I have just bought a new house and the aircon was left behind by the owner.
Need your advice on the following matter.
My contractor aircon guys (BestCool) make a report on my aircon status as below:
A. Master bedroom fancoil, internal cooling coil badly blockage, dirty require
chemical wash
B. Condensing unit (outdoor) also badly blockage, dirty, require chemical wash
C. "Compressor" serving fancoils at room 2 and 3 running in high AMP,
on/off itself within 3 min. Unable to run in normal
Comments: No point repair, found that compressor valve also not so good now.
My contractor stated that if the CU is not in good condition then doing the
chemical washing will be a waste of $. He would rather me to get a new aircon
system than to repair the CU.
I've also enlisted the help of Jeffrey (from aircon-blog forum) and cool s*rve to help
me check the air-con as well.
Jeffrey's comment was that my CU requires chemical washing and the aircon in
room 2 and 3 will be colder. He also inform me that mbr fc is dirty.
For Cool s*rve, they told me similar things like the mbf fc is dirty, need
chemical washing and CU is also dirty, need chemical wash so room 2 and 3
aircon will be colder. However they did stated that if the CU got problem, the
warranty might still be able to cover it and i need to get it from the
Should i go ahead with the chemical washing or buy a new aircon unit?