i dun have my venue and time fixed yet so can't really give him a firm answer. so he said when its more finalised then give him a call back.

2. Mrs Chia Swee Tin
can i ask those who have personalised ur vows. can u give me an idea on how to go about it? if its abit sensitivity can u PM me ?

so far this is the 2 JP thats really popular. any others ?

many thanks!


New Member
hi janesis,

jus got a reply from prof yu
said he is going overseas..

anyway, i called Mr Chan Kai Yau next,
and he said he will do it. .. :p


New Member
Hi, I will be having my solemnisation on 5th Oct. From the forum, Mr Chan Kai Yau is the most recommended. May I know who else can I approach if he is not available? Thanks in advance.


New Member
Any has Chris Chen's phone numbers? I can't find his name on the ROM lists of solemnisers.

I've already tried Bro Emmmanuel and Prof Yu. Both can't make it.

Help please! Need to confirm becos ROM in early August.


New Member
Can anyone recommend me any JP? Was told that David was good. But i'm not sure of his surname. The one online was David Wee. Anyone has any comment abt this guy? It seems like Mr Koh is very popular. Can someone pls tell me more abt this guy? Thanks


New Member

Mine also on the 28 Dec, wah Mr Chan got 3 on the same day already, shit, i haven't contacted any JP yet.

Any other which is good n popular too?


New Member
Hi glitter

Mr Koh Kok Weng is can try can also go to the thread to view his photo


New Member
Hi gals,

Help... i cant find a JP.
I called up Mr Chan, Mr Koh & even Prof Yu and three of them are fully booked on my day and the timing i need

Can anyone recommand me another other JP who is good, friendly and humorous?
I need someone biliguial (English & Chinese)



New Member
hi gals,

can i ask what is the procedure? after confirming the date/time with the jp, is it the practice to sign the consent form b4 e-file? OR can wait till nearer the rom date then sign... i so confused...


New Member
Guys out there, any good JP to introduce.My solemnisation is on 13th dec 2007.I called up Mr chan and Prof Yu.Both not available on tat day.
Any other good JP recommendation?


New Member
Mrs Chia Swee Tin
6342 1381 (Home)
6788 8220 (Office)

try Mrs Chia
heard good comments abt her too but i think u have to come out w own vows


New Member
Hi All!

When you call the solemniser and he has agreed to grace the ceremony, do you actually ask for the signed consent?

Coz my JP (Mr Chan) told me that the process is automated and I don't need to meet him to do that. He will be sending in the form on our behalf.

How did you all handle yours? Would be worried if I lost my JP on my AD! =)


New Member
Hi... we met up wif mr.chan on 22/11 to get his signed consent form. u can check wif him again.
when's ur big day?


New Member
Hi Yenming!

When is your actual day?

Mine is on 2 Feb 2008. So i guess we should be meeting in early Jan then. Thanks!!


New Member
hi, i am new here. I have many doubts regarding e-filing. My ROM is in May 08. What is the first thing i should do now? Can i e-file now? or do i have to wait till Feb which is 3 mths before my ROM date? Do I secure a JP first or do i e=file first? I would appreciate if anyone can share with me the procedures. thank you so much!! =)


New Member
i think ur case may 08 u cant efile now
under the rom website there is this calendar that helps u calculate when the earliest date u can efile. just need to key in ur rom date then the sys will indicate to u when the earliest date to start efile.
before efiling if u r holding ur rom out of the registry centre then u need to contact JP before hand to seek his consent to be ur JP for the day. kindly get his license no as u need this inform when u efile. n u oso need the nric & name of 2 witnesses ready first.

the system is user friendly hence not too worry


New Member
Hi Joleen,
thanks for yr reply! so right now i just need to source for a friendly JP and get his approval? Then wait for Feb to e-file? Any JP to recommend? =)


New Member
u can go under rom website to seek the list of available JP.
my jp Mr Chan Kai Yau i dun have his no cos tis settle by my fiance.
