hi jes, jo
Inverter aircon is those energy savings types and good if you are heavy user and use air con everyday for long periods of time. will save costs in long run. Inverters typically cost up to 1k more than non-inverters.
But if you only use air con at night only master bedroom for about 5-6hrs i think non-inverter would be better.
found this post here fyi
Posted on Friday, June 07, 2002 - 1:41 pm:
[info corner]
btu=british thermal unit
1 btu=0.293 Watt
Higher BTU = higer energy consumption. Normally pple associate higher power=more cooling; it's true to a certain extend, depending on the compressor/motor efficiency. If 60% efficient, means u put in 100% energy, get 60% cooling. So efficiency is the keyword.
Bad news is normally aircon makers don't put how efficient is their product, so no point asknig sales man, they won't know too.
I think aircon spoils also depends on the user.
1) If the compressor is rated 20,000btu, and the user normally ON the aircon until MAX 20,000btu, then it's stressing on the compressor. So may spoil easier. Fridge also uses compressor like aircon. Normally we don't play ard with fridge settings rite, see how long frige can last.
2) maintainence. If don;t clean filter, don't service, dirt and water trapped inside will again stress the motor. Like someone cover your mouth and ask you to breathe. btw, vacuum cleaner filter bag also need to clear, otherwise suction power will drop.
btw, I'm not aircon pple. All these are logical thinking.