Advice : Things to look out for when choosing bridal package


New Member
Dear BTB,

I have a Bridal (photography by Chris Ling) + ROM package to let go, interested please email me for more details
thank you

My email address :- [email protected]


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New Member
Hi Gals,

Can someone juz share with me, for Made to Measure Gowns, can it be tried on by other people, other than the bride herself?

If your MTM Gown is promised to be kept til your wedding, and nobody gets to see or try it, but you saw it being tried by others, wat would you do???


New Member
Hrm.. I tot this thread suppose to share "Things to look out when choosing bridal packages"
Everyone seems to sidetrack ..haha

My 2 cents :
The main important thing is the photography portion, the choices of gown to choose from and then followed by price.
I believe all packages offer dont differ much.. Moroever, you can start to bargain if you shortlist the ones u are comfortable with.. Thats where you can start taking out all your survey , research and get the final one to match all the things that you required

Just to share :

I have just confirmed the $3388 package with Bridal De Couture. (at Suntec Bridal Show today)

Serina Tay was the person to serve me. I think my decision was much of impluse..Well, have been googling to find out more..but not ava. Hopefully, am not making a wrong decision.

Just to share the items included in the package (off hand, those which i rem)

Day and Night Gown (MTM)
Mens Outfit x 2 (1 x MTM, 1 x Pants to keep)
Tea Dress
2 pc suit for both father-in-laws
Bouquet (Open choice and 6 corsages)
Car decoration (netting)
Car model - MZ10 KW-200h or $200 off
Make up (Trial, Day, Night, Photoshoot)
- Studio and outdoor photography (3 locations (including night), 6 outfits)
- 15 R x 30 with CD Rom
- 1 X 20" x 24 " real canvas or 8R(Digital MT)
- 1 x 8R table top
- 150 x thank u photocard
- 1 full day photographer for actualday
- 300 x actual photo (with slot in album, edited)
- 1 CD of actual day photos (not edit)
- 1 x Guest Book (with pages of photos included)

Verbal Commited : 1 bridesmaid outfit, Montage, More corsage for the nos of sisters..

For any who are gng to the suntec show.. Bargain for more. Am feeling a little upset that i hv not done enough bargaining

Suggestion to Bargain:
More Photos
Deal shd be able to close at $3100-$3300
Tea Dress to be MTM


New Member
Dear All,

Am sorry .. that i hv provide a wrong information..My Bridal De Couture package was $3388 + $300 (Photography)..
Hence, total was $3688
I hv change the 150 x thank u photocard to 10pcs of 4R..
In fact, Serina was quite flexible. I called her yesterday .. she is willing to change a few things for me.. Good Luck!


New Member
Dear All,

Am sorry .. that i hv provide a wrong information..My Bridal De Couture package was $3388 + $300 (Photography)..
Hence, total was $3688
I hv change the 150 x thank u photocard to 10pcs of 4R..
In fact, Serina was quite flexible. I called her yesterday .. she is willing to change a few things for me.. Good Luck!


New Member
Hi TraCia (tracia21),

Yup, MTM is made to measure. There're alot more abbreviation used in the forum, like below:

AD: Actual Day (of wedding)
WG: Wedding Gown
EG: Evening Gown
MUA: Make-up Artist
PG: Photographer
VG: Videographer
PS: Photoshoot
MTM: Made-to-measure
OTR: Off-the-rack
BS: Bridal Shop
BTB: Bride-to-be
FH: Future Hubby
PIL: Parents-in-law
MIL: Mother-in-law
FIL: Father-in-law
GDL: Guo Da Li

Hope this helps!


New Member
hi all,

a little off the current topic but I wanted to explore tango bride's suggestion of doing it 'ala carte'. does anyone know where we can rent WG and EGs (ie only gown rental), aside from Dreamz and Ted Collection?


New Member
Ahh thanks jiahui and princessxue! Much appreciated
As you can imagine sourcing everything from scratch is turning out to be more of a challenge than I thought...LOL


New Member
Most important is that you enjoy the process of sourcing th'ing for your wedding. Do go down to bridal shop to see their gowns and try out their gowns before you decide which bridal shop to rent the gowns


New Member
hi nelea, i'm also doing ala carte.. you can also try renting gowns from or Allure Charix also sells OTR gowns I think.

if you have questions or wanna discuss about ala carte i managed to source quite a few that I like for decor, gowns, PG, etc... and all quite affordable and nice. I didn't want a BS as i want to customize myself and pick the elements that I like and save on those that I don't need

PM me or email me [email protected]. Your PM is off so can't message u


New Member
Hi Rebeana
I've emailed you already.
Hope I'm not too late.

Hi Marq
I cannot send you thru private mail.
Can give me your email address as well


New Member
Hi Kerin n all,

like u, my bf and i have made an impulsive decision to sign up w Sattine at a wedding show yday, without doing any research!

we dun know much abt wat the packages shld include n juz blindly bargain. my bf like the pictures, and we were pretty comfy w the lady servin us.

but now lookin at reviews, im so worried! reviews r so bad tt the whole thread has been removed?? wats more, we forgot to ask if the photographer, whose pics we like, is stil workin there!

worst is, i din even like the gowns they brought to the weddin show. oh so worried!

i called to ask if i can go down tml to 'c c' the gowns only, they said appts al fully book! =( how??


New Member
hi Krissy....
I was at the wedding show yesterday too.
in fact, my bf has already called up to make an appointment to go down and view the gown tmr...
now i am thinking twice...


New Member
Hi Di! How was the appt at Sattine??

I went down to Sattine the very next day! althou someone said al fully booked when i called,but one coordinator was free to show mi ard n let mi try their gowns! truth is, there r not alot o staff ard at the time, n those ard were occupied w clients, so i guess im lucky ba!

Anyway, my coordinator was very sweet & nice, even when i did not make appt, she was v helpful. she kept askin mi to try their gowns, when i only wanted to c c, n offered to help mi take pics!!

so overall, i was v happy with the service tt day! gowns wise..hmm..ok only..

but o course im still reserved abt the service in future la, i stil got a long way to go w them, anything can go wrong at anytime...hopefully not thou...


New Member
Hi all, let me share my worst experience with everyone here. :*(
I just had my wedding in dec and my BS was Julia wedding news. I was attracted to them by their gowns and knowing they are reputable in taiwan. But i will nvr expect to have such bad experience with them after i've signed my package. To me, they are unprofessional, rude, pricey, bad quality..................
Just to name 1 incident, when i went for my 1st AD gown fitting, one of the lady staff ask me; what kinda gown u lookin for, and i said i'm not too sure but i would to try the gown on the mannequin. Guess wat, she replied: ai yah, that one very difficult to take down leh!
OMG! i was so damn shocked at the moment. However, end up she really did not let me try it, only after i've insisted again and again after i've tried abt 4-5 gowns. :-(
2nd incident would be when i asked for cheong sam for my tea ceremony, they actually only shown me 2 initially, quoted they are the best they have. 1st one was white with big black flower prints (which looks exactly like for funeral) and 2nd one was a fully sequin cheong sam. The sequin one was not bad but most of the sequin had came off and it's frayed on the sleeves. I asked if they could fix it for me, but the guy said: sorry we dun fix it, u'll have to accept the way it is. This is way too ridiculous!!!!!!!!! How could they expect me to wear it for my AD!!!! :*(
My hubby and i will end up quarreling, after every single visit to Julia. He'll keep blaming me for choosing such an expensive and lousy BS. Their package are steep and many things are not included (for a $3888 package) or able to meet the minimum expectation like;
-NO bridal car
-NO digital copies of pre-wedding photos
-NO transport during pre-wedding photography
-NOT even a nice cheong sam for tea ceremony
-NO right size for my hubby's suit and shirt -very little photos abt 26's
-NO choice of bridal car arrangement (only colour of sash)
-very limited and average looking accessories for AD
-some wedding photos taken blurred!!!
They are the worst experience we've ever encounter. Traumatic indeed!!! They takes no pride in their service and no respect for ppls one in a lifetime's big day! :****(


New Member

I've made a depsit on a bridal shop known as z'weddg over the weekend on the fair in suntec. I wonder if anyone and experience or heard comments abt this shop?


New Member
Hi..I'm looking for a bridal package too. Thought of signing up with La Belle. They will be having a bridal fair this coming wk at Riverside Point. Any comments on this bridal shop????


New Member
hiya fiona

there'll b a bridal show in feb ... suggest u go for the one then to get better deals

but b careful not to make decision on the spot ... tink it thru carefully first
