Hi Ocean,
email sent.
Hi pals,
attached message from Ren:
Hi gang
First of all, sorry i MIA so long. i went back to
spore brides forum n to my horror all new format n our
thread closed???!!?? no new thread???
well wanted 2 end my renovation story lah.
long story short.
we got into a dispute with our contractor cos the
kitchen is really screw up. (pardon the language).
they finished the whole kitchen but we have water
leakage - in the ground. our kitchen cupboard are
popping. they tried and tried and blame the washing
machine - discharge too much water, then me - got
stuff thing inside or not. anyway they want to say not
their fault lah.
we decided better get things black n white. initially
when we sent them letters they ignored. then they went
to file against us. c how jia lah they r!
anyway aft a long taxing n tiring episode, the judge
awarded us ~$6000/= as compensation. we got prove say
that we wrote to them wah! when judge ask why never
reply they keep quiet. however, we need to find other
contractors to re-do the kitchen.
currently keeping the kitchen until it become kao-ya
then re-do. too upset. never in my life kana charge
for other pple mistake n we got to bear n pay for it.
fm nw on, dun trust pple tat much liao. when they want
$, everything u said they ok. then when they start
working, everything not ok. said wat want to be friend
n take care of ur hse. all bull shit lah. but of cos
not all contractors like that lah. anyway happy that
everything over.
hope betty u find one good one.
betty, me available on Sun 24 Aug at around 3.30pm
onwards - u let me know when u coming?
yo gang! if anyone want to drop by u r welcome 2.
tea provided.
but let me know if u r coming ok. sms
my hp : (edited) check email or ask Vincent. Address too.
btw if my email miss anyone pls let them know cos i
dun know how to go put message up the forum board. got
to re-educate me lah.