

New Member
Hi Celina,

Hong Seng tampines quoted me $200 more expensive than hong seng IMM. Why does the service and price vary much between the 2 Hong Seng shops? If Hong Seng IMM, which is the better choice in terms of service #02-12 or #02-33?


New Member
hi elf,

u can do a search in this forum on the Hong seng shops. from my past mini research, i find that hs tampines seems to hav a better review. well its juz my opinion. maybe u can ask Ben to match the price given by IMM.


New Member
hi elf,

we bought our aircon unit from hong seng unit #02-12. They quoted us the cheapest among all the sellers in IMM. We were served by a sales person called Andy, he is quite oki.

The aircon guy came over to our hse to do the trunking already. Prompt in service too.

I m nt sure if #02-33 is called hong tai instead.

If given a choice again, I might buy my aircon from allbest instead at $100 more coz they are offering 5 years warranty on parts & compressor whereas for our deal, we were only given 1 year warranty on parts & 5 years warranty on compressor.

U may wish to consider the above before making your purchase.

FYI, we bought mitubishi system 3 non invertor


New Member
Hi girlfriend,

Thanks for your advice. #02-33 is also known as Hong Seng. Btw, where is allbest located? Also, do you mind revealing how much did u pay for the mitsubushi system 3 non inverter as i am thinking of getting the same set as well? Thks much.


New Member
I have seen good reviews about Mega Discount Store for their electrical appliances, but has anyone bought aircon from them? How's their worksmanship and service? Thanks!


New Member
I am new to air-con. Paisai, can anybody tell me what is the different between Inverter and Non-Inverter type? Thanks.


New Member
hi Can anyone advise if it is better to have higher BTU or not?
Is it true that non-inverter units will have lower BTU than inverter units?


New Member
hi jes, jo

Inverter aircon is those energy savings types and good if you are heavy user and use air con everyday for long periods of time. will save costs in long run. Inverters typically cost up to 1k more than non-inverters.

But if you only use air con at night only master bedroom for about 5-6hrs i think non-inverter would be better.


found this post here fyi

Posted on Friday, June 07, 2002 - 1:41 pm:

[info corner]
btu=british thermal unit
1 btu=0.293 Watt

Higher BTU = higer energy consumption. Normally pple associate higher power=more cooling; it's true to a certain extend, depending on the compressor/motor efficiency. If 60% efficient, means u put in 100% energy, get 60% cooling. So efficiency is the keyword.

Bad news is normally aircon makers don't put how efficient is their product, so no point asknig sales man, they won't know too.

I think aircon spoils also depends on the user.
1) If the compressor is rated 20,000btu, and the user normally ON the aircon until MAX 20,000btu, then it's stressing on the compressor. So may spoil easier. Fridge also uses compressor like aircon. Normally we don't play ard with fridge settings rite, see how long frige can last.

2) maintainence. If don;t clean filter, don't service, dirt and water trapped inside will again stress the motor. Like someone cover your mouth and ask you to breathe. btw, vacuum cleaner filter bag also need to clear, otherwise suction power will drop.

btw, I'm not aircon pple. All these are logical thinking.



New Member
The difference betw an inverter and non-inverter air-con system.
- With a conventional system, the air-con compressor rotates at a contant speed regardless of how cool the room is. This wastes energy.
Its rotation speed is according to factor like room size, number of ppls in the room and the temperature outside. Since specific cooling requirements are met, power consumption is more efficient and one will save $$.

A non-inverter air-con
- It matches the temperature of the room by swtiching the compressor on and off. it will continuously re-adjusts its rotation speed to match the temperature. this makes the compressor quieter and gives it a longer shelf life.
Since the inverter system compressor adjusts automatically, one will have a more comfortable constant temperature in the room.

Like what rally had said, an inverter will save energy and $$ in the long run if one is a heavy user and one switch on all the air-con more than 2) at the same time, it will be worth it. otherwise, a non-inverter will be a better one.

Just an info to share.


New Member
Hi all,
went down to Tampines & chatted with Ben from Hong Seng. A very friendly & chattable person.

I'm thinking of installing a System 3 in my 3 bedrooms & a Single Split in my Studyroom (+ passage way from Living Room). Anyone here who installed Sharp's PlasmaCluster System? Hope to hear comments about this model & its Ion features & prices.

Btw, anyone can comment about the few types of insulation materials? Are the black rubbery type more durable & lasting than those normal grey/ pink foamy type? There seems to be many brands for the black rubbery type (Insulflex Vs. Accorflex Vs. Amaflex). Are these three brands certified by PSB (or watever agency?) & fire-proof? Was told that Amaflex is the best among the 3 brands with the most breaking density, & Insuflex being the most inferior of all. Anyone care to comments?

There is another Air-con shop in Tampines Blk 201: Fuji Denki. Anyone bought & had their aircon installed by them? How's their prices, workmanship & after-sales services?

Thanks all & enjoyz!!


New Member
not sure abt the few brands of insulation but rubber does have better qualities in terms of heat/fire resistant, thermal conductivity and water permeanbitity. till then i only heard AllFlex is PSB tested, class 1 classified.

Sharp Plasma is the best if you all considering ionzer function but in terms of sound level and energy savings, MITSUBISHI is better. The price should be around the same +/- $50.

Anyway been down to IMM to survey air con? though not only place for air con, IMM have 5 shops selling air con with a few having good reputation. There is also an Energy Efficent and Products Information Center there, that place i think open by Singapore Environment Council.

** i have a thread "Air con. What are your views of the differnt retail shops?" Can contribute your experience on tampines in that thread. Thanks.


New Member
Eric Tan,
nope me no experience. But can provide you with some advice.
Inverter is more for heavy user. Or you are an old home but wanna install in the living room.
MIT and TOSHIBA inverter, the outdoor unit made in japan, so a good buy.


New Member
Snoopy73 & David,
there are 2 outdoor unit model for MIT inverter. The 26k btu and 32k btu. Usually the 26k btu will be sufficent unless u telling me u must on all the 4 air con at the same time everytime, then go for 32k. Else stay at 26k.
try reading my thread ' Air con. What are your views on the different retail shop?" ( do contribute your experience on the different shops and the reason why you choose 'that' shop. This will give the next air con buyers an even better view of what to expect. Thanks )
My thread will give you an overview before going down to IMM to survey your air con.
( when i bought my air con, HONGTAR is having a promotion on MITSUBISHI inverter air con, not sure now, u can check them out )


New Member
Hi pohbear77 (pohbear77),

I had my air-con done by Fuji Denki. Their workmanship and services are very disappointing.

They keep failing to keep their appointments. For about 3 - 4 times, I have been kept waiting for several hours on end, only to have their technicians turn up and tell us they do not want to work because it is after their office hour or they want to go off already.

Even when they do work, they are just doing the same thing over and over again. After they fail to resolve the issue/stood me up for the 7th time, I escalate the issue to their management. I told them I want a full refund if they cannot resolve the issue for me. The director flatly refused. He expects me to keep accomdating their poor services until the air-con is fixed.

Finally, we found out the problem is caused by compressor. The compressor seems to be spoiled due to the leaking of the gas (therefore, due to their poor installation). I am not too that sure since I am no expert in these areas. The amusing part is that the technicians do not seem to know tht too. My bf have to suggest to them a few times before they finally ask the agent to check.

It is, in short, a horrible experience.


New Member

And one more thing, take note of the service vouchers that they give. It comes with terms and condition (must spend how much b4 you can use 1 voucher).

The sales at Fuji Denki does not tell us about the terms and conditions until the air-con is installed.

The other thing is that they specified at their receipt that if they (Fuji Denki) are sued, the customer must bear all the legal fees.

Therefore, if you are still going to get air-con from them, make sure you look closely and have all the facts. Don't be blur blur like me. :p


went to gain city recently and their air con displays usually only 6000btu for rooms. the salesppl tell me this is sufficient for 4-rm flat, but is it? have been reading about most ppl in the forum having 9000btu so am not sure if 6K is enough. a system 3 (sanyo, mitsubishi or toshiba) will cost around $1900 for total 20K btu (6K + 6K + 8K). pls advise if this is a good deal, thanks!


Well-Known Member
Hi Cassie,

if you want to install your aircons with Gain City, I strongly recommend you to go to the main branch at AMK. I have been to 3 Gain City and was given different recommendations and pricing. The main branch seems to be the most professional and honest with their recommendations and pricing.

Also, you should make use of their pricing for a lumpsum discount on the electrical products. Some of the offers are so low that even shops like Ming Seng cannot match.

Good luck in your shopping!


New Member
6+6+8 is just minimally sufficient. If you are the kind who likes it cold or if any of your rooms faces the PM sun, your rooms will take a long time to get cold. 9+9+9 will be a better deal.


hi icemilo,

we did pop by the amk branch, and prices (and btu) were about the same. both salesmen recommended us toshiba, no idea why...

hi jumped,

thanks for info. i wonder why they quote me all 6+6+8. any idea what's the pricing like for 9x3, say sanyo, daikin,..? i seem to recall them asking them to quote me for this and it was in the soaring $2000's


New Member
I m using daikin 9+9+9 invertor, but u prob wont be able to get at my price. Mine was $1600 bought off some lobang, which would otherwise have costed about $2500-$3K i think.


help! anyone bought mitsubishi sys 3 (20K btu) lately? would be grateful if you could let me know how much you paid so i won't get fleeced if gain city allows me to change. thanks lots!!!

had committed to toshiba aircon, now am told that toshiba may cause problems and better to change to mitsubishi, so will try
the funny thing is, gain city at imm can give me 2 different quotations with difference of $300 when i asked on separate occasions!?!


Well-Known Member
Hi cassie,

I think its something fishy abt toshiba aircons that they carry. I was at Suntec Gain City and that fellow also pushed for Toshiba. Initially, he said my requirement will definitely need an invertor and recommended Mitsubishi. He quoted me over $3k. Then suddenly say Toshiba is good and kept pushing for it.

When I checked with the AMK branch, I was told Toshiba configuration is not suitable for my house at all and quoted me Mitsubishi inverter for only $2750. A difference of $300 too!

Anyway, I have decided not use Gain City but the aircon guy with my contractor. We came down to discuss in detail on site on how to lay the trunking. Now, he has laid the trunking and waiting for the painting to complete before installing the aircon. Must neater than if all done in one day.


New Member

Mayb u all will like to try out ALL BEST at IMM.
Look for Mr Teo and the installation guy Ah meng.

I got mine mitsubishi inverter sys 4 frm them. At $3250 with lots of addition stuff included (2 time installation without additional charges, servicing voucher etc..). Not only tat their service is good, the workmanship of Ah meng is excellent. So neat and clean. Highly recommanded...

But mayb i got mine air-con in nov, rainy season tat y it's cheaper! jus sharing wif u guys my good experience wif them...


i've already put down deposit at gain city
i also wonder why every salesperson at gain city is pushing for toshiba?? one told me mitsubishi is phasing out its non-inverter, and customers feedback it leaks (!?), so i may not want to buy...??? but he says i can change to mit if i want to, just top up difference...

btw do you think it's necc to buy their extended warranty? it's $277 for 4 years, parts labour and transport. but they said aircon leaks because i didn't service not included in warranty. now blur dunno what to get

argh so headache i may as well get sanyo - so far no bad comments about that. argh!


Well-Known Member
Hi cassie,
I think mits are simply expensive so they can't mark up that high. My aircon guy kept recommending DaiKin to me too. But I stood firm and insisted on Mits.

as for the extended warranty, its not really needed. But some pple bad luck the aircon may spoil within 4 yrs. This is however, unlikely to happen. And their servicing package is so expensive. If you get the aircon servicemen themselves to freelance. You are likely to get it serviced at half price. Also, in the market, there are already aircon cleaners available. You can DIY. Each can only costs around $12.


hi milo,

i just got back from holiday
changed the aircon to sanyo liao. everyone i asked had no problems with it, and since it's smaller, it also fits my requirements. good, one more thing off my mind!


New Member
Hi all,
I need a system 3 air con to be installed in my new house only in June period. But went around doing homework and came across many aircon are now having attractive sales. According to one of the salesman, he advise us to buy now as the air con price is likely to increase between March and August due to hot season. Anyone please advise?



New Member
Hi all,

Any comments on Tai Hwa Referation & Air Con.

The prices which they quote for Toshiba 3 split unit was $1,550 (installation & GST) which was so much cheaper as compared to Gain City which quote me $1,785 & all best quote $1,704.

Any advise?


New Member
Hi Smurf, jus came back from Gain City - they had quoted $1899 for system 3 (Starmex Mitsubishi Electric) plus throw in of free dvd...difference of 200 plus...mayb u will wish to consider to have mits cos its more reliable in the market...just my frank opinion


New Member
I got my Toshiba sys 3 at ALL BEST at $1702 include gst unlimited piping and bracket plus totalline fittings and piping. Also include a $120 service voucher.


New Member
Dear Kenneth,

I just got the Toshiba sys 3 from a reliable supplier at $1,650. Quite good service and touch up done.


New Member
I recently asked for quotes from a contracter..

Mitsubishi $1600
Panasonic $1600
Sanyo $1700
Daikin $1700
FujiAir $1500

All are approximately 9000+6500+6500 BTUs and the contractor charges an additional $100 for the bracket.

Anyone knows which is a better brand? I am thinking lower maintenance cost, lower repair cost, reliability, silent operation, etc.

Is getting these non-inverter models a good idea? Or is it better to invest in the inverter ones, which will cost up to $1500 more?



New Member
Tot you got it at $1550?

In any case, must ask them to write black and white which includes 2 times installation, Brand of insulator, copper piping, (totalline and kflex are better ones) diameter of water pipe at least 16mm horizontal and 13mm vertical, unlimited piping is most important. If the shop you are buying is not so well known, best is to ask them to provide workmanship warranty of at least 3 years loh to play safe.

Go for mitsubishi. non inverter is good enough lah..


New Member
Thanks Rachel. Yeah I am going to save my cash upfront than to wait for the electricity savings in years to come.

Smurf, mind sharing your contact for the Toshiba sys3? Ben quoted me $1800, all inclusive for RAS3M20UAX & RAS3M10UKX3.

Newbbi79, mind sharing your contact for the $1500 Panasonic? If you are talking about the CS-C9DKZW & CU-3C20DKH, its much cheaper than Gain City's $2258!

The last model Im looking at is the Sharp PlasmaCluster. Ben quoted $1900 which I suspect is not cheap? Does anyone have a better deal?


New Member
Yes do share the contacts of your supplier cos my brother also want to buy toshiba sys 3. Since yours is cheaper then I ask him to take from your supplier better. Thks!


New Member
Dear jukeboxcranberry,

I am talking abt the CU-3C20DKH lor...I also feel that its bery cheap lor =D... But I duno if it comes with the plasma ions lor.Coz aircon was installed on fri and I saw there's this word "ions" on the aircon =D


New Member
Dear jukeboxcranberry,

You have not enable your PM lor...coz I can't PM you. Please let me know after you have enable =D.Coz the contact no is not with me now..I go homr look for it and PM you.


New Member
Newbbi, I have enabled PM but like Rachel says, LETS SHARE!
That was how I got to know that Ben of Hong Seng gives good price
