I disagree with pineappleab (pineappleab. In fact i created a new account just to share my view.
For Anyone looking for a private instructor, you MUST look for Mr SOH GUAN HONG ( 97382550 )
Ist reason: Check out this website:
Mr soh got the highest passing rate in singapore. His passing rate is even higher than any driving school.
2nd reason: He is the leader/head of the Singapore driving instructor association. This pretty much explain his calibre.
3rd reason: he is warm friendly and great at spotting mistake. He knows all the tester very well and knows what each of them is looking for.
Today i just passed my driving test. When i draw my tester, i call mr soh. He immediately tell me my instructor like ppl to drive fast. True enough, i got 12 points deducted related to driving slow.
4th reason: pineappleab is right is saying that he asssigned other instructor to teach you. I don noe about mr poh. Mine is under Mr chua. All of them are under Mr Soh. They have a small network under them. But in your last few week before testing, Mr soh will personally teach you. All the basic skill will be taught by his surbodinate.
I recommed MR Chua to you. U may want to tell mr soh when u call him.
5th reason: One of the most important reason for me. MR SOh is able to bring forward the test date for you. If i have to apply online through the different sch, i will have to wait for at least 2 1/2 more months.
Actually like many of the people here, i have changed instructor before. when i learnt from my first instructor, because he really demoralised me. But MR soh and his instructor is really different. Trust me.