Advice: Page Boy and Flower Girl =)


New Member

Need your kind advices on what a page boy/ring bearer and flower girl should do for solemnisation and march in.

for solemnisation the ringbearer will be carrying the ring pillow n march in before us/after us? What is the flower girl's role in this instance?

As for 1st march in, what do both of them hold or they can just walk in in front of us?



New Member
Hi Yoyo,

I just learnt that the traditional role for pages boys is to hold up the hem of the bride's gown. :p But as yours is a designated ring bearer, then bearing the rings would be it.

Flower girls are first-in-line at the march-in - they carry flower baskets and scatter flower petals for the bride to walk on.

Quite OTT when I think about it! Lol. (And I have both flower girls + page boys too. :p)


New Member
haha... ya, we will have his nephew n my niece to be the page boy n flower gal. actually tot of scraping the idea totally coz both still quite young. wat if they run around mid way, tink i will faint. but my future sil n my cousin encourage also. so now planning stage. =)

wat abt first march in after solemnisation? wat will the page boy hold? coz the flower gal will march in with the page boy rt? flower gal scatter petals then the page boy leh?


New Member
dear yoyo

for my church wedding, I had 2 page boys & 2 flower gals. 1 of the page boys acted as a ring bearer. 1 flower gal walked in front, followed by 1 page boy & the other flower gal (both holding each other's hands). then the ring bearer walked in just before me & my dad.

as for your 1st march in, the page boy can simply hold the hand of the flower gal. tink tat will be very sweet.

u sure your hotel allows u to scatter petals? better chk carefully hor. conrad where my wedding dinner was didn't allow us to scatter petals for fear of damaging the carpet.


New Member
dear demure...welcome back after so long... =P
ya, read abt the carpet ting. let me check wif the hotel.
thank u u for ur advice hor=)


New Member
u are welcome, yoyo........

goodness......its been so long. I shd be ashamed of appearing here, heeheehee......


New Member
Hi Hi..

May i ask what should Flower girl and Page boy do wedding dinner when doing the first March In and second March In?


New Member
For my first March in, my flower girl will be scattering petal. So what does my page boy do? Can someone advise me please? Thanks thanks!!
