lilacgaL: i'm thinking of either perming my hair or coloring it blue-black again.. papilio really gd ah? i only tried their wash/dry before when bf was buying car parts downstairs!
lilacgal, havn't quite decided if i shd rebond leh(has this irritating kink on my hair)..or maybe just colour.
if rebond..i will try papilio, cos price is good!
so urs also rite? ok good!! i tot hw come mine so wierd.. hehe ocbc!! and citibank!! so girls now we know what card to use for all these foreign txns!
can't remember if you have mentioned before. how much papilon (spelling?) charge for rebonding hah?
i saw someone carry the poppy tote yday evening. not in leather base tho. it's khaki/signature C's. Looks quite nice. hehe, our mong mong huan mu biao already.
fuschia, i never seen poppy tote b4! i thot poppy on duffle quite big leow..the tote 's poppy even bigger!
our mong change target from huey huey to kim kim leow.....sounds like ah lian ah..hahaha...
me also first time see yday. surprisingly the poppy looks quite ok on the tote. very eye catching yet not too big. or maybe i look from some distance so don't feel that the poppy is big.