Acupuncture - Slimming??


New Member

Your PM is not turn on.. anyway as wat jasmine say, price is vary as it is depend on individual body condition. Before you take up any package, you are require to do an inbody analysis. Then the consultant will based on the report and customise the package for you. Any qn, feel free to ans.


New Member
yalor. lol. why blur. it's located at marine parade, near macdonalds. need to book appmt before going, you email me loh den pass u the contact and program info =) [email protected]. anw when u call ask for the addy loh. u stay far? i take 1.5h go there!

ya anw program prices based on analysis one. my mums also 3mths program. if few kg u shld be take 1.5mths one, see what the consultant analyse and advice u loh. if u budget then think u can take small one, opt instalments or something.

lol, my bottom area also. my body very inproportionate. big butt elephant thighs. but i think now got smaller, jeans loser already. hee. gd thing.


New Member
hi jassiemint, just back from first treatment, ya u r right, not really pain but got feeling like something poking me when the doctor "xia(4) zhen(1)".

The doctor chat with me a lot of things, very friendly. my consultant super busy, no chance to talk much with her.


Active Member
hello kristy, yup, my body analysis result (fat loss not bad) and consultant compliment me that i slim down and inches loss too, but cant rmb my inch loss how many ley.

my total loss as 2.8kg, fat loss abt 2.3kg. abit of muscle loss but they say ok. quite normal cos of my late slping pattern.So total weight loss so far is 6.8kg lo.

Consultant said my progress has been stable down. Hope i can like my another slimming frd stop program temp still continue lose weight.


New Member
jas: hee wa congrat congrat!! =D i haven go do my analysis yet. =p i also have been sleeping late. hee sleep more lo ok. woohoo almost reaching half of ur target liao. can one.

after the prog u shld be know how liao. still can continue to lose one lei. my mum also got lose even thou she eat as per normal. cos in the first place she dun eat much one. maybe becos the body already gone wrong after 50over years.. now can lose still lei surprisingly. but she still sometimes will replace dinner la.


Active Member
hi rebecca,

yup got to rest more by cut down game and tv time.but still got to do some research for my wedding.else no action taken will be end up no outcome.

not yet half la, but almost.5 weeks only 6.8kg nia, start with new diet plan.consultant told me that I got to take more white meat to increase my protein means muscle

ya my frds they usually after a long holiday they will come back to balance diet and do body analysis again.ya I hope I can like dione, auto lose weight. really envy her


New Member
wah jassiemint, ur result good ley,within so short period. anyway nice to see you on that day, i still keep going on my program


New Member
i will jia you also.anyway, dun know is it because my acupuncture treatment started 1 week after my detox program then so far i weigh only 1kg plus weightm loss only. a bit sad


New Member
ya kristy her result very gd. hur.

kristy how much u need to lose on ur inbody analysis. maybe lesser fat slow. i notice that lesser fat like me is slower, more fat the results more obvious and drastic.

my nutrionist n consultant advise me not to keep weigh, cos if i see no result i will very sian, it will affect my mood and morale. mind over body ma. so i try not to weigh, especially since i only targetting 4kg-6kg loss. results smaller lo. i dont weigh den feel the results by see my pants lose or not, stomach look flatter etc. mostly is what ppl tell me lah.

if u find weighing urself negative, dont weigh lo. follow their advice. if it motivates u den continue lo. if it doesnt then stop lo. wait for analysis. hee. some of us like that.


Active Member
aiya i got more fat ma, of course fat loss more la. hee i still keep weighing to motivate myself.

i will motivate kristy one, we will see each other at night on msn.


New Member
hee. kristy got how much fat loss.

yupyup. we motivate each other la. =D later u must take more photos, send me before and after. i also v excited for u haha. cos sure very obvious for u lei. u got take photos? i want see!


Active Member
err , kristy haven tell me how much fat ley i got asked her. haha, if don't have camera how to take photo? thought take in center b4 and after can already?


New Member
ohhh. no lah, was thinking shld take more ourselves mah. keep as memory also good. den frame up at home or something as a reminder to ourselves to keep in shape! =x no lah, hahaha my frnd told me take many many photos, den can compare and keep. hee. can show ppl also.


New Member
Hi hi,

hahai got abt 10kg to lose. progress not as fast as jassiemint but still have weight loss, coming monday my review, yeah she always answer my question like what can eat/do in the program.

take any photo ok, but not necessary to purposely show people .Even i take will keep it myself. lols


New Member
lols. i think like not bad leh. i got some of my slimming khakis keep their before and after photos show me. makes me more motivated to see. hee.

how long u in the prog already? yup they consultants ma. hehe can one lei. my mum old lady also can lose 10kg, tough work la but i dont think its not possible to get. just gotta be patient and REN! =D u take 3 mths prog?

3 mths seems quite short and also very long.


Active Member
yeah true la if have chance (like in gathering with frds or event can take photo i will get it too.)

ya initially felt very long now ok liao cos everything seem stable down and diet plan not so strict


New Member
hi long time not here. been in this porogram abt 1 mth. great that seeing weight loss.

hi jass, coongrate to see u have such good result keep it up

to others, good luck and wish you guys can achieve successful result in slimming(most important thing is good health)


Active Member
thks fat_ger,

by the way elaine do let me know how's ur result too. i think u will have a good result one. your review shld be 1 week after mine right?


New Member
jas, ya after first few days actually i felt better. especially when i have support frm my bf and family. i think i easy to get used to it.

hehe my weight loss is abt 4kg. =) ya for me i hp to be healthier and not only tt la, get the right shape too.. not just lose the kg lo. after go thru prog n consultant teach den learn alot of things also.


Active Member
yup,now I feel lighter. walk faster also has qi or breath already. won't have to stop to rest at half way.

haha,just measure my waist.realised my waist reduced almost 1.5inch. I got to buy pants le la.belt already adjusted to smallest one still like dropping


New Member
its like that one. my mum bought and changed few sizes throughout the 3 mths period. she lost alot inches on the waist and hip. our consultant say heavy bottom easier to lose i think quite true.

anw u buy new one now, awhile later will loose again and u still gotta buy. get sth cheaper lo, or buy those skirts with band, so can wear no matter what, if u like skirts lah. hee. my mum wear skirts but she very happy to keep changing pants, it's like some addiction so she kept buying. now she took out all her old pants that she wore before birth, can wear liao.

me too. i feel more awake and refreshed especially when i eat sfactor. some of my friends say eat sfactor helps to keep u awake, i think its quite true. acupuncture also got the same effect for some.


Active Member
Ya, my frd also, 10plus kg of fat loss really can create alot of diff in size, think she from XL( i guess la cos she super big size) to XS size. But not everybody can achieve tt because the body / bone structure need to be small. for me i only can go down to S size.


wah jasmine your frd really from XL to XS? i'm sure you can go to S size one.

how long is her program, i just signed up 3months program, need to lose abt 13kg. Starting next monday

Hi Joelle, you already finished your course? how's the result? how long since you finished your course?

yeah want to be slimming buddy too, mine is [email protected]



Active Member
Hi welcome joelle,

ya i want to know how much u lost too. u are senior in this program huh? did u still going back for treatment? My msn is [email protected], i already add you.

Hi jiawen,
yeah lo. she was in program about 3month plus to 4 mths, she was very obese until the doctor also asked her to lose weight. Her determination strong too.
Thanks har, i hope can down to S size, working hard. Next monday my treatment day, what time? may be we can meet there.


New Member

haha ya true, actually small bones big bones can see frm the inbody results if im nt wrong. consultant can tell.

ya got once i tried clothes and had to wear L size. totally freaked me out loh. i'm an M person. now back to S.. not sure if i can get to XS though, if i can i dont mind lah, but if S im also ok. i'm not particular about the size, figure gd i ok liao.. i think the shape is more impt. got friends who are M but their figures are very good and shapely de. ideal figure sia.

yah anyone wanna share slimming experience email me too. [email protected] i also got take program. my mum finished program already 2 months plus ago. now she take SF now and then to maintain and do some light workout. after my prog i will go tone up too.


Active Member
ya my consultant told me I only can lose down to s size only no xs size but base on my structure not a bit hard but can try. as long I won't look like dried dried can liao

for me I still working hard toward my dream figure. 16kg to lose at first place now left 8kg to go!

anyone need me as slimming frd or any thing to ask abt acupunture slimming let me know also. my email or msn is [email protected]


wah, how old is ur frd? tt's serious. i have abt 12kg to lose ley. dono can make it or not. I wish i can have ur determination and ur frd's determination as well.

hmmm my size all along big so not sure what size i can shrink to.


Active Member
hihi jiawen, my frd 26 this year very young but her health was bad due to obesity. ur 12kg ok de la i have 16kg ley, now only left abt 8-9kgs. must have determination, please enjoy your food before start the program.

hmm ur size big? means ur bone structure big?


Hi jasmine, sorry ar, i missed your post.
my build quite big(may be i got 12kg fat la), im quite tall and big size, i asked consultant liao, she said my size can shrink down to S size ley...


New Member
jiawen: ur consultant say ur bone structure big/small? hmmm 12kg can one lei. my mum so old liao also can go through with it.. u should be no problem one lah. jiayou can already! =)

yea i wanna be s. hope no more m. esp when wear those tightfitting clothese, i cant wear s.. gotta wear m size or l size.. malu.. but i got big bottom my bottom always m/l.. so not proportionate sia. but my consultant say alot people pear shape is like that one. pear shape she say is easier to lose. my mum she lost alot on tummy, butt and hips also. i think no prob one ba.


Active Member
I also can go s size. Hee reb you considered as slim to me already m size only. You know what before I on program my bottom wear xl size I super heavy bottom lo
I pear shape figure but upper body also big bottom should ad small l I think.upper body should be l or m size. Need to wait for tomorrow I go buy new clothes then know. Now my clothes wear liao like very aunty because very loose le.may be buy cheap cheap clothes first

My tummy still got 3 layer meat but much smaller than last time. Bottom also la, at least 1 size down ba


yeah jasmine, wah not badla. tt time i saw u ur bottom not very big liao lol.

how's shoppng? manage to get any clothes? what size u got?

yup yup, i also realised that tummy fat easier to lose, start to see my tummy smaller


Active Member
hi all.
I just back from shopping. Lol

Has bought 3 pieces of m size top hee hee so happy. All along I wear big L size de now finally can get m size hmmm the tops quite fitting type one

Then bought stretchable skirts with m size. Never buy pants because I only can wear L size one. So skirt I can fit into m size cos the waist line is stretchable one. Hee

Jia wen you must jia you ok? Next time we go buy s size clothes!


New Member
woohoo u bought the stretchable skirts hur jas! gd idea right, lol, my mum bought quite a few.. lucky for her she always wear those long stretchable skirts.. bohemian lei. hee. i nvr really wear skirts though.. now still pulling my belt to the tightest.. haha.. damn ugly.. maybe i go buy some clothes soon too.. but i recently got buy some tight fitting tops from cotton on, ok lah looks much better since tummy smaller. hee!


Active Member
heee, yeah the sale aunt advised one.
i told her 1mth plus ago i wore XL size she shock. But the M size one still little tight la, never mind lo, it can motivate me to lose more weight.


New Member
I also just joined in my slimming program today. Today is my first day of detox, but I never bring any fruits, now I felt hungry... But i got to be determine, need to loss 12kg at the end of this program. keep finger cross and Jia you everyone and myself too!!!


Active Member
heee i know who u are my slimming frd. rmb later lunch time go and buy. if really cant take it eat a bit of whole meal thingy lo, not too much shld be ok de.

jia you ! tomolo my third review liao. nervous and worried.


New Member
Aiyo u loss so many weights liao u still nervous n worried wat leh... u should have a very good review liao loh
Whole meal thing? Bread? But I thought cannot eat bread...


Active Member
aiya, left 1.5mth ma. will nervous one, don't know what will the nutritionist say about my result lo.

hmmm whole meal biscuit? hmmm i now can eat whole meal bread liao.


hi hi welcome Retrodotie,

i also new to the acupuncture program, ya jasmine slim down alot liao, envy her.
later u go and buy apple or guava, can do it one. jia you!

can add me at msn too mine is [email protected]
