Adultery - Can i claim 50% of his income every mth?


New Member
My hb and i are gg thru annulment currently.. however he has a gf nw and i'm wondering whether i can sue him for adultery and claim 50% of his income.. we have no kids and had ROM for 10mths..

In fact he has given mi a sum of money (money spent during e time together) n i agreed to annulment.. but i'm having second thoughts now coz i can't take it lying down tat he has a gf..


Active Member
Yes u can!

the courts, legal system and everyone in it are more than willing to help u to...
1. punish him.
2. screw him so that u feel better.
3. assist u to seek revenge.
4. help u gain Financial freedom for life.
5. use legal means to penalise him, his family, his future family.

no guy should betray u like this, and the courts and absolutely behind u. they will stop at nothing to help u appease your anger. U have absolutely no faults nor mistakes nor flaws... the courts dun care if u have played your part as his wife.. as long as he betrays u - he's wrong.

just tell them u can't take it lying down... they can tell from there that u're the good one.

ps: why not 70%? feels more shiok!

pls just go thru the annulment, accept the freakin money and move on.


New Member
i'll definately go thru the annulment.. but wad i am concerned is i may not get the money.. coz i dun seem to have any rights in getting the alimony..


New Member
If you need the list of law firms in Singapore, ask me....I can give you the list

But doubt that any lawyer will help you with that.

Btw, you know the meaning of adultery?


New Member
how do u define adultery? he has a gf nw can i sue him for adultery?

u mean doubt any lawyer will help me with my case?


Active Member
ok for those who didn't understand the language... i was being sarcastic.

anyway, if he has given u the lumpsum, and u're now having 2nd thoughts, then u're the one rescinding on the agreement becos u feel u should get more out of it. good luck to u.

if i were him, and if u wanna play games, then i'll just stay married to u and play along. 2 can play at a game of vengeance and there's no end...

i would think any mature adult would place priority on one's own life.. and not be obsessed with revenge and vindication.


New Member
you got to get over are just bitter, are going through annulment, meaning the relationship is over, so why bother about him having a gf...go get a bf yourself and learn to live happy...


New Member
whaahahhaa... for a moment Powder!
I thot u had gone bonkers till I read ur 3rd para...

think the best is for you to consult a legal lawyer to ask on what you want on your grounds. maybe Salsa can intro her groups of lawyers? kekeke...


Active Member
If you are going through annulment, I don't think you will get anything more that what you are getting - you should be lucky that he is giving you something.

Or U sure can sue him for adultery provided you can prove it - as in photographs.. But seriously I don't think you will ever get the 50% that you want - considering only ROM for 10 months - probably not much.

Get a life lah. get on with what you have and find yourself a bf... - I think that will help you quite a bit.
50% of salary LOL?

If this is allowed, there'll be more millionaire women in singapore. Cheat rich men into marriages, sabo & set them up with another waman, take pics of them with her, and divorce them later to get 50% of everything hehe.


Active Member
apologise, i understand all the pent-up feelings etc, but seriously... already agreed annulment, now wanna make him pay... i mean, it's abit psychotic.

in love & marriage, there's alway a risk... take it in your stride, move on and find true happiness. why survive on hate & vengeance?


New Member
juz curious, what if she decides not to go thru annulment n file for divorce instead? will she be entitled to alimony? coz what i heard from my friends is that as long as adultery is committed, sg law protects the women, and they can claim up to 50% of the hb income.


Active Member

your friend is either bullshitting or ignorant.. still the same even with divorce.

There is no automatic 50% claim of hb income. Assets that bought during the marriage, yes, possibly to split. Alimony will be according to her need/lifestyle during marriage..


New Member
oh i thought it's auomatic or an entitlement of 50% to women when adultery is committed by the man.. if that's e case, it's better to annul the marriage, a divorcee status does not look good on a women seriously.

Though there is such a thing as "Women's Charter" in Singapore which aims to improve and protect the rights of females in Singapore and to guarantee greater legal equality for women in legally-sanctioned relationships, it goes about doing it in a reasonable, logical manner. It will not be protecting the female gender blindly to the extent of penalising/putting the male gender in an unfair situation.


Active Member
protecting women and punishing men are 2 entirely different things...

this further atests to my inner thoughts on some local women...


New Member
Just a wild thought...

Are we MEN entitled to 50% of our wives income if she commits adultery?

What if she's a housewife? Am I entitled to get her to do housework for me 50% of her time?

Oh geez...what am I thinking of?
That we're living in society that promotes sexual equality?
Oh hang on...apparently that's a set of rules for women and then there's ANOTHER set of rules for men...and that set of rules for men being "Thou shall be screwed by Women if you commit adultery" and the rule for women being "Thou shall get away scot free for commiting adultery"

On a more serious note; I'm not too sure if there's any so-called Men's Chapter that protect us dickheads when it comes to a situation where the women is the guilty party (and don't give me that SHIT about Men being more guilty of committing adultery!)

But hey, I guess it's just human nature to adopt whatever advantages that they can get in life isn't it?
In this current world where more and more women are entering the workforce and earning their own money and demanding more and more gender equality; I still find it weird and funny when things like not opening the doors for them or pulling the chairs out for them and even the Women's Chapter still remains such a relevant issue for Women


New Member
Hi dilemma10,

you are in dilemma over what? Doesn't he has his own life at that point of mutual annulment?

What the heck is your motive - to transfer 50% to your account on a monthly basis, because you are simply too lazy to work for it?

If it's for destroying his life, then why talk about mutual annulment in the first place?


New Member
i feel that you're out to get his money and thatz all... dun see the point that you're actually angry cos he got a gf... He has already given u a lump sum, dun be greedy.


New Member
Then why you think this saying comes along:

Hell had no fury like a woman scorned

You screw them once, they'll made sure they screw you back TWICE or THRICE...or whenever they can...and for however long they can...

PS : I'm expecting a backlash for my comments.

Not all women are that vengeful...but of course there are such black sheep around. So don't "wack the entire boat of people with 1 pole" ok? I am 1 of the white sheep around...


New Member
i guess dilemma10 is juz out to maximise wharever she can out of this divorce or annulment.. if she can get more out of sueing him for adultery, y not? it's juz human nature thou i see it wrong.

once in love tat's y got married, y make things so ugly n life so difficult. let urself n him go would be a wiser choice.


New Member

Dont worry lah. My comment was meant to provoke responses. That's my style.

It's not greed; it's more to do with revenge.
She just wants to make his life more of a living hell.


Active Member
u have 1 thread wondering why men dun dare to commit to marriage, and holding back...

u have another thread where the wife wanna punish the guy for his mistakes after marriage...

u have the legal system there to assist and back the ladies... and even if the wife was committing the adultery, the chances of getting a divorce and Still getting maintenance is rather possible...

u have threads where women spend every once of money becos the wedding is 'once in a lifetime'...

in this economy, i'm gonna highly advocate that guys dun marry too young nor give in to the pressure of marriage. just breakup everytime a girl mentions marriage... seriously no point... if women educate women on crap, then men should educate men how to avoid crap.

i'm so glad he found another girl and decided to annul with u... perhaps he saw how materialistic and money-minded u are and got together with this girl becos she's more simple...

ok i know that was impolite. well the thing is, DUn lose every ounce of goodness in u just becos u seek vindication... sometimes best to just progressively seek happiness...


New Member
It actually struck me as I was re-reading Bernice Soh's initial post...

Bernice, if you are back again.
Can I just check with you...has the annulment got ANYTHING TO DO WITH HIS CURRENT GF?

Or did he only knew this gal AFTER he have decided to annul his marriage with you?

Your answer to the above questions will very much affect the answers that you'll get from us.


New Member
"My hb and i are gg thru annulment currently.. however he has a gf nw.... "

I think the annulment was for a different reason. The gf part gave her the idea to sue him for more $$$....
in any case, it wouldn't make a difference to my reply.


New Member
Oh, vios, in that makes a BIG difference for me.

My attitude towards her will be a BIG difference in this case...

Will wait and give her the benefit of the doubt...that is provided she had the cheek to come back here after the majority of people here dissed her off...

You itching for another round of gender war?

From what TS has written, I tend to interpret it the same way as vios. But your re-interpretation is also a possibility in circumstances of unclear organisation of sentence sequencing.

If your re-interpretation is correct, I guess more people will be compassionate towards her and you may see more men bashers coming into this thread. But even if she is a victim of her hb's infidelity, her decision to sue for more money may be more understandable but does it make it more justifiable? I still can't concur.


New Member
It's got nothing to do with Gender...

It's about what this person is...AS A PERSON...
Maybe you didnt get my interpretation right...

There's 2 potential scenario...
(1) She and hubby go through annulment becos the hubby found a new love in his current gf...

(2) She and hubby go through annulment becos of some other issues...hubby only get to know current gf during the annulment and that the current gf have no whatsoever effect on their marriage becoming sour...

If going by scenario 1; then it's fine...

But if it's scenario 2; then she's just using the gf as an excuse to screw her hubby further...and worse; she did it out of spite...based on the fact that she can't stand the thought of her hubby being able to move on from their failed marriage faster than her...And THAT to me is just being pure nasty...

Do you get me now?


Active Member
But either scenario.. irregardless .. she won't get what she wants.. so in the end she will be more disappointed.. that is all..

You know when anger or vengeance consume us.. we are the worse of it..

I don't think she will get any more than what she is geting now.

Worst, if she wants to sue for adultery (instead of annulment), she has to wait.. and in the mean time she also cannot screw around and in the end her status is divorcee..

No matter how I look at it if she tries anything.. she is only screwing her ownself.

Best is to take the lump sum and annul the marriage and go find another man.


Active Member
i love gender wars....! especially when there's legal support. well historically from my knowledge, women shame men more than men shame women... women more 'all out'

Actually my 1st para is to reply to your post at 8.09pm when you replied that your comment was meant to provoke responses. Btw your earlier comment was:

"Hell had no fury like a woman scorned

You screw them once, they'll made sure they screw you back TWICE or THRICE...or whenever they can...and for however long they can...

That's why I asked if you are itching for a gender war.

I understand perfectly about your 2nd interpretation. And I do think that if the scenario is that of your 2nd interpretation (which is your scenario 1 above, ie. she is a victim of her hb's infidelity), more people will be compassionate towards her and you may see more men bashers coming into this thread.

My POV is even if she is a victim of her hb's infidelity, her decision to sue for more money may be more understandable but it does not make it more justifiable and I still can't concur with her decision to sue for more $$.

Anyway, let's see if she comes back to clarify.


New Member
To me; it's irregardless whether she can be successful in the adultery case for either scenario...

If it's really scenario 2; it's just that nastiness, pettiness and jealousy that disgusts me...
For people that behaves that way; I hope they remain single and be miserable for the rest of their life...they shouldn't be allow to screw up another person's life again...

If it is scenario 2, it is indeed disgusting and I feel sorry and happy for her ex hb. Sorry that he has the misfortune to come across such a person. Happy that he is out of it.

Now that I look at the title of her thread, it says "Adultery - Can I claim 50%...". Seems abit contradictory with the contents. Let's just wait and see.

U r another owl? Still around at this time of the night? Or still waiting to see if your gut feel is right?


Active Member
laundee, it's spore english... i tried telling a few times liao but seems it's rooted in our english... but for the sake of the uninitiated, the 2 words that should be used is... 'Irrespective' & 'Regardless'... irregardless is a combination of both. it isn't standard, but it actually made it to the dictionaries as a 'non-standard' due to the widespread use...

lucky our national pledge doesn't use "irregardless of race, language or religion"... hehe


Active Member
irregardless is non-formal english but is used mistakenly & widely.. if irregardless cannot be used here (informally) then many many other words cannot be used.

like those SMS abbreviated words.. and many others. including a lot of singlish


New Member
Technically, it negates each other. So our pledge will say we will be racially & linguistically-biased & make fun of each other's religion. Hmm... Aren't we already doing tat? :p

Wah, Powderful. 1 slip resulted in 2 extra alphabets leh. U pian gin nah ah?
The alphabets "I" and "R" are quite far apart in the keyboard leh.. unless powderful's fingers are that huge and fat? Hmm...looks like we are going out of topic here...


Active Member
sm, diff lah... sms and other non-professional language is fine... for words commonly used in formal/professional context, better to just say in case pple dun know.... particularly if it's obviously not a shortform given that it becomes a longer word than necessary... and like what the washerwoman says - it negates each other... "IR" will cancel out "Less" so if u take it in the proper english context, means u actually regard the subsequent points.
