I thought Toshiba n carrier are the same. I heard from the salesman that the parts are the same coz carrier bought over by toshiba, thats why the casing is almost the same. Really Toshiba from Japan? Didnt hear about this when we source for air con.
Now every company wants to cost down, and many items are from china or thailand. I still feel that thailand will be safer as they are ealier then china. Many products from china they dont bother much about quality only price.
Initially we wanted to get a panasonic also..anyway the mitsubishi and panasonic sys 3 price are not very much different.
like what ridz says you have to check the spec properly...to c if it suits ur needs, cannot fully trust a salesman.
I dont think they will change the air con for u to another brand, most probably they can change the compressor to a higher capacity one.