Any Dancing school to recommend ?


New Member
Hi all :

I am thinking of taking up dancing classes, be it hip hop or aerobic dances to keep fit. I am not into those gym but looking for dancing schools. SO would appreciate if any of you can recommend me which dancing school is good.

Is wu studio good ? or any other schools.

Thanks so much for your help.


New Member
hi babe, i ve many complimetary pass from studio wu which i can give u 1. u can attend 1 class n decide for urself.


New Member

how u get those compliment passes ? based on ur own opinion, r they good ?

I send them email to enquire about suitable dance classes for pp who seldom exercise, it has been a week or more & they ve not replied me lei....


New Member
anna: I am keen too, do jio me along if you are joining

*btw, I have zero base in dancing.*


New Member
Hi, I'm a student of A&J Studio at Chinatown point. U can try this sexy exotic dancing. I have been there for about 2 years plus. If u want u can join the Saturday 1pm class conducted by Audrey. Very good.


Hey anna, you still keen to dance? Actually i am thinking of taking up adult ballet. Don't worry that you must have basic ballet. The classes are meant to help adult learn ballet and slowly begin to stretch again. I find it better than yoga or pilates (after trying both) cuz it incorporates cardio with lotsa jumpings and spinning. I am thinking of going to ACTFA where i intially picked up. Its the cheapest so far.


New Member
Hi Yangi, sorry for my late late reply. U can call up A&J to check. My course is Exotic dance so I'm not very sure about social dance.


New Member

I'm thinking of joining a dance class. But don't really know where to sign up. I mean the good ones. I got try signing up at hougang CC before but it wasn't really good.

Basically I want to learn moves that are like hip hop but more feminine and sexy. those that I can dance on my own if I want when I go club or something. Anyone got place to recommend??


New Member
Hi... if you're from Singapore... can try out a few places...

Attitude Dance Studio

JJ Dance Studio

En Motion

These 3 are the more popular groups @ union i think... not too sure... i'm new too... from Attitude ^^
