Any good SEAMSTRESS to recommend ?


New Member
Momoko, yes $150 include the satin as well. can't remember how many metre but not a lot since its for a bareback dress, i think about 1.5metre? Well if in doubt better buy more.

Mehmeh, thanks a lot. yes i order the cymbidium specifically for the evening. Cost abt $20 for 1 stalk (about 10 flowers) still have balance after using it for my hair and wrist. They are very lasting so its worth every single cent.


New Member
Hi Zann, i have send it to you before remember? the bareback design was inspired by yours? no prob i can send it to you again


New Member

I thought so that yr name familiar and i have seen before but the description you gave here abt the CS doesn't sound familiar so I m not sure is it new dress heehee :D


New Member
hi christine,
ur CS definitely has the WOW effect! ultra sexy n gorgeous fabric! n it's my fav colour!!!

i've seen zann's CS as well, so i can say dat my CS will be inspired by both of your designs.

n thx for your tip on the seamstress. i will go to her as it's near my work place.


New Member
hi christine,

thanks! these 2 are newer pics of the CS ya? The CS looks nice esp with the effect created with yr flowers!

Hey, any wedding photos to share?


New Member
Hi gals, thanks for the comments. It was a major project due to some complication earlier from the 1st seamstress. So please make sure you go to a good one to save yourself all the trouble.


New Member
Anyone has any experience/contacts for semstress in JB? Looking for a real budget one to make Bridesmaids/Mum/Mum in law's dresses.


New Member
Hi Christine

your CS looks gorgeous!
and I love your bare back.. super sexy.. hehe

does yin yin fashion do EGs as well or just CS?


New Member
Hi cottoncandy,

Thanks. Yes they can do any dress as long as u provide the fabric and the design.

Bei and Angeline, u got mail


New Member
hi piNg,
suggest you:

1) go to old links to view some of the dresses made by kim or dawn or yinyin fashion if there is to compare
2) call of them up and ask for their workmanship fee and schedule
3) go to their work place to meet up with them to see if you like to work with them

then compare compare before deciding..


New Member
hi piNg,
wow, another bride going to Kim
Hope you have a plesant experience working with her! Rest assure that she's good in making feminine dresses and nice cutting cheongsam! I'm too a satisfied customer of hers!


New Member
hey gals who used kim b4,
i am confused how Kim worked.. maybe u can advise me... cos i have bought my sis n cousin to her place and tailor dresses for them, she has taken their measurements and a brief concept of wat they want.. and we went to buy the cloth togther abt 2 weeks back..n now there is no new abt meeting up again to confirm the design that they want?
I am worried as she was confused that day when we went to buy cloth at Arab St, she cant rem wat dresses I wanted her to do. Have to highlight to her again that day. but she also din not write dwn and she was meeting alot of clients that day to buy cloths...


New Member
hi tomidia,
when the dresses suppose to be ready? kim doesn't start sewing till a few days before the actual day
but dun worry abt that..she's quick with her sewing..

yeah, agree that Kim's a bit confused sometimes because of of so many clients..why dun you draw out the design, put ur name on it and gave it to her so that she will never got it wrong? sometimes she will sketch her own and put ur name on it just like she did mine


New Member
Hi mrc

Thanks for your reply.. make me feel better now. Also just learn from my gf that her 3 jiemeis'dresses was not done until the day before they are supposed to go for fitting!
*faint*, cos she nv tell me this pt when I told her that me goin to Kim's too. anyway, i still have time.. but hope she dun misplace the cloth when I call her...


New Member

can anyone share pics of Kim's gowns or dresses? Am thinking of getting my tea dress and mum's dress from her and would like to see some of her works first... my email is [email protected]

Thanks a lot! appreciate it!
