Hi gals,
Just to share some of the unhappiness my friend had with her BS FRENCH at tanjong pagar. Her coordinator is cui ting.. My friend had very bad experience with this BS and the coordinator herself. During her gown selection, she pick a gown whereby she had some concerns as she felt is too plain.. so she requested cuiting if it is possible to add some diamond bits, crystal etc to the gowns to make nicer.. cuiting had promised her on that so in the end, she selected that gown based on such promise. But now, she twisted her words, saying that she can't do that for her.. cos once she start doing for one bride, she have to do for others.. in which i feel if that is the case, then dun even promise anything to my friend in the first place.. so my friend felt that she is being tricked to select that gown. So end up, cuiting say, AT MOST she can help her attach a BIG BIG RIBBON (currently in trend) behind her gown! Is the gown matching with the ribbon, cuiting is not even concern, does my friend likes the ribbon, is not her concern as well... i dun see any kinda of service from her... this is just one incident which i feel that cuiting is just too much.. on normal occassion, she always appear to be in a rush, not giving attention to my friend who needs help.... As my friend's AD is drawing near, she wanted to coordinate timing and discuss her hairdo with her Makeup artist, cuiting simply pass the MUA's mobile no to her and ask her to call herself. Even for the photo album, my friend asked her when will it be ready, she simply say she dunno... pass her the photogrpher mobile and ask her to call and check herself.. she say like tat easier to get things done! What kinda services is she giving?
And somemore, their package is not that cheap after all... their initial package can be cheap but it excludes lotsa things.. when i seriously compare my own BS package with my friend, though in price value, my is higher, but it includes lots more things, which turns out to be cheaper... of cos, sometimes it depends on ur bargaining power.. but if you really like french and considering taking them.. remember to squeeze them for lotsa of things.
I dun mean to spoil any moods of french brides here, just sharing a true incident that happen to my friend.. oh ya.. and do seriously consider their small fitting areas for brides.. cos i realised French like to fixed up alot of appointments for all brides to cramp and knocking onto each other when tryin on their gowns... don't look comfy for any brides to be...