Actual Day Program. Need some guidance


New Member
Hi all,

I'll be having church wedding ceremony in Hilton followed by a wedding luncheon. This is my draft schedule. Please help to go through to see whether my time is ok.

8am Makeup
10am Groom arrives at hotel, gate crashing
11am Holy matrimonial/church wedding ceremony
12pm Cocktail
12.30pm Lunch
2.30pm End of lunch, send off guests
3pm Tea ceremony



i am wondering,if those who are having ROM on the same day as AD,do you still wear ur wedding band in the morning before the ROM?Wouldn't it be weird to wear the rings even before ROM?


New Member
Hi, I would like to have the AD schedule. Can someone kind enough to send to me??

my email address: [email protected]

Thanks alot!


New Member
Hi all,

My wife and i finished our wedding last year dec, and we do have a copy of the programme for the AD schedule. Not sure if it helps anyone out here... But if you do need something to start somewhere, please feel free to let me know and i am most happy to share it with you all


New Member
Ok.. so more or less I have gathered how my draft timetable for events will look like:

630am - MUA arrive
7am - VG arrive
730am - Gatecrash starts
830am - Leave for groom's hse for tea ceremony + buffet lunch
11am - change into Kua before leaving for bride's hse
1130am - Arrive at Bride's hse for tea ceremony
1pm - Leave to go to our own hse..
5pm - Reach restaurant to meet MUA.
630pm - Bride change back to Kua to greet guest.
745pm - Go back changing room to change into wedding gown.
830pm - Dinner starts.


Hi Binnie.. you will need more time for your make up.
My MUA told me that the average is about 2hrs so you might wanna allocate more time for that.


binnie - Yep. The MUA told me to allocate abt 2 to 2.5hrs for the morning. During my PS, the make up also took as long.


New Member
Hi our wedding is next week but we are still confused when to go back to our hse n where to change into kua before going back to my mother's house for tea ceremony..
So can i have a copy of the program too pls? My email is [email protected] thanks!!!


New Member
Hello.. Any one has AD schedule schedule for tea ceremony in the morning at both sides' house, then followed by wedding lunch and ROM?

Had wanted tea ceremony in hotel suite, but rejected by tinkin should b rather rushed, wonder if can make it a not.

My email: [email protected]

Thanks in advanced..

And we need to go down to wedding lunch venue to check sound system/blar blar blar is in order too?


New Member
Hi Ladies, I am new to this forum and desperately need advise in planning my AD program for my wedding. Plan is to have both solemnisation and tea ceremony on the AD reception. HTB is Australian.


I have draft plans on AD.

- Groom pick bride @ parent's house
- Go back groom house for tea ceremony
- Go for church ceremony after groom's house
- Go back bride's house after church wedding for tea ceremony.
- Outdoor shoot
- Hotel for wedding dinner

Anyway, we will be having a wedding service in church due to hubby's a non catholic.


New Member
Hi Kit,

From my MUA, usally it takes about 2 hrs for both make up and hairdo. Anyway where will you be having your lunch banquet?


New Member
Congrats! I'm having my at Hilltop Restaurant @ bukit batok. We are of different level I guess... ;p

I've asked my planner for you that if you reach hotel before 11am & your cocktail begin after 12nn, you may have time to change gown and touch up make up. Still, it greatly depends on your MUA skills, usually should be ok. How many tables for AD?


New Member
Hey all, ani idea or u all have a list that state what need to do or prepare as I really have no nuts. Our banquet more or less settled but still looking for other as they do not have free flow or beer and so lo. Any have a list of to do things can send me pls. Email is [email protected]
