Advice on overseas PS and bridal package


New Member
i have booked the appointment wif celine as my photographer but RL just email us and say Celine is pregnant and have to change a photographer, any recommendation which photographer to chose? sad.


New Member
dear elaine,
i dun mind to share my photo but email is not possible as file is too big, let me figure out some way to upload the pictures.
dear aiko,
the photographer assigned to me is ah kuan.
dear rejoy,
i duno about any other photographer skills in RL, ah kuan was the one who took my pictures. he looked a bit ah beng-like, but surprisingly i quite like the outcome of his pictures. many of my friends had good comments about my photos.
the other option is you can check with RL if you can view the works of other photographers and then select your preferred one.


New Member
finally, i think i have successfully uploaded my photos on Flickr. i have just sent you my photos. Testing if you can receive them, let me know ok?


New Member

Thanks so much for the photos. You look great and the photos were well taken! Makes me feel so much more assured now. Thanks thanks!


New Member
hi lily,

sorry...been MIA for quite awhile cuz got no net comnectioin, can email me the link via my PM.
Looking forward to it! Thanks!


New Member
Hi RachelL, Giantic, Chu Fang,

Did your package include the local Sophia stuffs for AD?

For cherry blossom photo shoot, I keep asking them when is the best month to go, and the person I liaise with only gave me Feb dates. But I noticed that some of you are going in Mar for the cherry blossom. Did they tell you that Mar is good for cherry blossom shoot?


New Member

I did not get the Sophia stuff as that time when I sign with Romantic Life, I have not start doing my homework on bridal studios, so dare not sign up with Sophia. Dunnoe whether now can still sign up with Sophia or not.

Now got to look for photographers/videographers and MUA for actual day (headache).


New Member
Hi Giantic,

i see. we took Sophia together with RL as we didn't know how else to get the AD stuffs separately and were afraid may cost even more. Maybe you can try asking RL if you can sign up with Sophia through them since they have some tie-up with Sophia.

Are you going for your photo shoot in Feb?


New Member
for those interested in princessy gowns can consider Julia Wedding News. If you are also considering taking your pre-wedding photos overseas, Julia Wedding News also caters for that at a low cost. Countries they go to as follows: Taiwan, Greece, Japan, Macau, Spain, etc etc ...
If you are keen, you can email me for my package details. I'll be most welcome to share ... eve.sulin @


New Member
Hi Giantic, Rejoy,Grace,
I must say the make-up artist Cherry did a great job, even though I don't quite like the hairstyle I had in the indoor studio, makes me look very "old auntie". But on overall, i still like her makeup and the other hairstyles.
So it's good if u can bring some pictures of the hairstyles that u like and show her when u are there, she will give her recommendations which hairstyle to match which gown and for which location. She will provide you with all the accessories to match with the gowns. I was kiasu and brought some of my own accessories too, but most of time I used theirs.


New Member
Hi Lily, can share with me your pics too? [email protected]

I just signed with Sophia for the rest of the AD stuff like MUA, AD PG, hand Bouquet and Car deco. Not sure if can get cheaper outside..but better to let them handle everything.


New Member
Hi Winterlove & Elaine,
Hv sent to your email add.

Elaine - I duno abt other photographers except Ah Kuan who was my photographer.


New Member
actually at this moment, i am more worried tt i am not able to find a nice wedding gown that can fit mi as i m a plus size.


New Member
Hi Windy and Winter Lover

Is it possible to share with me your packages with Sophia? I'm really finding it troublesome sourcing for ala carte videographer, photographer, MUA etc.

Can email me at [email protected] or PM me pls?

Winter lover, yeah I'm going for my photoshoot in Feb 09.


New Member
Hi Lily,

Can you advise which route to take and could you please send your pretty photos to: [email protected]

Hi Giantic, what dates will you be in TW, I will be there late Feb onwards as my date is 1 March


New Member
Hi there, I just got back from Hainan with a package that includes airtickets plus airport tax and fuel charges plus hotel plus tour AND 2 15x15 inch album plus freebies... pricing at 4k bah... those interested can call Adeline at 96954781. Shes the sales person for the BS. or can call me at 81832863 to get more unofficial info...


New Member

Mine will be 10th Feb.

Was thinking whether it will be cheaper to consolidate all our albums together and ship them together (if the time period is about the same). Haha thinking of all sorts of ways to save $$$ now.


New Member
Hi Windy,

did you sign up separately with Sophia or was it through RL? Do you mind sharing your package and price with me via email [email protected]?

Mine was signed up together as part of the RL package but I haven't contacted Sophia yet.

Thanks thanks..


New Member
Hi Windy & Rachell,
Hv sent the photos to both u gals...

Rachell - you can just let RL know what type of places you wana go and they can plan out the route for you and give you the appropriate advice on timing etc...


New Member
Hi Giantic, I think the postage is charged per kg.. No way to save :p

Hi All, Anyway just to let you girls know i have bought some TWD for my trip in Feb. The money changer rate now is @ 22.00. The best SGDTWD rate in years..


New Member
Hi lily, your photos all so nice! thanks for sending the link. hope mine can be like yours too. =)


New Member
Hi Winterlover, we did not take up the Sophia package with RL cos actually that time we had already signed up with a local BS. So in the end, we signed up RL and converted the full local BS package to an AD package instead.

Hi Lily, can send your pics to me too? [email protected] Thanks!

Btw, RL will be coming down Suntec again this wkend. We are thinking of gg there to look at their photographers' portfolios. Anyone will be gg as well?


New Member
Huh? Celine is pregnant?
I chose her as my PG for my photoshoot in Mar 09, but RL didn't inform me anything about Celine pregnancy.

I better call them and ask, in case they anyhow change one PG for me.


New Member
hi pen pen, that is what RL has informed me in their email, could you let me know what they tell you after you check with them? thank you


New Member
Dear Aiko & Chu Fang,
Hv sent to your add.

Wirabe - I dun quite understand your question, do u mean how many sets of gowns I hv?


New Member
Hi lily,
the photos are lovely!
I noticed that you have quite a number of outfits and bouquets as well... do u need to top up?
I was surprised that there are so many flowers during the end of the year. I am planning to go in June, I hope I could get the lavendar and sunflower.


New Member
Hi Aiko,

I had 1 wedding gown + 3 other gowns (already in my package, no top up), it's just nice. Because you won't hv enough time to change so many sets...i had only 1 hand bouquet and the flower petals for seaside, plus the firecrackers, all provided FOC by RL.
(you just need to remind them when you are there what props you might need, if they will hv, they will provide)

I went in Sept, not end of the year. Sept is so freaking hot, therefore still hv flowers, I think end of the year maybe not so many flowers. My husband was complaining all the way about the heat as he had to wear the jacket suit, he was perspiring like crazy and still hv to carry me for the poses. :p


New Member
Hi all, let me share my worst experience with everyone here. :*(
I just had my wedding in dec and my BS was Julia wedding news. I was attracted to them by their gowns and knowing they are reputable in taiwan. But i will nvr expect to have such bad experience with them after i've signed my package. To me, they are unprofessional, rude, pricey, bad quality..................
Just to name 1 incident, when i went for my 1st AD gown fitting, one of the lady staff ask me; what kinda gown u lookin for, and i said i'm not too sure but i would to try the gown on the mannequin. Guess wat, she replied: ai yah, that one very difficult to take down leh!
OMG! i was so damn shocked at the moment. However, end up she really did not let me try it, only after i've insisted again and again after i've tried abt 4-5 gowns. :-(
2nd incident would be when i asked for cheong sam for my tea ceremony, they actually only shown me 2 initially, quoted they are the best they have. 1st one was white with big black flower prints (which looks exactly like for funeral) and 2nd one was a fully sequin cheong sam. The sequin one was not bad but most of the sequin had came off and it's frayed on the sleeves. I asked if they could fix it for me, but the guy said: sorry we dun fix it, u'll have to accept the way it is. This is way too ridiculous!!!!!!!!! How could they expect me to wear it for my AD!!!! :*(
My hubby and i will end up quarreling, after every single visit to Julia. He'll keep blaming me for choosing such an expensive and lousy BS. Their package are steep and many things are not included (for a $3888 package) or able to meet the minimum expectation like;
-NO bridal car
-NO digital copies of pre-wedding photos
-NO transport during pre-wedding photography
-NOT even a nice cheong sam for tea ceremony
-NO right size for my hubby's suit and shirt -very little photos abt 26's
-NO choice of bridal car arrangement (only colour of sash)
-very limited and average looking accessories for AD
-some wedding photos taken blurred!!!
They are the worst experience we've ever encounter. Traumatic indeed!!! They takes no pride in their service and no respect for ppls one in a lifetime's big day! :****(


New Member

Just signed up with RL and still reeling from their powerful sales tactics. Lily can you please send me some of your photos too? I'm feeling a bit uncertain even though I was quite impressed by the albums they showed at the fair.

Pls email to [email protected]



New Member
Hi all,

I've just signed up with RL too. wonder if anyone of you can PM me the links for your photos would like to take alook at them as well. Also signed the AD package with Sophia but its just the very basic stuff like the gowns and suits. wondering if anyone of you can share ur Sophia package with me and what are the additional costs like the floral deco and stuff. Thanks
